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Chicago heroin thread v. blowin for blows

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"thanks sweetheart" ? Nah, I wouldn't think about adding insult to injury. ...I guess I'm not a dick like that. Hey, cool banner JJ. :)
I picked up two jabs from my new guy, Sun. I'm driving down 290, passed up a state trooper sitting on the side, Driving along, totally forgot about that cop that I saw about 15 mins. ago. I'm zigging and zagging through bumper to bumper traffic and I look in the rearview and that same state trooper is behind me! I'm in the right lane, I go to move into the middle lane and he lit me up. So i pull over(prior to that I was on the phone with my girl[I dropped the phone into my lap])I'm thinking he wants to give me a ticket for the phone, instead, he begins with the hard questioning.(he said he pulled me over for following to close. I can't even argue that.) Slick pig! "where are you coming from" "from my friends" "have you ever been arrested, When?" "yes, crack,(it was dope last April) about a year ago" "is there anythuing in the car or on your person?" "No, I don't even drink anymore" "Mind if I check?""I've been instructed by my lawyer not to let people search my vehicle" "if you have anything, I'm going to find it." I'm fucking high and have cotton mouth so bad, I can hardly talk. I tell him that I'm late for work and please be quick about it. He asks me what time I'm supposed to be at work and I don't even know what time of day it is. I gave him some random number and he tells me that I'm late already. He tells me to step out of my car, go to the back and put my hands on the trunk. He starts searching me, I have two jabs in the crack of my ass and I'm wearing sweatpants he's fucking pulling and patting, looking down my pants and I'm trying to be as relaxed as possible while clentching my buttcheeks together! Next, he tells me to take off my shoes and I'm fucking thinking about how many years I
m going to do in the penn. So I'm standing on the side of the 290 with no shoes on while he's looking and I'm just waiting for the shit to fall out. (I'm not a "big guy" like Pizza so there's not that much realestate in my buttcrack! LOL!) So he gives me my shoes back and it looked SO fucking awkward when I'm putting them on! lol. He tells me he's giving me a warning. I went straight to my job cause I didn't want to run into him on the express way. It's almost like he was waiting for ME to pass. But why so long!? I asked him why would he be searhing me and he said because I was arrested for drugs in the past and was coming from the westside. Grand/Ogden westside? More like yuppie side! I got on at Western and got pulled over at Central. That's a little distance.
Yeah, so how was your day?! LOL! And the guy that got me that connect, was stressing me about going to Algonquin the next day, after I worked 14 fucking hours. I'm like "dude you'll get your shit but I'm really tired!" Nope, I guess being tired is not a good enough reason to not wanting to get right back in the car and spend another 3 hours in it. So now, I'm a liar and a flake cause I don't want to kill someone on the street going to hand-deliver 3 measly bags after being up for more than 36 hours straight. Whatever, I got business in Elgin Fri., and that's when I'm gonna get the shit to him. If thats not good enough...I guess I'm just a baaaad man.
Speaking of staying up, does anybody else get insomnia when they're high? I slept to catch up. From midnight last night to 3PM today! That usually never happens. If I sleep 6 hours straight through, Im very lucky!
Anyway, be good you'all!
After this batch, i'm gonna ease back a little. Too many cops in my life lately.
Oh yeah, and the shit I've been using lately is "#1"stamp baggie and its that light grey dope(fucking radioactively hot!) Can someone help me figure out how to upload pics.? I want to upload some heroin porn! hehehehe.... -_-
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Cool, thanks, man. If its a hassle don't worry about it, NP. I just wish I knew how to do it. People make it look easy but I can't figure it out.
Cool, thanks, man. If its a hassle don't worry about it, NP. I just wish I knew how to do it. People make it look easy but I can't figure it out.

Its right to the point, just toy around with it and you'll get it....maybe lol.
In the blue light reply box, there is a button above the text box that allows you to insert the image URL so it will post like my picture above.
Otherwise it you can't get that to work just post the direct link to the picture to posting.org.

I'll be post again soon, gotta head to work.
JJ Out...
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Holy half g from the gods! I have never seen anything like it irl around here. Sandy brown color, chunky, little to no insoluble (water) inactives.

Waited a good bit since taking suboxone and definitely tasted, and felt that dreamy like euphoria. It'd been far too long.

Good thing is my best friend doesnt use actively anymore. He'll chip a couple times a year. So, I know hes not skimping.

Shayjaychi: that rocks that you snatched up some blows! Hellz yes.

Nod on.
itchyscratchy, holy shit dude. I would have been SHAKING!!!! I have been pulled over with a needle in my arm. Thankfully I was able to clean up and pull the old female crying deal. He let me go with a warning (I was speeding). I was shaking in my boots though; I cried just because of the fact that I narrowly missed jail and the inevitable cold turkey.
well wtf... how come i cant see this pic?? i enjoy drug porn as much as the next guy...
What's up BlueLighters?
I've read every H thread since the beggining and its really good read for me so I finally decided to say hi.
I've been using 9 years but since Ive moved out of the city (few years ago) I haven't used. Don't get me wrong, there are nice open air markets here but I just dont cop here for many reasons. But man...lately all I'm thinking about is the wild west. It's been a while since my last visit there n I'm sure there's lot of changes...
Hmmm ..Or maybe not lol!
Stay safe ppl!

Man, after reading some post from 2012 I'm sooo glad this thread is still here today
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What's up BlueLighters?
I've read every H thread since the beggining and its really good read for me so I finally decided to say hi.
I've been using 9 years but since Ive moved out of the city (few years ago) I haven't used. Don't get me wrong, there are nice open air markets here but I just dont cop here for many reasons. But man...lately all I'm thinking about is the wild west. It's been a while since my last visit there n I'm sure there's lot of changes...
Hmmm ..Or maybe not lol!
Stay safe ppl!

Man, after reading some post from 2012 I'm sooo glad this thread is still here today

The Good Ole' Days right?? Hitting the block is exhilarating, get your blood flowing even before you even cop lol 8) Be safe people...
Once you get raw for a while, there's no going back to garbage bags. I still enjoy a good sawbuck from the block every now and then, because the stamps (with dorm) do have their own little good feeling even when snorting.

TEAM NOD ASSEMBLE.....Later tonight lol... see you guys then. Try to hold your nods till then and remember, tomorrow is Narcotic Sweep day on the westside so cop only if you must :\

Holy half g from the gods! I have never seen anything like it irl around here. Sandy brown color, chunky, little to no insoluble (water) inactives.

Waited a good bit since taking suboxone and definitely tasted, and felt that dreamy like euphoria. It'd been far too long.

Good thing is my best friend doesnt use actively anymore. He'll chip a couple times a year. So, I know hes not skimping.

Shayjaychi: that rocks that you snatched up some blows! Hellz yes.

Nod on.

I must see this awesome stuff. I am itching to get some. It's been a few days. :( I hate going out cold though. I had a gun pulled on me last month so I am very leery about it.
Yeah you r right jjones good ole days!
Every fukin day on the WS for so many years. Well I'm only 1,5h away so thinking about hitting the blocks very soon. :)
Once you get raw for a while, there's no going back to garbage bags. I still enjoy a good sawbuck from the block every now and then, because the stamps (with dorm) do have their own little good feeling even when snorting.=D
glad you fonally found this out,raw is by far the way to go.somepeople who shoot like mix bags with the dorm and most novice snorters prefer the mixbags cause they think its stronger..but anyone with half a brain will soo realizr raw is the only way..sure there are good mix bags but there is alot of bullshit..i bet on average, a jab has like a half gram of dope in it and the rest is cut..so why not get a gram of raw thats the same price and if really needed just cut it yourself to stretch it

What's up BlueLighters?
I've read every H thread since the beggining and its really good read for me so I finally decided to say hi.
I've been using 9 years but since Ive moved out of the city (few years ago) I haven't used. Don't get me wrong, there are nice open air markets here but I just dont cop here for many reasons. But man...lately all I'm thinking about is the wild west. It's been a while since my last visit there n I'm sure there's lot of changes...
Hmmm ..Or maybe not lol!
Stay safe ppl!

Man, after reading some post from 2012 I'm sooo glad this thread is still here today
man those where the good old days..im sure i was rasing hell back then lol
Here's the dope itchy has been getting. He sent me this image and wanted it posted here. So after a day or two (not sure?) I said wtf and posted it.



I would post the bags I got / am doing but I don't have pics of them anymore. Like I said sunday I grabbed 5 bags. I haven't been doing it everyday so I still have some left. Not sure how much because I took 4 of the bags and mixed them together. I put them in a regular sandwhich bag and tore the corner off.

I did keep one foil alone so that I could try it. This is because I tried the heavy d bag by itself before i mixed em. Got 2 heavy d/naked ladys (with the staple) and 3 of the green tape laminated foils. The green tape is almost like a camo, but not really. Don't have pics.

The heavy D shit was really white and powdery while the green laminated foil was tan in color and looked way better. I havent done the foil yet.

Team nod assemble! Got court in the AM!!!!!
Wish me luck!

Good seeing you posting on here still, Chinkster!
Yeah ive been staying clean for the most part, i try and pop everynow and then but when i cop its a must..but 2 nights ago when i made the assemble post, that was tge only post i got in cause i was so high lol..the dope i had was pretty fuckin fire.. maybe even the best ive had in years honestly..and i took a couple small bumps and it was over..made the mistake of smokin a square later on to boost tge high and ended up puking my nuts off lol

Fuckin half gram got me 3 highs so im stoked..its nice have no tolerance on top of good dope
Def glad to hear ur doing so well. I don't have a habit at the moment but I might cop some subs Friday just in case. (( sub NSB? Lol ))

Anybody here ever heard of meetup.com and familiar with the meetup scene? We should had a bluelight chicago dope thread meetup Lol!!!

FYI: Meetup threads are not allowed.

I'm sure it would be full of cops though!!!

But damn it would be nice to get high with u all, fly chinky back from ATL, etc.

What happened to that chick who was posting a lot? Hope she's ok. Not u woamotive.... I remember u were all about some Jesus shit and talking shit about just doing subs and now ur all doped up proper.
Hope ur not using the black AMEX between ur legs. Actually it's not a black AMEX cause eventually that card will get swiped so much people that u can't afford to pay the puss tax and ur card will get declined.

I'm just kiddin, but really.

Night everybody
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Here's the dope itchy has been getting. He sent me this image and wanted it posted here. So after a day or two (not sure?) I said wtf and posted it.



I would post the bags I got / am doing but I don't have pics of them anymore. Like I said sunday I grabbed 5 bags. I haven't been doing it everyday so I still have some left. Not sure how much because I took 4 of the bags and mixed them together. I put them in a regular sandwhich bag and tore the corner off.

I did keep one foil alone so that I could try it. This is because I tried the heavy d bag by itself before i mixed em. Got 2 heavy d/naked ladys (with the staple) and 3 of the green tape laminated foils. The green tape is almost like a camo, but not really. Don't have pics.

The heavy D shit was really white and powdery while the green laminated foil was tan in color and looked way better. I havent done the foil yet.

Team nod assemble! Got court in the AM!!!!!
Wish me luck!

Good seeing you posting on here still, Chinkster!

Pretty sure I just drooled. Nice man! Ugh I need to get to the city!!!!!&#!#!! Please someone ride out with me.

Be safe bro! :)
Yeah, Cicero. Them #1s fucked me up. Even with my huge tol. I think I'm going to get some more.
....but that's the last time.
Thanks for doing that Obama phone!
Be safe ppl.
I wish I could get raw, Chink. I was able to get it only once. And the guy went away for attempted murder.
Now I'm struggling with the dilemma. Go on subs or get more.
My tol. Is so huge it takes me a jab to get fucked up.
I might just leave it alone for a while.
Chink, you got all itchy!? Lol
Itchy !!! Holly SHIT!!!
It takes a jab 4 u to get fucked up??!?? Lol
Man , u should give yourself a break for couple of days so your tol. goes down. Go on subs or something.
It will save u tons of cash too.
Musicinmyveins you obviously never have gotten raw. Its that much more potent..
It takes years of networking to procure connects lol ppl are paranoid rightfully after the 'War on Drugs' initiated in 2001. That's why the feds want to recruit you but I say fuck em....
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