Chicago Heroin II

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boti its been bitter cold lately so maybe they are out early? i mean who wants to put in a 10 hour day when its 15degrees and snowing out..dont get me twisted the real hustlers will be out but i dunno its easier to call it the day when you sell out, instead of goin to reup and hittin the block again like most will know come spring the blocks will be jumpin again

just my opinion, i could be way off

and imnotdp...your welcome
I don't think 6 months would be considered a binge.. I sorta think the limit on the definition of "binge" would be about a week. 6 months on the other hand I think would qualify as a bender.

LMFAO! No doubt...its not a downpour, its a deluge!=D

Edit: Purchased the "Brown Tapes"(reminds me of condom packaging...for a midget, of course) again today. Same sealed/non-tampered with blows...seems to come in dubs only(.2)...snorting half a bag floored me again(usually takes 120+mg of oxy to put me in a nod). Maybe I've simply never had really pure/good H, but I'm falling in love with these bags. I'd give them a solid 8/10, 10/10 in the "legs" I was stoned/euphoric/nodding for a good 10 hours.
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8/10 or 10/10 could easily be a 5/10 to someone that shoots the dope. 10/10 hasta just mean its fucking match head bumb size to get high.i wish my habit was fine with doing 120mg oc a day.
8/10 or 10/10 could easily be a 5/10 to someone that shoots the dope. 10/10 hasta just mean its fucking match head bumb size to get high.i wish my habit was fine with doing 120mg oc a day.

Yeah, I tossed my oxy habit to give some reference point for y'all...

These bags are much better than one 80mg oxy...not quite as strong as two I'd wager(in terms of initial euphoria, but they certainly have more "legs", imo...

I wish my habit was back to the 4 vicodin = euphoric bliss for 6 hours....sigh...

So, for someone who can easily snort 100-150mg oxy in one line, these bags are pretty damn good. For those with higher tolerances, adjust safe y'all.
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could someone post a picture of the bags you guys get? im from jersey and i always have a hard time imagining what your bags look like.
I can't remember if we need to use NSFW tags, so I did to be safe.

FWIW, if you are at work, it is probably not safe to be looking at a heroin thread.


In my experience I've had the following, most of which was posted above me:

Batmans: Mediocre dope
Skulls: Had a foil in the bag, this is probably the coolest looking bag I ever got, too bad the dope kinda sucked.
Dolphins: Sucked
Stars: Really sucked
8-balls: Mediocre
Dollar sign: Haven't had them since 2003/2004
Heavy D: guy had these for a long ass time, went anywhere from garbage to kicking ass
Spades: Also haven't had them since the old days, but I remember it being legit; first dope I ever tried, made me nod like a motherfucker!
Dice: Bags were, so so if I remember correctly, also haven't had this in years.
Blank: Would you like dope with your dormin? Garbage bag, worst of them all.
i havent done H since april 09 and I haven't bought baggies since probably February 09 (I started getting raw).

These are the ones that stick out...

batmans: yeah, I guess mediocre.
green aliens/dollar signs (from same spot): always high quality
blue devils: good back up to the dollar signs
Pink Panthers: BOMB for a few months in spring/summer 08.
Heavy D: mediocre to decent

I know I have gotten stars and lips and a bunch of others before but they don't really stick out in my mind.
^^^yeah blue devils was off the chain.

other ones thats decent is red lips/kisses, they small but decent always
The guy who runs that spot is a real cool guy.

I was in a halfway house with a couple girls who worked/lived on that block and we actually hung out with him and the guy who runs the green alien spot a few times.

Those are really two guys who are true businessmen about the game. They don't BS.
takin a break from dope for a long ass time, buddy called me up sayin hes got 40 mg opanas (oxymorphone) wohoooo :8o=D:D;):p
I discovered today that I am allergic to non-synthetic opioids.

Sucks man.

(Obviously I had my suspicions over the course of my dope addiction, but the same symptoms occurring when using PPT pretty much confirmed it. also, I realize dope is semi-synthetic but it usually has hydrolized morphine in it)
I can't remember if we need to use NSFW tags, so I did to be safe.

FWIW, if you are at work, it is probably not safe to be looking at a heroin thread.



Have tried the majority of those bags as well.

Batman: never had surprisingly.

Skulls: If I remember correctly, pretty decent. I did some only a few hours after taking like 4mgs of suboxone, didn't get high really, but it did shoot through the subs and give me a bit of euphoria. So not bad I guess.

Dolphins: Foil in a dolphin bag is what I got, and they were seriously awful.

Superman: I got superman bags that weren't that color but like yellow and grey I believe. The dope was seriously amazing. This was still when I tooted my dope and I was at the point where I had to toot like 4-6 bags just to feel decent, and doing one bag of this stuff had me feeling GOOD and nodding balls. Fat bags, afghan grey ish dope. Next time I went to the same spot where I got these I was ripped off and given empty foils. 8/10

Stars. Mediocre

8 balls: really fucking good. These and the one supermans I got and some of the red/black tape bags were the best stuff I've ever tried.

That's all I got for now.

I haven't done dope in two weeks about, should my tolerance have dropped a little bit? It's getting really low and it's awesome. I could bang 1.5 bags and be feeling pretty decent. I'm now on 1mg of subs and will be getting off soon. I want to get to the point where I can buy like 3 bags and have it rockin my shit all night.
Can I ask which dolphin bags you had? the one in the first or second row?
I discovered today that I am allergic to non-synthetic opioids.

Sucks man.

(Obviously I had my suspicions over the course of my dope addiction, but the same symptoms occurring when using PPT pretty much confirmed it. also, I realize dope is semi-synthetic but it usually has hydrolized morphine in it)

I thought you said you liked pod tea thats about as nonsynthetic as you get!

Anyways I bet people taxing like crazy on some opana...prolly better off with straight d if you lookin 2 nod.
I do like it, but I ended up getting pneumonia from bronchial swelling combined with the respiratory depression and cough suppressing effects.
Can I ask which dolphin bags you had? the one in the first or second row?

Th second row. I remember this one girl who use to hook my girlfriend and I up with dope (cuz she was a les and had a crush on my gf) brought these back and said they were REALLY good, and she was usually honest about stuff, but she didn't know too much about dope I guess. But they were crap, probably felt like taking a few norcos.
Yeah, I was just wondering because a few years ago, before he got the green alien bags, the same guy sold the dolphins, but the top row ones.

It was the same top-notch dope, just different bags.
yeah, the little design on these bags really doesn't mean anything at all, I'm sure they've all had good dope in them before as well as garbage. Dealers don't really try to make a "name brand" so to say, in the chi like they seem to do on the east coast. If they do it seems like it's more of the colored tape bags in my experience. It'd be cool for someone to upload a picture of the tape bags to give out of towners and idea, because I don't know if any other cities do it like us. Idk though.

My call up dude who I only go to now has different bags like every time I pick up from him, and it's always pretty good stuff. Not the best I've had but a lot better then the worst I've had.
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