Chicago clubs


Dec 24, 1999
anyone know of any good clubs in chicago for Dec 25th? Which clubs are house, trance... what type of crowd? etc...
Well I know its past dec. 25, buuuttt, for future ref. KARMA is an EXcellent club, I have never even been to CROBAR (which happens to be the "trendy" club in CHI). I have no reason to leave Karma for crobar... I hear that crobar gets unbearably crowded on saturday's, and plus crobar, usually, has the same couple DJ's (Pyscho-Bitch, and Teri Bristol, they didn't even bother to get some headliners for NYE....W>>>T>>>F!?!?). Crobar is definitely not all its hyped up to be, from wut I here. I guess I really shouldn't have an opinion on Crobar, but what the hell, I am supporting MY fav club. Karma has everything I, I stress I, want in a club. Its got three floors, three rooms (each plays a different style), they book headliner DJS (the likes of P. Oakenfold, Derrick Carter, etc.). Just like every other club u'll find bad points about it. Like for one a half liter of water is 4 f'in dollars (along w/ every other drink in the place, but heres a lil secret: the third floor guys WC (bathroom) has cold, running water in it, but don't tell I sent you
LOL), but its like an airport, its a captive market, and the US is the capitol of capitolism
LOL! Get to know the right people there and pill hook-ups are a breeze, as always, just be careful who you talk to about it tho. There are a lot of UC copps there, so if anyone asks you for a pill, even if they are an aquaitance, deny them. If they asked you they will ask other people 'til they find one. PLUR is held in high regard by most people at this "steppers" haven (it has a lot of floor space is all). But, as always you have "people" to deal with, if you catch my drift. I always have a lotta fun when I go w/ my friends, and I guess , theoretically, you could have fun ne where you go w/ your friends, or by urself for that matter. I find this roll friendly club to be satisfactory for my "fixes", musically, peoplelly
LOL, and drugilly
LOL. Well thats my take on, what I believe to be, a complete club in Chicago.
i was thinking of comin to chicago on nye to take my best friend to her first party.. can yoiu give me some info??? teh club sounds cool to me...we live in indianapolis,so itll be a drive but well worth it.thanks much.
Well, DJrollergrl, here goes. All the clubs in chicago are having SOME kind of NYE party. However, I don't think it is advisable to go to any of them. Here is why I think why. All the clubs have to close at a certain time due to alkeyhall laws
. Another good reason not to go to a club is its soooo damned expensive. Its $65 bucks to get a no-perks entry to Karma. What to do you ask. Go to the Dropbass, I think its called, millenial countdown. All the info you need is at their website, its: It will be in Milwaukee, starting at 7pm on the 31st, and ending at 8am on the 1st, plus aftrhrs. It costs only $35 dollars no matter how you get the, huh? There will be 6 rooms spread out over 3 floors, w/ a ton of floor space. They are planning on cutting the ticket sales off at 4000. It is only about an hour past chicago, that is, if you don't get lost. There will be plenty of good, and new talent there (its all on the website, check it out). I would say get up there around 5pm, cuz if you don't you could be waiting in line for 2 hours ne way. But whatever its up to u what u really wanna do.