• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Pharmacology CHEPLAPHARM Klonopin

This thread contains discussion about a Pharmacology-related topic


Apr 1, 2017
I am sure everyone knows that Accord stopped manufacturering clonazepam and have no idea when our if they will start back up. I also realize that many people dislike Accord. I however found them to be far superior to any of the other generics. My prescription is for 1 mg three times a day so every 8 hours. However with the Accord I noticed that I would sometimes forget to take my afternoon dose and could get away with only taking two on good days. Since they stopped manufacturing I am in Illinois and all I can get as far as generics are the new Teva which most people agree are definitely not the same as the old Teva clonazepam. My insurance will cover the brand Klonopin however I noticed that they are no longer made by Roche and are made by a company called H2 or H3 Cheplapharm which I filled 2 days ago but haven't taken any yet because I still have several of the Teva brand left. In the past I did try the Roche brand and found them to be superior to the Teva but not quite as strong as the Acord. As I said the Accord would last 12 hours and I would sometimes forget to take my second dose. The Roche brand Klonopin lasted about 10 hours whereas the Teva last 7 hours like clockwork. Since I can only take them every 8 hours I am stuck with a sick stomach for 90 minutes: three times a day - 60 Minutes to wait to take the tablet and then 30 more minutes for it to kick in. So my question is has anybody tried the new H2/H3 H3 Cheplapharm Klonopin and is it as good as the Roche brand? I like to think that if Roche allowed then to call then Klonopin that the formula is identical but hate making assumptions.
Can anyone attest to the quality of the H2/H3 H3 Cheplapharm Klonopin?
Thanks and regards,
Well the point with clonazepam is that if taken regularly, it should produce a fairly steady plasma concentration. They aren't SR formulations as far as I know so either they don't contain the stated dose OR you need a slightly adjusted dose. They make 0.5mg and 2mg tablets here in the UK and some doctors will BEGIN treatment with 2mg TID.

I think clobazam is now being used in many other nations and it's got a much longer duration of action. But it's VERY important that the doctor doesn't believe those equivalency tables. Clobazam is a 1,5-benzodiazepine and binds at different sites and so you can go into withdrawal even with clobazam being taken. You have to reduce one as you increase the other until appropriate results are achieved.
Thanks for your help.
I spoke with my psychiatrist about the Teva issue and he said he wanted to try something new so he switched me from clonazepam 1mg tid to 1mg alprazolam er tid. I was looking at benzo conversation tables until you mentioned that different benzos attatch to Gaba receptors in different ways. Although on one of my visits he actually showed me that you can look up benzo equivalencies with the conversation tables so...???
I looked up alprazolam and it is a triazolobenzodiazepine as opposed to clonazepam which is a standard benzodiazepine. Apparently triazolos are more addictive due to their different structure. Every website I looked at including the ones from the mfgs, including the brand Xanax XR one say that Xanax XR/alprazolam ER should be taken once daily in the morning.
So I'm wondering what he's thinking/doing prescribing them tid... I don't feel like they work as well as the brand Klonopin or Accord clonazepam.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
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I am suspicious of ALLSR formulations, they tend to dose-dump so the plasma level really isn't equal through the action BUT alprazolam is less dependence forming as less active at the a1 subtype, but possibly more addictive because of it's mood lifting properties.

I should add that should you wish to stop, clobazam IS a good way out. Yes, you will have some rebound anxiety BUT it will be muted by the clobazam and I've taken clobazam for YEARS and if I run out, I just feel edgy for a few days - MUCH less nasty than tapering and after a couple of weeks, you can just stop the clobazam.