Chat Room & IRC !


Nov 20, 1999
Hey all.... Just thought I would post this in a more visible spot.
Here is the dilly. The chat room can be access'd with the Java web page applet, or you can use an IRC client like mIRC or BitchX to get in. So it works out well.... Best of both worlds.
If you are going to be using IRC you want to connect to the server by once in, you will need to manually join #Bluelight the room is invisible to regular users. That way we have more of a private room.
If you are not IRC inclined, then use the web page/Java client. The link to it is
That really is the link... That is my domain name!
In any case.... Come on over ... It is fun there.... When people are there... That is why you should come.... Right now... Come on.... Go ahead... Klick the link.... Do it .... Do it... Go ahead....

See ya in there!
Reality is a Dream, our real life goes on while we are Dreaming!
Kay, um. The chatroom used to work for me, but now it says I gotta be invited, and there's never anybody there to invite me. Alas! Am I doing something wrong, E_gotrip?
~*~ Ashke ~*~
Ok I ok I messed up.... I made the room invite only.... but i left... and no one was a moderator.... so I had to trash the regular channel....
the New channel is setup already for the web pages.... but if you are using an IRC client, you want to join #bluelightchat
Sorry.... All fixed now....