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CD Social V. Dab or Die Tryin'

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ah man friday decided to stay in to save money(or not spend it at least... is there a difference?) eating left over pizza and drinking some orange soda. got some really nice purple though and already had a few beers so my eyes are getting pretty heavy already anyways.

am i too lazy to have a wank...? only time will tell...
Nice Man. I Am Enjoying Myself Right Now too ON sOME Benzos and Strong Cannabis Bud Smoke From My Bong And Joints Though.
Fallout 4 comes out tomorrow. <3

So excited. I'm gonna smoke myself into a coma and time travel to tomorrow. Later guys.
Just ordered a bubbler to replace the one I broke over 4 years ago!?! A little overdue and snagged with pocket change to boot :D

Tonight I'm hitting some 303 Kush wax on the banger and some Purple Chem flower on the bong.
screw a bubbler, man :D, bongs all the way.

finally got some legit LSD =D, so excited to try it out this weekend. some mind maintenance is well over due 8(
The last time I did L, the only worry we had about it not being legit was it simply being nothing. We didn't have to worry about dying because it was another chemical. The good ol days. Sex is better on DMT/ayahuasca though. I admit to hording psychedelics. I don't really trip anymore, suppose I should eventually do the rest of this DMT and MXE I've held onto for about 5 years now. Not like there's much left anyway.

I'm on tolerance break until I get my new pipe. :|
I've decided to cut down the amount I'm smoking. Some days I was smoking like 2-3 grams myself. 10+ pipes a day.

Not smoking now until 3pm and I've only had 3 shared so far. I will have another 1-2 to myself after dinner and that's me. I'm not worried much about any negative effects it's just the amount of smoking in general is not good for me.
2-3 grams a day is pretty normal for me tbh. I agree it is a lot of smoke to be inhaling. I've been trying to transition to wax but then I start smoking a gram or two of wax a day. I need someone to take all my weed away for a month so my tolerance will go back down.

the struggle is real my friends.
get melatonin mates!

i've realized weed doesn't affect me very significantly in terms of failing in life but it does impair me from doing anything constructive unless it's light course-work or something.

my main problem with weed is not having the money for it lol. so i take melatonin in the nights i can't smoke. the vivid dreams it produces it literally something i look forward to =D.

otherwise i have a friend who smokes and ungodly amount and is always by one of my main locations i smoke at. he's gotten to the point where he puts wax, kief, hash, fuanta and weed in it. like every joint so once i'm around him i get smoked out for free. i prob smoke wed-sunday every week. only over the weekend is the weed paid for by myself.
Two hits of a pipe of very high end sativa based shatter on top of the premium colas of OG kush. Really is so strong, much stronger than iceolator even, taste is incredible :)
patriotism is great and all but damn it seems like the public is WAY too war hungry. We all know that terrorism is bad but I don't think the solution is more violence, death and destruction. I am of the opinion that it is war and violence that breeds terrorist to begin with. The war on terrorism is just as ironic as the war on drugs. In the end, it is more often than not the victims of these wars that join the opposing side.

/end rant. begin live resin dab.
I posted this quote to my Facebook 4 years ago today, it came up under the "On This Day" this morning. I thought it was appropriate

There is no flag big enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.

Off to a rosin dab for me.

Anyone else ever check out functional art glass shows? I was at the JD Maplesden show last night in Malibu and the work was simply incredible. There was an $8000 Fear and Loathing piece that I'll post a picture of if I can figure out how. Collaboration between JD and Hoobs.
fuckin a man that about sums it up right there.

This whole "WE GOT YOUR BACK PARIS MY NIGGA" seems like it will quickly translate into "blood for blood before they come at us" and "not on our soil".... When in reality, the bombing in Paris was a tragedy, yes, but it was a symptom or consequence of something much greater. The middle east is a wasp nest that has been getting poked by sticks from every major military force and corporation for the last 50+ years. Or another analogy might be that the middle east is a gold mine that we, and other major military forces have been stacking loads of dynamite and C4 by the ton for the last 50+ years, and every now and then one of those bricks of explosives gets hurled back to places like Paris.

As it always is in history, history will soon be forgotten.

Ok that was the short version. fucccck.

Tried some 4aco dmt today.. just a low dose. Not like I had expected, but not in a bad way at all. It felt pretty psychedelic but I didn't feel as mind fucked, like a light mushroom trip but more energetic and clear headed high. Pretty pleasant.. def going to try again.

These live resin dabs though oh my... off to go cough myself into bliss
mmmmm wowowowow

chillin reallin hard on some lsd... very psychedelic just typing this sentence up haha....

Here is to not letting the all the madness in the world drive us all completely mad!

peace, buds, and grub
I always felt like I was getting lost in a computer screen when I'd chill online waiting for my hit to peak (same deal with mirrors, too)

Mouse cursor trails are so much fun when you're 15 and tripping. ^_^ Haven't dosed any hallucinogen in damn near a decade, though.... feel like my mind's too fragile nowadays to handle that kind of fuckery.
Have a good trip mafioso!
The come up is my least favorite part of the trip, usually like to stay as busy as possible or do something creative to avoid overthinking about how much time has passed.

Been smoking hash all night, gonna one more spliff
damn acid and benzos are fucking heaven. took 8 hits and like 20 .5mg ativans.
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