• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

cd cover game v. 3.0 or something

Like that, but wider. making it 500x500 was the result. I can't even make a sale in the bargain bin at Walmart with that pitiful cover. You're killing my sales, alasdair!
Now this is a group I can get behind.


They could be the next Radiohead or Rhianna. Fingers crossed.
you could have cropped it?


Nope. It would have been even smaller. The image is distorted so much, that you can barely see the tiny wasp behind the bee, which looks like a cockroach. At any rate, the band name Dzierzazno doesn't exactly scream Top 40. They were doomed from the beginning.
I'm trying to imagine the genres these albums are from and it's mostly coming up post-rock.
oh, they're pretty much all shoe-gazing post-rock.

I noticed that too. So to widen our demographic, I may have hit the refresh button on the pic option a couple (26) of times, but I think I may have found some music for our urban audience. I HAD to cheat with the pic. Butterflies and oceans just ain't gangsta!
