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Cars and tripping, wtf?

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Being a PASSENGER in a car while on a high dose of mushrooms on in an unfamiliar part of town at night was fucking incredibly fun....but holy shit, even ATTEMPTING to drive would be a challenge and a half, let alone trying to do it on public roads. On private property you're welcome to do whatever the hell you like - it might even be quite fun booning around a paddock out of your mind (assuming you don't hit a tree lol), but for the love of god please don't ever consider driving under the influence of a serious mind and perception altering substance on public roads.

Personally I agree with one of the above posts regarding cannabis and driving being *relatively* safe. I've done it many times and feel completely in control, though I do have a fairly high tolerance to the shit now which helps significantly. If I were to remove my tolerance and go back to how it used to be, there's no fucking way I'd get behind the wheel lol....I used to debate whether or not I'd even go down to the kitchen to satisfy my munchies as I knew I'd have a hard time getting back up the stairs :p
This thread is lame.

WTF is it an American thing no it's a fucktards thing tbh.

If you want to trip balls don't drive

/This fucking thread.
I personally have never driven while tripping, but a friend of mine seems to able to drive very well on them. He's only taken LSD once and that first time he did it he drove us through the canyon and back down on the come up and comedown, and while tripping on shrooms (very low dose) he drove us, and pulled the closest left turn I have ever seen, so there's that.

I wouldn't reccomend it, it's extremely unsafe, and don't be an idiot like I was and never get in a car with anyone tripping behind the wheel.
Not judging. Personnaly, I've never driven while tripping. Also, if I drink, I don't drive. And if I have to drive after having smoked, I wait until I'm sober enough. I sleep 2 hours in my car if necessary.
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I was the one who started a thread about driving on nitrous.

I'm not saying that I disagree with the sentiment that anyone driving while under the influence should be ashamed and that it is a crime to society. I'm sorry. BUT you all are being very naive and assuming to start making your own conclusions that driving on ________ is okay for the most part, but driving on _________ is somehow sooooooo irresponsible whoever committed that crime should be be locked up. JESUS CHRIST, don't you realize that safety is sooo relative and subjective depending on the person AND the situation you are driving in on the road. The difference between driving on a back country road with no cars out surrounding you whatsoever, and manuevering through rush hour traffic when you're in a hurry is night and day and you can't just start making blanket statements. Sounds like you're just getting on your high horse to make yourself feel better about driving on weed or any other drug for that matter you like to take while driving.

Seriously, I know what I did was wrong, but stop judging. Personally, I have been waaaay more unfit to drive on weed than I have been on nitrous. Weed can cause me severe anxiety and second guess every decision I make on the road. Ive blown through stop signs multiple times while driving and forget where I needed to turn in which I had to make a split second decision on weed. Only I can tell how safe I am being by how I feel behind the wheel and my ability to pay attention and EXECUTE.

How about alcoholics going through w/d who actually drive MUCH better and safer at a BAC of .08 - .15 for example. They're on drugs so they're being unsafe right? Wrong! We don't go around saying everyone who drives when they are sleep deprived should be locked up. How about you missed 2 nights of sleep, should they be put to death, because that is REALY irresponsible - like being at a .28 BAC.

Anyone ever not feel sharp after partying all weekend? Yeah, you should be locked up for rushing to work on Monday morning. Like I said, get off your high horse.
Agreed. Driving on mushrooms or acid or something is a bit of a bad idea, but driving on nitrous, or any dissociative, is completely irresponsible and should never ever be done. It's endangering to others, and is a real crime that should be punished severely. Completely insane to think that there are people who think it's OK to operate a motor vehicle in that kind of state.

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Wow could you possibly be more unfit to drive on weed than nitrous? Nitrous is a powerful dissociative that for several seconds puts you totally out of reality, during that time ANYTHING could happen. On weed you're not out of reality although it sounds like you shouldn't drive on weed either so that's good you realize that. I'm just like... nitrous?? I have driven on a variety of substances, especially like the DOC plateau where the peak is over and I just feel like I can do everything better. I have ended up driving because I came up early on stuff. It's not like I never end up doing it a little. But dissociatives? I would never, ever drive on those. Just seems crazy...
Driving on mitrous is even beyond stupid, I'd rather drive on mushrooms or something, nitrous pulls you out of reality for a brief period, if you're driving anything could happen. Driving on nitrous has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I know which thread you're talking about, I commented on it there too.

No, I was not pulled out of reality. I was in reality and actually driving quite better than what you would like to assume. I think you forgot the part about how drugs react differently in everyone. No, what is dumb is 75 y/o asian women who are 5'2" driving. Now THAT is dumb. You all should go start a coalition to bring awareness to that and get off my back.
You have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm afraid you, my friend, have no idea what you're talking about. If you think you're alright to drive on dissociatives, you're not connected to reality as much as you thought. Sorry, this is a harm reduction forum, I'm not judging you, I'm making a point for everyone else reading this so that some kid doesn't see this and say "jee, i bett i cn driv on nitris cuz this guy did!!"
Dude, driving on dissociatives is hands down more dangerous than driving on weed. I can't believe you would even debate that. It's probably not the best idea, but saying they are the same is ignorant. I don't drive on weed, but I'm OK with being a passenger to a chronic friend who's had a toke.

It really freaks me out that there are people out there who think it's ok to do nitrous and drive. But thank you for sharing your story, because for the safety of myself and my kid, it's good to know the truth that there are people out there who feel it's acceptable to put other's lives at risk for your own kicks.
One time I had a friend whom had just taken a hit of lsd without me knowing; he was our only ride out of the area we were in. H when he revealed it we decided the best idea would to be to get the hell out of there back to my town as soon as possible. It was about a 30 min drive so we thought we would be fine (keep in mind I was already on the come up) 5 minutes from our destination he starts giggling. I'm like "what's so funny?"
"Don't freak out but.. that light up there, which color is is, red or green?"
Turns out it was yellow and we barely made it through...
Driving on psychedelics is extraordinarily irresponsible.
My anxiety was pretty bad too; could have turned into a bad trip. I was fearful that his driving would attract the attention of cops and they would see our pupils and instantly know somthing was up.
I was watching for cruisers like a fucking HAWK.

Again; don't do this
You have no idea what you are talking about.

I think you'll find general consensus is that it's actually YOU who has no idea what you're talking about. Your terrible attitude in your comments here confirm this.
^Yes, certainly there are some roads that have no traffic and are fine to drive on if you're not completely sharp. However, there are just as certainly a great many situations in which being high on any substance at all is unacceptable. From an HR perspective, if we ever want to see changes in national/global drug policies then drug users as a community will need to take this issue VERY SERIOUSLY.

Last year just before thanksgiving, I picked my girlfriend up from an airport and drove towards home, completely sober, on a route that takes about an hour and a half. Less than 30 minutes from home, at about 11 PM, I saw two cars approaching me from ahead: one a moving van-sized truck in the opposite lane, the other a sedan full of teenagers in my lane, coming at me. Not passing, just playing chicken. All three vehicles moving faster than 55 mph. I had to move off the road to avoid a head-on, but it was raining and the shoulder was muddy so I couldn't stop my car before hitting a metal barrier alongside the road. The car was totaled but we were safe. I shudder to think of what could have happened if I was just a little less lucky.

The point being, you never really know what's going to happen on a public road and driving can be dangerous even when it feels safe. That's why people have such strong reactions to this topic.
Well said. Car fatalities are a really big cause of death, a lot of people have lost someone or had someone seriously injured by a car accident. Being on any substance (or nitrous :|) while you're driving makes this more likely to happen. So you have to understand why people react strongly. Come on dude.
OK, didn't mean to come across like I was defending driving on nitrous. I thought I was being pretty clear in making the point that safety is relative depending on the person's personal interaction with the drug and the situation on the road. For me, I'll restate that yes, I am more unfit to drive after taking several big bong tokes than taking a hit of nitrous every 3 - 4 minutes. And, I am BY FAR more unfit to drive while tripping on shrooms / LSD. You all talk about leaving your reality on nos... Yes, this is true when hitting chargers back to back to back, I would never do this.

I just don't agree with people who think driving on weed is so much safer than where I was at on nos when for me it truly isn't and they get on the soapbox. And when I said you don't know what you are talking about, I was referring to the statement that driving on LSD or shrooms is safer than nos. I could never imagine driving on shrooms or LSD. On a hit of nos every 3 - 4 minutes, I am by far less inhibited than I would be in that state.

I don't plan on doing this again, I realize I did something wrong and am not proud of it.
As a pedestrian and cyclist I'd rather people were sober when driving massive metal boxes, especially at night.

I have caused an accident ( was stupid, no lights and a motorbike crashed trying to avoid me at an awkward corner ) I can tell you it's a fucking horrible experience standing over someone in the road praying that they're going to sit up.
I was lucky the guy was OK.
If you do cause harm its going to haunt you forever. If you're sober and following the laws you can tell yourself it was a random thing. If you're high when it happens I imagine the guilt will be much worse.
This is a Harm Reduction forum and driving under the influence can do a lot of harm to yourself and others. There is not a question about that and if you disagree you are deluding yourself. Often there are other considerations like if you want to trip somewhere that is too far from your home to walk and you can't arrange a designated driver. Sure that sucks, but don't try to justify driving under the influence of drugs.
I really don't care if you feel sharper on one drug but less so on another, this is a slippery slope and nobody should take any of your lopsided arguments to mean that they can jeopardize the health and safety of other people. Period.
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