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Cars and tripping, wtf?

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alf meneas

Feb 13, 2014
OK, I could have just posted in the nitrous thread, but that was just a spur to say something.
That account that seemed to describe inhaling nitrous every 3 to 4 minutes while driving, and continuing despite experiencing convincing all-sense hallucinations... however there's mentions of cars and driving that pop up in LOADS of threads on here.

Is this an American thing?

The closest I've been to my car while tripping was writing "MAGIC" in big swirly letters in the frost that covered it the first time I took lsd.

Seriously, driving a big metal box around in public while under the influence of substances that distort your perception of reality is NOT OK.
Driving while intoxicated is fun, that's why. Irresponsible, but pure fun
It's not just irresponsible, it's potentially lethal. You could kill a kid. For fucks sake, dont do it.
Driving on cannabis is the only thing that isn't dangerous. I can't imagine driving on a psychedelic especially living in Los Angeles. Recently a homie was on shrooms and wanted to drive late at night but I talked him out of it. I just feel like you'd be behind the wheel and suddenly you'd just be like wait...I'm driving on fucking shrooms and trip out. Also just the visual distortions alone make it dangerous.
Yeah, driving while tripping is a REALLY bad idea, unless maybe you have a giant lawn or empty space to drive on your own property where there are no cars you can hit, but even then you can still hit inanimate objects haha.

Here's my story:

For my 19th birthday about 15 years ago I tried LSD for the first time (gel tabs).

First, on a Saturday night I took 2 with a bunch of friends and to this day I only remember small bits and pieces of the trip like feeling sick and watching Alice in Wonderland the cartoon movie because I blacked out.

But the next day I took 3 gels with just one friend and it was a beautiful spring day.

It was one of, if not THE single best drug experience of my life.

We ran around outside in the beautiful weather on acid and I have a large lawn.

Eventually, we decided to drive my car around my front yard because it's large enough to do so, and we listened to Suicidal Tendencies "Trip at the Brain" while driving around haha.

Actually, it was my friend driving my car with me in it, and we had a good time...UNTIL he backed up into a fence we have around our garden, destroying it haha (the fence, the garden was ok thankfully).

We crossed the fence beams and left them like that and when my parents came home my little brother was cool enough to bail me out, making up a story about how he'd sat on the fence and broke it (thanks little bro).

I also did drive a few feet down one street RIGHT next to my house on this trip and up the driveway, but that was it.

Another great experience was being driven around by my sober friend during my first shroom trip.

Felt almost like a spaceship.
Never driven on Psychedelics but the OP made me remember righting "JOY" in the snow covering the hood of a car. Tough memories, friendships went sour after that. It was a beautiful peak, but so much sadness after.

To redeem myself and be on topic, I have friend who drive high on RC's, I really don't dig that stuff. Even driving high can be dangerous if you get coughing and get those weird head spins as a result. And tripping in the passenger seat sucks.
I personally would never drive under the influence of anything but cannabis and alcohol. But I know my limits on both of those. It's not like I pound down 10 shots then hop behind the wheel. More like have 3 beers, then drink some water, then drive.

I absolutely LOVE riding passenger when I'm piss ass drunk though, I can lean out the window, shout at people, etc. Way, way fun.
I wish driving on psychedelics wasn't so dangerous because the few times I have were really fun, just blasting tunes and driving the short drive home from a friends.
It's always been in a small ass town on deserted streets at 4am and always when almost completely come down.
I would wanna go on like a closed race track with like a 5 point harness and shit for safety or a real big dope go kart track while tripping nuts.
Would be soooo fun
I personally would never drive under the influence of anything but cannabis and alcohol. But I know my limits on both of those. It's not like I pound down 10 shots then hop behind the wheel. More like have 3 beers, then drink some water, then drive.

I absolutely LOVE riding passenger when I'm piss ass drunk though, I can lean out the window, shout at people, etc. Way, way fun.
If I was driving and you were hanging out the window yelling I'd make you get out and walk
Driving on mitrous is even beyond stupid, I'd rather drive on mushrooms or something, nitrous pulls you out of reality for a brief period, if you're driving anything could happen. Driving on nitrous has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I know which thread you're talking about, I commented on it there too.
Because water is an alcohol antidote ?
Not what I said, it's simply an attempt to dilute the contents of my belly. And either way, it's usually an hour or two after I stop drinking that I end up driving, it's perfectly normal and under the legal limit.

If I was driving and you were hanging out the window yelling I'd make you get out and walk
Well good for you, my friends don't seem to care. It's not like a drunk person is driving, nor do we ever have incriminating substances or anything on us.
Driving on mitrous is even beyond stupid, I'd rather drive on mushrooms or something, nitrous pulls you out of reality for a brief period, if you're driving anything could happen. Driving on nitrous has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I know which thread you're talking about, I commented on it there too.

Agreed. Driving on mushrooms or acid or something is a bit of a bad idea, but driving on nitrous, or any dissociative, is completely irresponsible and should never ever be done. It's endangering to others, and is a real crime that should be punished severely. Completely insane to think that there are people who think it's OK to operate a motor vehicle in that kind of state.
Driving on DOC made be a better driver lol. Not politically correct but the truth. I was focused and aware of any hazard or threat to me or my vehicle, but at the same time calm and relaxed.
RUSHDAFUNK I believe on a small amount of a compound like DOC it would be possible to "be a better driver"; the effects of DOC should include some stimulation, wakefulness and sensory dilation.. but there is a line you can cross where you are tripping balls, and it becomes sketchy because you can become distracted easily, or your perception is actually distorted.. be careful with that please.

edit: On second thought, it's way to easy to overestimate your abilities whilst high. Just don't drive on any sort of drug. We're better than that.
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this site is supposed to be for harm reduction. Shaking my head looking at some posts here
Well good for you, my friends don't seem to care. It's not like a drunk person is driving, nor do we ever have incriminating substances or anything on us.
Still a good way to draw the attention of the cops. Drugs or not it is a major inconvenience to have your car searched.
I have driven much higher on ketamine than any other drug, I can vouch that this is a TERRIBLE fucking idea
Never ever ever think of doing it ever. Ever ever ever fucking ever
When I used to drive on ketamine quite a bit I was almost in quite a few accidents in such a short span of time it was ridiculous
Agreed. Driving on mushrooms or acid or something is a bit of a bad idea, but driving on nitrous, or any dissociative, is completely irresponsible and should never ever be done. It's endangering to others, and is a real crime that should be punished severely. Completely insane to think that there are people who think it's OK to operate a motor vehicle in that kind of state.

2nd, though i have drove friends around before dosing, shrooms, they were already tripping, it was dark, started to see the reflection of deer eyes so i slowed down some, good thing as three small deer hopped in the road and if i hadnt slowed down i would have plowed through them. all my tripping friends were like were those real?? i was like fucking ya man. we passed some traffic barrels and just driving in the country, a friend thought my car was a spaceship, i loled pretty hard on that. after the whole deer thing i was ready to get to my friends to chill and take my dose. though i have driven after eating 2gs shrooms, had to make a couple extra stops and was coming up before i got home, i can see the fun, but only on country roads and no where near neighborhoods, and at night, the place i was staying at the time was very rural. but i was young and dumb and wouldnt do that again. though i did want to keep driving and explore, i instead went for a walk with friends in the sticks. "weeping willow, why are you so sad?"
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