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Can't unsee it


Mar 18, 2009
Simple question...

If you stumble across information that your partner is likely cheating on you, but the information was obtained through violating their privacy, is it safe to really call them on it?

Some context: my partner was sitting right next to me on the couch, using my computer to check his e-mail. I glanced over and looked at the screen, and saw that he was responding to an e-mail with a Craigslist designation. The subject like was "men seeking men". He immediately deleted it and we didn't exchange words. I was so shocked that I'm not even sure anymore if what I saw was real.

I didn't mean to invade his privacy, but now I can't unsee what I've seen.

We haven't been intimate for almost a month now, so it would make sense if he was seeing other people. My concern is that it puts me at risk, and also it's just damned disloyal. I'm not necessarily against an open relationship but if you're not communicating your desires to me then that isn't giving me a fair opportunity to decide where I stand.


P.S. I fucking hate being in this position, of having to out somebody because they are too much of a coward to be honest with me. I HATE IT.
I appreciate your concern that obtaining the information though a privacy violation might be the greater misdeed, as it often turns out that way.
But that's just not the case here. He was sitting right next to you! When you're next to someone (even a stranger) it's no big deal to glance at their screen or the name of the book they're reading, it's just -- it happens. You didn't snoop through anything to "catch him" doing something untoward, you couldn't help but notice what he was reading about.

When you bring this up, and you must, don't let him make you the villain, because you're not. And he's no stranger on a plane, he's your partner! If someone's sitting next to me and I want to look at something super private, I move! I don't fault them for noticing something that's -- right there!
No, you violated nothing and found this out by perfectly reasonable actions.

What he was informing himself on were strangers, men who's health status he did not know, and ways to have casual encounters with them. That's not just about him, that's about both of you (obviously.)
I don't follow that just because you haven't been intimate in a while, it makes sense if he's seeing other people.
There are open relationships, then there are anonymous ones in which neither knows the others health status, which are what one can expect from Craigslist.

The gay men AIDS numbers are ridiculously high in this country because many men fear that testing positive will render them responsible, should they have unprotected sex with another, for catching the very serious charge of straight-up assault with a deadly weapon. So they don't get tested. I'm not referring to you or your partner, but they're out there, and they don't give jack about what happens to anyone else, and early detection is the difference from living a normal life span with HIV with early treatment, or allowing it to become AIDS and take your future, your health, and your life.
I know you know all this, it's just beyond me the blatant disregard he has for informing you he's looking for (hopefully just looking so far) someone without cluing you in. You're right to be angry and you're right to not let it go.

It's also insulting to you as a compassionate partner, because it implies he couldn't come to you and tell you about this. And it sounds to me you're more than willing to discuss an open relationship, or make adjustments as need be, pretty much what a caring, loyal partner does.

You do deserve and need to know where you stand.

I don't see any other way than you've got to talk to him about it. It's too important not to; if not to him, it is to you. Let him know you're not against an open relationship. And let him know you're concerned for his health and your own. Tell him it's torn you apart knowing you have to confront him on this, you wish he'd have brought it up, but someone had to. And say it as kindly as possible; people open up to kindness, they shut down to accusations and ultimatums.

But I agree; you CAN'T unsee this! For his well being but especially your own! Nobody's worth rolling the dice every time you have sex with them.
And I'd completely put it out of my head (if you can) how you came by the information. If he says glancing at his laptop screen is an invasion of privacy, just say, "No, you were right beside me, I was hardly snooping. But I wish to God I'd never seen it." That's true, it's impossible to argue, and it'll show him the pain you're
feeling and the betrayal of finding out the way you did. Don't let him put this on "Well why were you snooping then?" You merely glanced at a screen next to you. I do it, everyone does it; don't even give that argument oxygen to live; it's not even an argument, it's an attempt to distract from the issue. And a lame one, at that.

I wish you well, and I understand how frustrating this got to be. But the way you found it out? I think it's a non-issue; I really do.

(My first little post against your over 5,000 of them!) :\

Well, my opinion probably won't hold much weight, but I had to put my $.02 in because I can see you're struggling with this. You deserve to know what you're
dealing with when it affects you as this could. Be kind, be firm, and be prepared for whatever answers he may give. Could he have wanted (subconsciously even) you to see it, in an effort to let you know his intentions. He may say he reads those ads for kicks, he'd never answer one or post one.
I've no idea, but be prepared for his answers. It's out there, so it has to be addressed.

You can't control his response(s). All you can control is how you handle them; without anger, without regretful words, and with all the kindness you can muster. (You'll regret it later if you don't handle it with decorum, calm, and sensibility.)
You can throw things against the wall later!

I wish you every happiness. :D
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I caught my ex out in a huge lie when he was on line on a dating website. Hed left my computer on and hadnt ligged out. When he got home I called him out on it and he said I was invading his privacy. However he was living with me and had told me over and over we were together and I was pregnant and he had invaded my entire life .

Then he left his phone open and visible for a while and he was already arranging to sneak away and leave the state on me.

Sometimes you just gotta realise that you may have just inadvertently stumbled upon a clue your partner is not your partner at all and needs to be gotten rid of to save further heartache.

Sorry. Hes not being loyal. Its all well and good to look together for fun but browsing and replying is not on.
That's hardly violating his privacy.... I thought you like hacked his computer or something. He was on YOUR computer.. sitting NEXT to you.

But you know.. he could be just looking? Maybe he didn't do anything.

I would just ask him in a more.. curious way not accusatory.

Like, hey.. we haven't had sex in over a month-- that's a little concerning... wanna talk about it? Everything ok? Why do you feel we're not having sex? What would you like to change? happen..? etc.

Then you can go into...
the other day on the couch, I saw you looking at a craigslist ad "men seeking men"... just wondering where we're at.
I appreciate your concern that obtaining the information though a privacy violation might be the greater misdeed, as it often turns out that way.
But that's just not the case here. He was sitting right next to you! When you're next to someone (even a stranger) it's no big deal to glance at their screen or the name of the book they're reading, it's just -- it happens. You didn't snoop through anything to "catch him" doing something untoward, you couldn't help but notice what he was reading about.

exactly this. if he was doing it while sitting right next to you its likely he wanted you to see it, maybe to inspire you do something, like initiate some intimacy, or maybe discuss why you havent been intimate. a privacy violation would be you digging through his stuff when he's not around, not looking at what he's doing when he's sitting right next to you.
Sometimes you just gotta realise that you may have just inadvertently stumbled upon a clue your partner is not your partner at all and needs to be gotten rid of to save further heartache.

Sorry. Hes not being loyal. Its all well and good to look together for fun but browsing and replying is not on.

Yes, this. I'd be very surprised if he was just exploring or trying to incite conversation about a recently dwindled (?) sex life. There is a good chance that this has been going on a long time, or at least has happened before now. If I hadn't done this before and was just thinking about it, then the anxiety and novelty of the action would mean that I'd probably be doing it well away from you, and not just casually replying to a hookup ad whilst sitting next to you on the couch. That to me implies this isn't something new.

Also, you haven't violated his privacy at all. Glancing is not violating his privacy. The issue should have been raised there and then really. Is there any reason why it wasn't? Because if he tries to accuse you of violating his privacy over this, and you're seemingly concerned about the potential for that carrying any weight, then it maybe indicates your apprehension of a reaction from a manipulative personality.

Even if you had checked his emails out of suspicion, the violation of privacy moral high ground kind of collapses when you find pretty much irrefutable evidence that they've been fucking people behind your back.
Thanks everyone for the responses. I realize now I was not invading his privacy, I'm just being ridiculously considerate.

I doubt he did it so I could see it. He's not tech savy, like I said. He doesn't realize that I have a very, very fast reading comprehension. I can glance at a screen and know its contents within less than 5 seconds. Whereas he is the opposite... he uses the internet in a very slow way, types with a few fingers. He would never understand just how fast people can see things.

We had sex yesterday morning and it was nice. Not that that changes anything, and I could technically be at risk.

I haven't confronted him yet. We did talk about relationship stuff though. He said that he doesn't want to jump into another 10 year marriage with me. He wants to keep it light and enjoy each other's company. He wants freedom but will always be accountable. I think he really does care about me and would do anything to not hurt me; but in his mind, relationships can be private. Like, if he is seeing someone else, he wouldn't need to tell me about it as long as I'm safe. That's his freedom mindset. He can love who he wants, when he wants, how he wants, as long as nobody gets hurt. I can see this in him.

He doesn't even tell most people that he and I are together. He is afraid of their projections and he doesn't want to get pegged into another "marriage" dynamic. His paranoia about being stuck or beholden to people really seeps into everything.

So I dunno what to think. We obviously need to have a talk. His behaviour is unpredictable. I guess I just need to decide what I want and if he can meet that or not.

I realize that I also need a lot of autonomy in relationships, not to see other people, but just to have my space. Maybe I keep attracting partners like this to show me that I also value freedom more than I realize.
You know he's cheating on you. Break up now. Or do you have an open relationship?

i dont know the details of OP's relationship, but depending how long they've been together, this is relevant: is a relationship considered to be exclusive or non-exclusive before you talk with each other specifically about exclusivity? as far as i can tell, some think its one and some think its the other, and i've never really gotten a solid answer on which its supposed to be. if relationships are non-exclusive prior to exclusivity being discussed and agreed upon, then the partner cant really be faulted for not being exclusive, because he didnt know it was expected of him (and thats if he really is getting some strange on the side).

i'm not taking his side or anything, but OP at this point you really need to discuss your relationship with your partner, if you havent discussed exclusivity then you have to at this point, your hand is being forced. if you had previously discussed it, then you can dump him for cheating on you (if you just know he is, even without proof, then he probably is), or you can re-evaluate and switch it to being non-exclusive and more casual, or whatever you decide will work best for you.
Talk to him openly and if it seems right end relationship right now
Thanks everyone for the responses. I realize now I was not invading his privacy, I'm just being ridiculously considerate.

I doubt he did it so I could see it. He's not tech savy, like I said. He doesn't realize that I have a very, very fast reading comprehension. I can glance at a screen and know its contents within less than 5 seconds. Whereas he is the opposite... he uses the internet in a very slow way, types with a few fingers. He would never understand just how fast people can see things.

We had sex yesterday morning and it was nice. Not that that changes anything, and I could technically be at risk.

I haven't confronted him yet. We did talk about relationship stuff though. He said that he doesn't want to jump into another 10 year marriage with me. He wants to keep it light and enjoy each other's company. He wants freedom but will always be accountable. I think he really does care about me and would do anything to not hurt me; but in his mind, relationships can be private. Like, if he is seeing someone else, he wouldn't need to tell me about it as long as I'm safe. That's his freedom mindset. He can love who he wants, when he wants, how he wants, as long as nobody gets hurt. I can see this in him.

He doesn't even tell most people that he and I are together. He is afraid of their projections and he doesn't want to get pegged into another "marriage" dynamic. His paranoia about being stuck or beholden to people really seeps into everything.

So I dunno what to think. We obviously need to have a talk. His behaviour is unpredictable. I guess I just need to decide what I want and if he can meet that or not.

I realize that I also need a lot of autonomy in relationships, not to see other people, but just to have my space. Maybe I keep attracting partners like this to show me that I also value freedom more than I realize.

Do you guys have an open relationship?
OP, your boyfriend is stupid. never assume people are not quicker or more intelligent than you. fail

at the same time to do ity openly in front of you either screams contempt or please catch me
OP, your boyfriend is stupid. never assume people are not quicker or more intelligent than you. fail

at the same time to do ity openly in front of you either screams contempt or please catch me

Or innocence, I think that's the third (perhaps unlikely) option.

Hey Foreigner, have you asked him yet?

If you wanna play with the universe, leave this thread open next time he is using your computer. ;)
Simple question...

If you stumble across information that your partner is likely cheating on you, but the information was obtained through violating their privacy, is it safe to really call them on it?

Some context: my partner was sitting right next to me on the couch, using my computer to check his e-mail. I glanced over and looked at the screen, and saw that he was responding to an e-mail with a Craigslist designation. The subject like was "men seeking men". He immediately deleted it and we didn't exchange words. I was so shocked that I'm not even sure anymore if what I saw was real.

I didn't mean to invade his privacy, but now I can't unsee what I've seen.

We haven't been intimate for almost a month now, so it would make sense if he was seeing other people. My concern is that it puts me at risk, and also it's just damned disloyal. I'm not necessarily against an open relationship but if you're not communicating your desires to me then that isn't giving me a fair opportunity to decide where I stand.


P.S. I fucking hate being in this position, of having to out somebody because they are too much of a coward to be honest with me. I HATE IT.

Why is your confidence so low? I mean, you figured out that your boy cheats you with a fucking man, and you are concenred if you disrespected his privacy? Call me old fushioned or anything, but the way I see it if you have any self respect you will break up.