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Benzos Cant get high of valium anymore


May 23, 2013
I am not dependent (or minimally dependent if at all).

I always got minimal amd shitty euphoria from Valium. Nothing like etiz. Temazepam, or even Xanax which I enjoyed the high alot.

Despite that....I could feel good off 20 to 30 mg Valium.

In recent days I've gone up to 60 mg and Iiterally feel no high, and minimal anxiolytic effect. No loss of inhibition like I get with etiz. I'm also adding methadone (20nto 30 mg)

Maybe my tolerance has gone up and I'm finally dependent on this drug (oh shit if that's the case).

Anywho...this sucks. I have a stockpile of Valium and it seems like nothing better than melatonin to.make me sleep at this point.

....now add alcohol and that's what I'm looking for. Even 20 mg of Valium with 2 beers and I'm on cloud 9. But I can't really drink alcohol due to some organ damage from.drugs...so i can't keep doing that.

Anyone else find Valium to be the least euphoric or recreational benzo, doses normalized across benzos?
How long have you been a user of benzos for?

No matter your answer, as someone who went through ungodly (sustaining an intake around 12mg Xanax a day for a year at my worst) amounts of benzos in my mid teens, I'm going to say ween off and don't take them daily. I've always preferred valium. Xanax hits a bit harder with shorter duration, sure. Are you prescribed the valium or buying them another way? Buying off the street can result in huge variations of potency per pill. Maybe that's what is happening with you?

I wish you luck, and stay safe.
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This has happened to me before. When I am almost entirely abstinent from benzos, 10mg diazepam even will give me a kind of light good feeling, 20 or 30mg a definite "good" feeling and beyond that I start to get sloppy. However when I take valium too often, I develop tolerance to the acute euphoric sensations before the sedating effects which makes it not enjoyable anymore really. However - even though I don't get euphoria from it, when thinking back to how I've acted while tolerant even on low doses, I can identify that I am still somewhat more relaxed... although this could maybe be just getting myself back to some kind of baseline after mild benzo-tolerance-induced-anxiety.

I haven't tried temazepam and alprazolam is not euphoric at all for me but dangerously disinhibiting. However etizolam I do agree the actual perceptible euphoria is much better. But, I've taken a lot less etizolam in my life than I have diazepam.

IME diazepam is a pretty forgiving benzo as far as dependence/tolerance, so it's maybe easier than it seems to develop a mild tolerance to some of the more enjoyable effects even if you're not physically dependant in any serious way. That said I do recall thinking diazepam was actually one of my, if not my actual favourite benzo at one time. I don't consider myself dependant in any serious way right now, just recently didn't take any for a week, but before that was using it almost every day to kick a daily clonazepam habit that must have gone on from 6 months to maybe even up to a year... not a huge habit (although I know it's relative), was taking 2-4mg clonazepam a day and switched to 20mg-10mg diazepam. The anxiolysis is nothing compared to clonazepam after that and the sedation was actually a little annoying but, that's what I get for abusing clonazepam I guess. Anyway personally I'm pretty sure it is just low grade tolerance, even taking 10-20mg just a few times a week for a while - and I'm hopeful it'll go away entirely with a proper period of abstinence and I can actually enjoy it properly again. Hopefully the same is true for you.
Benzos have a cross-tolerance so you need to cut back on all of them to feel something.
How long have you been a user of benzos for?

No matter your answer, as someone who went through ungodly (sustaining an intake around 12mg Xanax a day for a year at my worst) amounts of benzos in my mid teens, I'm going to say ween off and don't take them daily. I've always preferred valium. Xanax hits a bit harder with shorter duration, sure. Are you prescribed the valium or buying them another way? Buying off the street can result in huge variations of potency per pill. Maybe that's what is happening with you?

I wish you luck, and stay safe.
About 1 year. I took a 2 week break a month ago and felt pretty good. No withdrawal really.

I've also taken Lyrica for years at medium doses and cold turkey no withdrawal.

I am prescribed for pain. So I kinda have to take it almost everyday. 15 mgs or so. Sometimes I can just take methadone and skip the Valium. But the Valium is actually more effective than methadone for my pain

(15 mg Valium gives more relief than 15 or 20 mg of methadone)....but the Valium relief lasts only 4 hours of so (for the pain)....while the methadone..when it works, lasts longer
While the
Add good strong kava on top then see what happens.

Lol, that's maybe bad advice. Safe as houses, physically except raises potential for benzo overdosing and blackouts by direct potentiation, also increased disinhibition and dream state.

Or just bring kava in, bring benzos down if kava actually gives more than the diazepam does, now.
Plus kava is non toxic on liver unlike alcohol,non physically addictive. Just never mix with alcohol.

Same thing mixing with benzos, effect wise. Better by far IME it has way more longevity, sustainability and much lhysically healthier, or less unhealthy practice, but I've not drunk alcohol for decades.