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Can't get high (merged)

All I would reccomend would be to start smoking better pot, that will gurantee to do the trick.
High as a kite!

Yeh ive been smoking good shit for over a year now, everyday, i manage to get high most days althought i find sometimes it takes ALOT more than usual to get me high, just one of them days i guess, also when you first start smoking you dont really realise you are high unless your really high (i read this somewhere, doubt its true though, i know when im high ....:| heheheh).
yeah man, i was one of the 4 friends in his van, and i just recently smoked with him a few days ago. He gets fucking blasted now. but to clear up the shit about him smoking good bud, here in florida we have different names for bud, so shwag=regs and dank=crip. so we have been smoking fairly nice weed.
i cant catch a high

i dont usually smoke weed and i dont smoke cigerets but all my friends smoke both and look like there having such a good time,
im very good at handling my self when it comes to drugs but when i smoke weed i just cant seem to get high off it, just feel realy weird.
like i will smoke half a spliff and all my mates say "that should get you stoned" i smoke it and feel confused and i start to feel as if they place were i have been for the last hour is strange.
i seem to feel realy paranoid.
anyone got any tips or suggestions for me apart from dont smoke it then.
Sounds like your getting high maybe you just think you arent, getting high has a lot to do with how well you accept it, like if you think you cant get high you wont get very high but if your like hm this is good weed, I should get pretty high off this...just what I think. Or maybe your just having a bad reaction all together.
i think you are getting high, esp if you feel "confused"

i bet you're putting too much thought into smoking. i suggest you just relax and stop thinking things like "am i high yet?" enjoy yourself and sit in a comfortable position. try to talk about something off the topic of drugs like music or movies. eventually you'll notice the high kicking in.

though some people just don't get high the first few times they try
It took me four tries to get high for the first time, and i smoked A LOT all of those times. It could be that it's taking you a long time to get your first real high (?). I know people that had to smoke like 10 times to ever get their first high. If you've smoked more than that, it is probably just a mindset problem and you can read the other posts about that.
Personally, the first time I got high was when my friend and I walked around smoking a joint(my 3rd time). I found that when you walk, you really start to notice how different your body feels and this, coupled with the fresh air, allowed me to notice the change in my thought patterns and mood.
K'dOUTinAZ said:
Took me a few times to get high from pot but once it finally did, boy was I blasted something fierce. I'm talking hallucinations and delusions. I wish I could get high like that again, but I know I won't no matter how much pot I smoke.

I really do get hallucinations/delusions...feels like reality changed itself. but what i mean to say is: usually this freaks me out but i know when im older ill wish i could get all fucked up like that.
CloCkWoRk_KYLE said:
could it be a mental thing, if i tell myself im not high or think about it to much could it be possible thatim not getting high becuase i belive im not? or would a person get high no matter what.

This can occur, I've been smoking for around 5 years now and i've found that if you tell yourself your not high enough, then your body starts to believe you and although you are still high you can't feel it.
Also where are you smoking? as i've noticed the weather can effect your high.
Sun = nice long mellow high.
Rain, cold = Longer high but with a much less of an effect.

try smoking somwhere nice and warm, prefrebly in the sun.
Hope that helps
The first time I got high it wasn't that great. I was drowsy and lazy and just felt burnt out. After the first time, all times were enjoyable. And getting high can have a different effect on different people and of course, indica and sativa strains will have there different effects on you.
get some headies... load up a bong... give him a few good rips...

i smoked up one of my best friends for the first time a long long time ago... packed the bong with some dank, and this kid inhaled so hard im surprised he wasn't sucking up bong water... the chamber just went solid white and then he cashed it and let his finger off the carb to clear it... let out this huge rip, and i shit you not, this kid didn't even cough a little.. a rip like that would have had me on the floor hacking up a lung.... so i packed me a small bowl and hit it and he says "im not really feeling anything"... so i pack him another and he does the same thing as before, another milk hit off this thing, i was high after that first one so i packed him another... and then he cashed that last one, and it all finally caught up to him and hit him like a truck... he had a bit of a psychedelic freak out at that point... screaming "it hurts to think!" and all i could really tell him in my excessively stoned state was "then stop thinking"... he said other things like "dude, im tripping out... im fucking tripping off of weed..." eventually he calmed down after about 30 or 40 minutes and then the munchies hit him....

the funny thing was that i had warned him about this sort of thing and he made jokes about it... i told him he should smoke mids for his first time but he wanted to smoke what i had even though i told him it would be a head fuck... he thanked me after though, despite the being too high to be comfortable he didn't regret it... its kind of ironic that he freaked out far more on weed than LSD, which i was also with him for his first time doing it...