Cannabis Quiz

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alostlittlebird said:

"Spinning" my weed? I've honestly never come across that term in my entire life. Is it a european thing?

i got an 83% and i missed that one too, i know about tobacco plus weed mixtures, but never heard it called that... luckily i just smoke the good shit no "spinning" for me.
Total:22/30(73% )
I was killing it at the start, but then it went downhill, oh well. :)
same here. Was doing really well at the beginning then faded out at the end. Must read more. :\
87% too, should of known the indica/sativa difference...
i guess the smoke is just as bad.. but i hare tobacco

im def happy with that, never really read up on this stuff!
i think the cultural question is stupid. i could think of commonly used slang amongst serious stoners that alot of people would get wrong :-/

hell i smoke with people from all over the world on a regular basis, many of whom mix marijuana with other plant material (dumbasses), and ive never heard the term spinning, with the exception of on turn tables.

oh yah and i got me a 83%.
many europeans dont know what blunts are, and many americans dont know what spinning is

Spinnig AFAIK, is an aussie term(carn aussie:D) for mixing tobacco with marijuana.

I got 83%, pretty disappointed with myself, although I hadn't really done any research into the CBD/CBN side of the mighty green, so that was interesting to see.

Big props to Frizzantik & Catch-22 for this quiz! :D =D :D
i flunked 57%!!!:p

hey im not a pothead anymore so i guess its to be expected (j/k)

maybe i should know more... oh well
93% mothafuckas!!

I personally think number 1 is wrong.. It is thought that ciggarette smoke is dangerous because of the poisonous and radioactive additives, and that tar is really not that dangerous(it is not cancerous, just causes emphysema)..

Ontop of that, people who smoke cigarettes smoke much more plant matter on average, and many more times per day than marijuana addicts, meaning statistically, they are consuming more tar anyway..

AND, THC expands the lungs, causing users to cough/breathe out tar/particles, while nicotine contracts the trachea, trapping in all that shite..

Therefore, ciggarettes are more dangerous than weed.. and I get a 97. :p
the question says though "Compared to tobacco, smoking cannabis poses very little health risk".. i chose false becuase cannabis still poses a health risk that i would say is greater than 'very little'

i supposed this is subjective still though :\

what else did you get wrong? :)
around here "spinning a joint" means to roll it.....yet those knobs claim its something else...they shouldnt put a right/wrong answer to a question that is open to enterpretation based on a persons demographic and geographic location...
Yo... since when does a cannibis high last for only 1-4 hours when smoked?!!?

For me the effects of weed last from 8 -- 12 hours! I guess you guys be getting some shwaggy shit!
frizzantik said:
the question says though "Compared to tobacco, smoking cannabis poses very little health risk".. i chose false becuase cannabis still poses a health risk that i would say is greater than 'very little'

i supposed this is subjective still though :\

what else did you get wrong? :)

I forgot.. Afterall, I am a pothead!
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