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Cannabis makes me feel psychotic?


Nov 16, 2014
Hi all.

I was just wondering if anyone else experiences anything like this, and has any resolution to this issue (without quitting, if possible ;)).
At extremely small doses, it is fine. I mean, less than a bowl or even a single cone. A very small joint is okay, sometimes. If I have a 'normal' amount, I will experience very psychotic-like feelings: feeling/thinking like there is a round object moving around in the blood vessels in my brain (and that's the thought that comes into my head when it happens) and sharp rapid pains in the heart area, it even feels like it hurts, which causes me to become panicky and a rapid heart rate sets in, as well as extreme frame-like vision. This can happen on a single, small joint. I will just be sitting there, and it will usually begin with an odd mentally "frozen" feeling, like I am in a trance, and then a rapid heart rate sets in with all the other symptoms.
I have tried to improve tolerance by smoking those small doses over the course of a day, and then smoking every night, but it didn't help. I have also tried to be conscious of my breathing and body language to attempt to relax me.

Why can't I chill out and just smoke a normal amount like most people? A small amount doesn't even do the job for me, I don't feel that high, but anything above something that shouldn't get me high, causes me to experience that.

I am not a paranoid/anxious person when it comes to drugs. I have used quite a few other drugs without any problems: 2C-I, LSD, Ketamine, MXE, and some others. Is cannabis just not for me; are some people just like this? I really would like to enjoy it like other people seem to.

You don;t seem to be capable of 'accepting' that ur high...ur high aand scared of it, not psychotic..whatdaya expect?
Cannabis just isn't for you it sounds like. Maybe a high cbd strain like Harlequin because cbd is an anti psychotic.
Your just paranoid

I wouldn't use the word psychotic next time though freaked me out for a sec8(8o:!:sus: shiiiiiiit
Yes, my guess if you have some kind of anxiety disorder, coupled with a naturally low tolerance to cannabis,
go to errowid cannabis dosage chart
you'll see a light dose of high potency cannabis is 1/30th of a gram, cannabis also has the ability to bring anxiety to the surface especially if you smoke to much, you mention small joints being little enough but what about a pipe? you can pinch off a bowl the size of a few match heads worth take one hit, hold it, wait 15 minutes rinse and repeat,

you won't be like this forever, eventually tolerance builds up and you'll be cursing your tolerance, as i am now,

but just because you have a low natural tolerance to one drug doesn't mean you won't have a high one to something else, i could always shoot twice as much H as the dailey user and theyd be nodding out, and id just be high, :{