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Cannabis As a Psychedelic Medicine


Nov 15, 2012
If paranoid and anxiety arise on cannabis, is it really showing you what you need to do to improve your thoughts , improve your life , akin, to a unpleasant psychedelic experience?

are integration breaks necessary or required to get the most out of cannabis? especially after consuming an amount your not used to?

do you think there's truth to not combine it with other psychedelics, as each "medicine" has its own value and to get the most out of each , do it solo?

Cannabis has a feminine nature and causes that in males?

This guys point of view, made me think, and interesting thoughts on this. I don't buy all of it. Interesting none the less. Would recommend this video, podcast, if you cant watch, when you have the time.
I 'm a data scrooge so I didn't watch the video ... BUT ...

No, don't combine it. It is what it is. Altho we found it extends peace of mind a day after mdma.

Definitely get higher after a break.

Cannabis always fits because each of us already has both female and male 'natures'. It is what it is.
they are full of shit lol.

Cannabis is a powerful psychedelic when taken properly. But anxiety is caused by shit strains and shitty grown weed. I never get anxiety on medical strains
when I use more than 25 mg (THC)/day it is less psychedelic and more of a soft cloud.
Cannabis is medicine.
Everything about it has medicinal benefits.
The problem is educating people.
Changing people's relationships to drugs from one of mindless consumption and escapism, to regimented ritualistic and specific use.
The best use of cannabis is probably 90% less than what most people use. Therapeutic doses for THC heavy cannabis could be something as little as 50mg per hit. Take that in a pipe in the morning, do your thing throughout the day, come home and blast another 50mg. As for specific ritualistic use, maybe a little higher, 50-200mg perhaps in single session doses, but only within the context of a well thought out framework and thoroughly planned set and setting. Meditating for example, prayer, communal dancing or singing, deep self reflection and introspective sessions, expression of art in it's myriad ways (writing, painting, dance, drama etc). After all this, there's no hitting the bong again. Hitting the bong again wouldn't fit the framework. That would be excessive and detrimental to the therapeutic benefits.

As for paranoia. The way I see it is paranoia from cannabis is not indicative of a disorder or sickness. It's potentially insightful information being subconsciously registered as threatening stimulus and then repressed, much like taking a psychedelic dose of LSD. I think this is as much physiological as it is psychical. You are not paranoid, you are being guided down the route of paranoia because you immediately make that distinction (based on your own conditioning), which then creates the self fulfilling prophecy and your mind and body simply follow suit. Along comes the physiological responses (shaking, sweating, lightheadedness etc) which feed off your psychical responses, and vise versa.
What exists behind the paranoia could be something difficult to process. When you're smoking weed, it could be something as insignificant as sounds coming from downstairs that sound like someone is kicking the door down. If you're not quick to remain present to your own experience, you'll immediately assume you are in danger. This then creates the reality that something is wrong and your paranoia is justified. The insight gleaned from the experience could be realizing that you maybe assume danger exists outside and you feel vulnerable while high believing something could happen to you. It's a common theme when taking psychedelics too - people feeling vulnerable and then mistaking this as dangerous, which then turns to paranoia (existential threat to the organism).
While there is danger in the world and you are vulnerable and you might not be able to defend yourself properly, particularly if really high, the chances of someone kicking down your door for absolutely no reason and targeting you specifically, is really low. Fundamentally, peoples intentions are positive. Our society exists because fundamentally we all want to best for our ourselves and others. We strive to live in harmony and balance things out.
The only thing you can do is find peace with the risks of life and living around others. Perhaps letting go is the best option. Being able to accept that fundamentally, everything is how it's meant to be, nothing is out of place, there is nothing to fear and what holds everything together is people understanding that unity, acceptance and connection are the core conditions for living together. Without we cannot live in peace. And nobody wants that, not even the most unstable among us. The most unstable among us have an inherent inner destructiveness that comes from an inability to accept this within themselves. What they want is to overcome it but they can't, and so they behave in extreme ways.

If 'bad' experiences can be turned into insight, you're learning all the time and most of your issues have answers, should you wish to explore what exists within the content of your mind.
The answers are already there anyway.
Cannabis helps to facilitate a reflecting mindset. That much is true. Perhaps most of all it activates feelings associated with deep reflection.

The anxiogenic effect can provide the opportunity to train one's coping ability, but could perhaps also dull one's emotional presence somehow, i imagine. Almost like if one were to imagine a drug that "ages" the personality.

I don't consider cannabis to be as deep and transparent as psychedelics in terms of the mental reset. I don't consider it a pure drug of abuse either.

Aspiring to enlightenment (in a broad sense) using weed is similar to staying in bed, wallowing in the fuzziness. The clever thought is there but the organism is not in a fully developed state of awareness and activation, not all relevant aspects of reality are taken into account, thus it would be silly to consider this state to be anything like a final answer. But it would also be insensitive and stupid to consider it total nonsense and a waste of time.
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I 'm a data scrooge so I didn't watch the video ... BUT ...

No, don't combine it. It is what it is. Altho we found it extends peace of mind a day after mdma.

Definitely get higher after a break.

Cannabis always fits because each of us already has both female and male 'natures'. It is what it is.
I think he meant not to smoke a lot during psychedelics, like twenty or thirty tokes(inhales and exhales) or an entactogen experience. S small amount Ive done before on psychedelic's. On ecstacy, I say ecstacy bc this was 2000-2001 and while it most definately was mdma or mda, or other mixed stuff Ive smoked too much , coming up, or during the peak, where it makes the experience too cloudy. Back then cannabis was what 5-10 %?

Afterwards that night it can be okay . The next day , yes it seems pleasant.

Many people use a small amount most or some days , as in maybe 10 tooks at most and thats it. With the stuff around here at 20-25 % , there's no need for more. Even then, a tolerance break , then reducing tokes.
I have repeatedly noticed weed anxiety really has significant connection to things really happening in life after all.

But there is thick fog of high which makes it difficult to really figure it all out high. I definitely benefit of both weed and weedless mindset and overall feel best when I have episodes of both. Bingeing is where it is at with psychedelics.

Taking other drugs in excess in day-to-day life makes blazing rougher in the end. Psychedelics want some degree of commitment.
But anxiety is caused by shit strains and shitty grown weed.
Normally I'm not very into simple materialistic explanations, but I think in this case what tripsitter says it's very real.
As times went by in my city, more people started cultivating cannabis and the guys selling it knew where to pick, from which growers and from which not,... and when I found really bad weed, from people who didn't have proper cultivations systems or used a lot of crappy ´fertilizers or synthetic products ... then the anxiety was very common, and the high was stupid, void and without nuances,
there's a poetic relationship between plants and humans, and between growers affection and plants alchemic output...