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Cannabis and pro social behavior (socializing)


Nov 15, 2012
I seem to find it okay to socialize easily more on a satvia. That said, also had an instance where thoughts took longer to retrieve the information when asked questions. It may be individual. I'm sure its individual and up to your own personal experiences. Is there a consensus on under the influence of cannabis and socializing, starting conversations ,conversing with people. I'm on the fence about this one because ive had a few different experiences. I used to think cannabis caused me to be more drawn in, and not as social. Currently, im in doubt, and unsure. If I'm unsure, I generally, don't bother. Example, say I'm out and about , on a weekend, in a popular part of a city, where people socialize. A girl offers me some cannabis. If I want to socialize better, I would say I'm going to pass but Thank you. Now after night is over and want to chill and smoke , sure, but when I want socializing skills to be high, and not lessened, for myself, in my experience I'll pass.
Definitely has different effects for different people…for some it’s a pro-social drug, but others retreat into their own head and/or get paranoid
Definitely has different effects for different people…for some it’s a pro-social drug, but others retreat into their own head and/or get paranoid
MDMA definitely is one hundred percent a pro social drug. That's not to say negative emotions and fear doesn't comes up on it, it did last time did it, at a rave. This ugly big guy close by I got negative vibes, and tensed up. He came over and shook hand a bit, complimented me I guess you can say. It was my fault for letting his presence cause how I felt, tensing up, adrenaline fight or flight. After the night went on socialized more and felt better. One thing I went on autopilot talking to people asking same stuff bc I didn't really almost know what to say. The music was soo loud. I'm bringing earpads next time, if I can remember.

Another scenario the time before this girl offered me a joint , while rolling, banana pudding a close hybrid, and became a bit melted feeling, she and her friend started screaming dmt. I guess it's possible I blacked out and smoked DMT but I don't think so. Next thing I knew I was at a wedding after-party, inside and socializing and a certain girl was a bit rude and lacked social skills, I think she was drunk or just lacked social skills or both. Then I left , drive to a dancefloor and danced for three hours, strive lights, socialized some but had so much energy I wanted to keep dancing. Maybe if I used logic and pulled a girl back I would use that energy if you know what I mean for some physical tacile sensations, but was so into the music and dancing I walked off while talking to this girl that pulled my ear when I asked what's she say ,then talked into my ear so j heard her. I said let's dance, she didn't follow.

. If in doubt , just wait untill later that night, or next day , next day I like to gym, or have in the past, and or next night.
I used to think cannabis caused me to be more drawn in, and not as social.

This is my opinion.

Regardless of perception, you're probably more withdrawn when stoned. You however might be one of the exceptions and you might actually be more outgoing! Remember Jim Morrison? He was quiet when sober, but pretty much every drug made him outgoing!

People can probably tell when you're high. To those who can't, you probably sound a bit silly. I find that drunk people can't tell if I'm high, but sober people usually can except people who don't speak good English and senior citizens.
This is my opinion.

Regardless of perception, you're probably more withdrawn when stoned. You however might be one of the exceptions and you might actually be more outgoing! Remember Jim Morrison? He was quiet when sober, but pretty much every drug made him outgoing!

People can probably tell when you're high. To those who can't, you probably sound a bit silly. I find that drunk people can't tell if I'm high, but sober people usually can except people who don't speak good English and senior citizens.
Could be and people could be messing with you knowing you're high a little bit. Like you ever mess with someone a little, when you weren't high, knew they were high?

I don't seem to be an exception in this case.🙂
This is my opinion.

Regardless of perception, you're probably more withdrawn when stoned. You however might be one of the exceptions and you might actually be more outgoing! Remember Jim Morrison? He was quiet when sober, but pretty much every drug made him outgoing!

People can probably tell when you're high. To those who can't, you probably sound a bit silly. I find that drunk people can't tell if I'm high, but sober people usually can except people who don't speak good English and senior citizens.

I agree with this for the most part, but I think the biggest contradiction comes from people that depend on weed to help them form connections with other people, or even just shoot the shit with small talk.

Some folks quite literally transform (in a social butterfly sense) the second they're even about to be smoking with a friend.

It's actually one of the biggest red flags I've ever noticed when it comes to people that have a bit of a problem with their habit. I don't mean like a relationship red flag, just like... one of the biggest indicators, yeah? If a dude doesn't talk until he's high or about to get high I tend to view that as a definitive indicator that he smokes just as much as I do, if not more.

I'm fuckin' wary of that, man. I go through a lot of ganja. I don't need to be around mother fuckers that blow an ounce a week.
I'm on the fence...

There's pro-cannabis individuals on iP-TV 'Civilized' who seem to have options, while it sure doesn't reflect the whole spectrum of situations, for example even assuming there is a choice available to begin with. Watching Québec's TV news i only hear of the negatives, besides the fracture between cities and the other population half some of the situations sound more like alienation than socialization, the later element being actually an item of my own perspective on consumption methods & associated rituals, more specifically design orientations aiming for aspects of "Harm Reduction" ( an ugly term IMO) but still not imposing a behaviour like government "$pe¢iali$t$"/"expert$" calling for a total ban of all e-Cig flavours (e.g. "natural" or something that stinks badly). Seduction instead of coercitive "strategies", as if smokers were the enemy and our Public Institutions serving some endoctrinated war, In The Name Of Children...

You seem to have youth in mind, how about seniors who'd risk an eviction procedure if caught involved with "legal" cannabis, or otherwise! Just because it's never making the news doesn't mean such landlord threats ain't ever real. The fact is our politi¢ian$ failed us in front of ¢amera$ in both parliaments; the matter of cannabis vs socialization ain't on the electoral menu and they all sound extra-careful in avoiding cannabis topics anyway.

In a perfect world i'd have wanted an equivalent public place like bars and one with animation à la karaoke, except on the stage you'd watch real-time graphics in echo to a fellow toker performing an on-line inhalation, under assistance of some guiding software capable of theaching to newbies how to toke for a 1st time, or compete for the ultimate on YouTube... Maybe someday, but not on channel 'Civilized' from Québec anytime soon.

I just thought id chime in on the conversation here, I am a fairly reserved person and a thinker. Now as mentioned above, MDMA can drastically change ones perception of others and ease and increase pleasure from social interaction, as well as make people appear friendlier than they are it has been proven with tests, and you know what i get a very similar experience when i consume CBD weed with THC weed . Dont get me wrong i enjoy getting high as well but there is something amazing about hitting the vape bong before heading out knowing that my head is much more level, like natural medication allowing me to accurately perceive and make appropriate responses based on the presentation, attitude and situation i am faced with, or i even find myself enjoying chatting to strangers freely which is something i dont otherwise do (back to the reserved part)
I do believe that CBD/THC ratio can play a key part in this for most people who may experience any kind of difficulty in socialising

When i use and have used alcohol in the past , i am then left with the aftermath of cringe shit i have said or done or acted in particular ways, swirling around in my head like a storm leaving me with regret and further putting me off socialising at all in the first place.
Unless it's a social event that revolves around weed it's best not to get high IME. There are exceptions of course : hanging around with close friends, some creative game-like social activities, doing something you're very passionate about, etc... But most of the time THC tends to be a shitty social drug, makes you more withdrawn, as others have said, and sometimes even anxious around other people.
I do believe that CBD/THC ratio can play a key part in this for most people who may experience any kind of difficulty in socialising
Ive been smoking hybrid satvia, some 55/45, others 70/30, and do not smoke hemp flower cbd cannabis. Ive been smoking twice a day, a few hours apart. Recently, I've tried cbd cannabis, at the second time I smoke. Can not say I notice any effects, other than thc does. More experimentation is needed to notice increaseed pro social behavior from combining say a hybrid or higher satvia, and cbd cannabis. Im guessing for social interactions hydrid satvia cbd flower is best. Dont want too much indica effects , while higher concentration, and more energy is best for socializing, or pro social behavior.
Ive been smoking hybrid satvia, some 55/45, others 70/30, and do not smoke hemp flower cbd cannabis. Ive been smoking twice a day, a few hours apart. Recently, I've tried cbd cannabis, at the second time I smoke. Can not say I notice any effects, other than thc does. More experimentation is needed to notice increaseed pro social behavior from combining say a hybrid or higher satvia, and cbd cannabis. Im guessing for social interactions hydrid satvia cbd flower is best. Dont want too much indica effects , while higher concentration, and more energy is best for socializing, or pro social behavior.
it will also depend on the individual as we are wired different or similar sometimes. What may work for one may not work at all for another, or might make a profoundly good change its just trial and error
The right to learn then eventually emancipate, through the natural process of « trial & error », free of mis-guided 3rd-party predatory self-serving interference (...), is what's been confiscated in my so-called "legal" canuck province since the former Liberal government of Couillard, amplified by Legault who infantilized adults aged between 18-21 and also confiscated parental authority exactly.

Our SQdC has a societal "mi$$ion" quite incompatible with an individual's goal if we consider just the plain verifiable fact that everything marked with a *RED* « THC » doesn't necessary contain any at all! Seriously. It's an everyday obvious absurdity, an aberration reflecting the minset of those $pe¢iali$t$/expert$ who practically ceased control of our Public Institutions, by the fault of some insatiable Public Eye watching politi¢ian$ through the iconic camera: their spines melt down instantly, there goes another century of victorian-age bigotry again and in total absence of any fair sense of proportions.

Actually the pre-emptive punishment without a crime extends even beyond 21 if we agree that this adult period may be the most proper period in human life to experiment cannabis, like it's a good idea by give a bike to kids so they get a chance to learn how to ride it, of a musical instrument even at the price of dissonances while the learning process goes on... What if 18-21 were this critical period where bigot 3rd-party mis-guided interference actually causes the most socio-toxic harm by interrupting a natural process of self-corrective evolution away from the systematic dosing abuse model presently propagated via the cigarette/joint format! M'well, provided health-wise alternatives were even promoted for starters.

Doesn't the infantilisation of adults up to 21 presently result in prejudice that extends years after, possible a lifetime assuming such socio-toxic interference nailed the natural evolution of a learning adult into the preliminary explorative phase of testing boundaries, dosing comes 1st of course. Now what if it turns out the automatic spiral scenario doesn't have to be automatic at all, that the environment can be made accomodating for adults, still aim for the UNGA$$ 2016 trio of announced goals (...) and without resorting to some symbolic hotel of sacrifices where to punish us after they've tagged us « sick », « deviant risk » or both, with a medical signature if you just ask the CSAM-SMCA, based in Calgary/Alberta.

Anyway, i wanted to point out the cannabic "initiation" needs to last a finite amount of time and denial at 21 minus 1 day is potentially impacting individuals beyond well that limit, perhaps even causing permanent prejudice after locking up vulnerable individuals into a tolerance/dependency spiral before they could get a chance to resolve it themselves.

A "chance" to try, that sound more like what i wanted to write in the start. In Québec (and Manitoba i heard) our "chances" been stolen, confiscated by law if you prefer. Meanwhile our natural rights to home-grow CBD cannabis is denied with ZERO rational base since the joint UN/WHO declaration of mid-December 2017, which should have reflected as CBD being transfered to the province's Agriculture (+fisheries and food) minister. But it's all political in the end anyway. Anything goes, we could have ended up with a clone of Donald Trump. That doesn't make life better here. Supplies are unreliable, unpredictible. Indu$trialization destroyed whatever what most "desirable" in this rare gift of dame Nature, because it might also seem desirable to a kid (0-21) and that's pure evil...

In The Name Of Children! :violin: