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Can you use meth recreational long term?


Dec 19, 2012
Hey just making sure this is in the right section, I am an in and out blue light user and just come here for quick questions. My best friend (literaly) has been a meth user for around 5 years, sometimes hes clean, sometimes hes bingeing, and sometimes he uses infrequently. I met him in rehab 3 years back, and hes a really cool guy except when hes coming off meth or whilist on it. I keep telling him that his pattern is so similar from a outside perspective, and that mabey his best bet is to try and use recreationaly. He never stays clean long, and now hes just using once every few weeks.

I am curious as to if that is possible to keep his use like that? I never was big into meth, but had used prescription amphetamines for a while a few years back, but to all you meth users what is his chance.
Smoking small amounts of meth long term might be possible with long breaks in between (30 day minimum) but it doesn't sound like he has much control over himself and is letting dope run his life..
I've known old tweakers who have used crank since "back in the day", so yes it's possible.

Your quality of life in such situations is questionable, though. None of the old folks I've known who've done it have had lives that I find particularly admirable.
If he's an arsehole whilst on methamphetamine or coming down from it (I had a close friend like this once), then he has no business using it at all. People for whom meth does not make them happy while high anyway are not meant to be tweakers. But, to answer your question, yes, it is possible to use methamphetamine regularly for years without destroying one's life, happiness, and health. The smartest way to do that is to make some rules about your use such as when to eat what foods (you need a balance of fats, proteins, simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, salt, water, and fiber) while high, how to avoid dehydration, how many days you will stay up (one night or two at the very most is the only real answer to that question) and when to know to brush your teeth and take a bath/shower with soap for one's own personal hygiene and out of respect for others and what they will think of you if you don't (hint: they don't like smelly people as a rule of thumb).
I don't think so. Eventually it's going to be out of control.
Its all about self control.. however.. most ppl have a very slim chance
self control? That is the antithesis of meth use, as meth users tend to be fairly compulsive folks.
I've managed to do this since 2009. Only used it maybe 20 times. I notice the last year though probably 10 of those are accounted for. It's just too damn good, but I'm not dumb enough to fall into daily use. I know that ends in expensive rehab after intense psychosis. I've only once used it for more than 48hours. Now generally 24 max. I don't even use benzos with it anymore. It is the best stimulant there is tbh.
Everyone is definitely different. I have smoked meth and haven't even thought about it since. Lol, to be honest I wasn't even phased by it the few times I've done it. I like opiates a lot though and that's probably why... but then again I enjoyed crack more and adderall.. so I don't know, hahaha.
The one out of crack h and meth that sticks with me the most from the very first time is heroin. That rush could become very life consuming I imagine.
The one out of crack h and meth that sticks with me the most from the very first time is heroin. That rush could become very life consuming I imagine.

Heroin for me was recreational for a small amount of time... and it was always on my mind since even the first time doing it. Almost four years later, it still is and I have been clean from it for a little over a year, ugh.
I'm actually guessing another thing makes this easier for me is its not avail local. & to the dude above yeah i bet
Coming from a person who has only allowed himself to purchase meth once (to experience it and not get addicted)
No, you can't use meth regularly without forming a habit, which then grows to become a full blown addiction. Unless you have insane, inhumane discipline. Never met anyone able to not form a habit after regular use.

Meth is love, meth is life.
I'll say one more word on the subject and then I'm done...I've decided that I'm going to try and quit using, and obsessively talking about the drug kind of makes me want to go out there and get some.

Anyway, what follows is a description of the experiences of one guy. People have different reactions to drugs obviously and I don't pretend that my experience is universal. However, I think my descriptions of some of meth's effects are generally accurate for most people.

I've used meth for a couple years now, on and off. My preferred method in the beginning was snorting it. Back when I was doing that it was actually somewhat easy to maintain, as far as the psychological addiction was concerned...snorted methamphetamine combines a pleasant, strong high with a minimalization of one of the most notorious aspects of meth, which is the "fiendyness" of the drug, the constant urge to re-dose. However, I wrecked my nose doing this. Snorted methamphetamine burns like hellfire and can damage your nasal tissue. I ended up with a sinus infection and a wound in my nose that took over a month to heal/stop bleeding. One night the healed wound busted open in my sleep, smearing my pillow with blood. I woke up with an eye infection which I theorize was from all the disgusting shit in my nose leaking out unto my pillow and getting into my eye. Gross, right?

After this I moved to another area of the state I live in for 6 months and quit the habit. It wasn't hard at all to quit, actually, at least in the short term. One always remembers what it felt like to be high, though, and thus it's a long-term addiction, or has the potential to be. A friend of mine once said that there are two kinds of people who use hard drugs: meth people and heroin people (and people who like meth AND heroin, but usually they have a preference between the two, a DOC). I'm definitely the former, IMO it's the best high that exists. I went through a brief "heroin phase" of a couple months but honestly I didn't get what the big deal was. It's a strong drug obviously, and I understand why people like it, but for me personally it's just not particularly addictive. I'm sure there are many opiate users who have tried meth and feel the same way. So I'm a meth fan...I think it's a fantastic drug with potential benefits if administered responsibly. But it'll kick you straight in the nuts if you start up a habit and/or abuse it, real fuckin' fast. Your mental state, physical health & weekly schedule all start to degrade, QUICK. A stimulant addiction involves a far faster and more dramatic decline than an opiate addiction, IMO.

Anyway, for six months or so I stayed sober. I recently moved back in to this city and got back into the scene, though. My strategy for "recreational use" was as follows: buy Friday. Consume Friday night, Saturday, Sunday. Finish by Sunday night and by Monday be sober. I also started smoking it instead of snorting it. But even this became ultimately unsustainable...my weekends became blurs of me just relentlessly and obsessively getting spun out of my mind, at the expense of EVERYTHING ELSE. No sleep, but also no work for school. Little to no eating or drinking. For three days out of the week I was a complete basket case...it finally reached its climax today when, after spending 3+ days awake, I went to class and started nodding off during the discussion. So I think I'm done with it. It's also negatively affected my personal relationships in a big way. I give exactly 0 shits about my friends or girls or hanging out with anyone or doing anything other than hitting the pipe, and hitting it again!

And to give some perspective: this was off 50 dollar bags of meth. 50 dollars a week is not much money to spend on a drug habit, and even that minimal amount of gear punked me out.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to have a recreational relationship with meth...that was more-or-less the situation when I just snorted, but that proved to be unsustainable. Smoking crystal meth is a whole other ballgame, though. If you do manage to have a non-problematic relationship with smoking it, then congratulations and godspeed sir or ma'am, you definitely have more willpower than me. Prior to meth I had a long and storied career of drug use, all of it being recreational/non-problematic and much of it involved drugs that people commonly consider addictive like cocaine, various prescription pills and heroin. I like to think that I can handle my business pretty well and can stay on top of my shit. Meth made me its bitch, though. Treat the drug with the respect and caution it deserves.
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good deal burnt offerings. Seems like you hit that magic milestone in which the bad outweighs the good. It is the first step in recovering from an addiction.

If you ever need support PM me.
Great post Burnt Offerings. I am currently in a similar situation but with cocaine. I'm not letting meth or anything else become the replacement. And I'm now limiting it to one-two drugs sessions a month instead of one a week, now that I'm finished with coke. Everything you say is understandable. And I wish you all the best mate.
I've been using Meth on and off for about 3 years now, maybe longer I don't remember but somewhere around that time period.

Anyways, I've somehow managed to keep it under control. Simply put, whenever I get urges to keep smoking meth especially around friends I prefer to smoke weed which helps me. Weird I know, but it helps curb the desire to get high off meth. Although theirs times where I go on very long binges and my health has definitely deteriorated over the past few years... My teeth aren't in the greatest condition anymore either and my weight has gone up and down like crazy the past year. When I binge I barely eat anything and then when I go a few weeks without using I eat so much food. I think I might actually have a slight addiction to fast food, but thats another story. Used to have perfect white teeth since high school but now they're slightly crooked and a bit yellow... Just being honest here. I feel fine though for the most part, but I'm craving right now to smoke meth.... ehhh

On the other hand, I had a friend who used recreationally in small doses, but every single day. He ended up becoming incredibly depressed and was just not right in the head... He became a different person, not a very friendly person. He's since quit and doesn't know I still use but oh well. Guess it really affects everyone differently to some degree.

All in all, I don't recommend trying meth ever. It's one of those drugs I should have never tried in the beginning along with Heroin. But thankfully I've been off opiates for a year and a half now.
I think weed helps a lot with stimulant addictions in general. In helps you think twice about using those other naughty drugs.
I've known old tweakers who have used crank since "back in the day", so yes it's possible.

Your quality of life in such situations is questionable, though. None of the old folks I've known who've done it have had lives that I find particularly admirable.
I know someone like this. He said how he has some rules like he does not buy any, and only barters for a small amount like what he would use for a night, or uses it when a friend has some, he has never IV'd it and only smokes a tiny amount, or snorts a tiny amount, and he does not go on binges or long 'runs' of using it constantly for days without sleep, eating, or drinking water or liquid.

He does the same thing with coke, except he only sniffs it and does not smoke/freebase it, or IV it, and never has.

He knows meth isn't good for him, and that coke is not either; but has been using them for decades since the 70s. :\

He has smoked pot on and off for decades and said how today's herb like medicinal herb his friends can easily get is way too strong compared to the herb he would smoke in the 70s through 90s, and that sometimes smoking pot even good herb is just boring to him.