Can we have a thread here to discuss the current lounge rules?

Perhaps all posts regarding inside jokes, personal stories, encounters, and other antics with individual and groups of Bluelighters should be edited and eliminated because they might make others feel alienated. think i would learn about crossposts in my time.

pretend this is post 179.

but i have a feeling you only think my post was worthy bc i said the thread sucked. i only did what others funny jpegs.

albeit my being the funniest and most recent. :D

more, better edit after reading the other posts:

CG is right. the little bl clique, (which i adore, so this isn't a "i am jealous and hate them" observation, which i wouldn't get anyway.....i really adore animal cookie, you too you asshole) can post whatever they want, and it is always considered entertaining. even when it is srsly NOT. such as the lime cat thread. or when that asshat who likes to taser people started posting. i get it, he is cool, that is nice, but he wasn't funny....and if anyone else posted such nonsense, his posts would have been closed too.

how ironic that this whole shit stems from an internet meme, but that limecat thread is considered funny and the other shit not?

i really don't get it.


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L2R said:
no. those thread aren't pointless rants like yours can be.

rants are generally closed and referred to the journal. why should you be any different?

I'm not saying mine should be any different. I cut that shit out minus my one little infraction with the one thread but still. Theres a lot of pointless shit in The Lounge that doesn't get closed. The entire Lounge could be regarded as pointless given Bluelights harm reduction mission.
ClubbinGuido said:
Perhaps all posts regarding inside jokes, personal stories, encounters, and other antics with individual and groups of Bluelighters should be edited and eliminated because they might make others feel alienated.

Not all.

Just as not all images are banned from replies. They can be used well and even humourously according to the context.

but repetative postings of the same crap in various threads despite the context is trolling, and will be dealt with as such.
DarthMom said:
but i have a feeling you only think my post was worthy bc i said the thread sucked. i only did what others funny jpegs.

no. that was the first time that image was used anywhere (as far as i've seen), and it' s great regardless. :D
Connie - You're using a thread started less than a year ago by someone who was banned for their behavior to show that The Lounge is all about never ever being serious?

And for a thread about the rules, there sure isn't a whole lot in the way of relevant discourse.

A lot of what people might identify as vague in the rules was left that way intentionally so that current and future mods in The Lounge have the leeway needed to maintain decorum when new issues present themselves.

Also, it was noted that the rules in The Lounge didn't really change much at all. Most of what was done to the rules was consolidation and minor tweaks to the existing rules. A few things were added or changed, but they're the same basic rules we had before, just worded intently and with a little more thought.
ClubbinGuido said:
I'm not saying mine should be any different. I cut that shit out minus my one little infraction with the one thread but still. Theres a lot of pointless shit in The Lounge that doesn't get closed. The entire Lounge could be regarded as pointless given Bluelights harm reduction mission.

if the lounge were truely pointless, then no one would post there. even an appreciation or birthday threads have a point.
PLURmonster said:
Connie - You're using a thread started less than a year ago by someone who was banned for their behavior to show that The Lounge is all about never ever being serious?

Check the archives, skim through posts, look over the htreads on the first page. Granted some serious discussion does occur in there but a majority of it is light hearted joking and laid back non serious stuff.
L2R said:
no. that was the first time that image was used anywhere (as far as i've seen), and it' s great regardless. :D
it really was wasn't it :D

and just fyi i found it via encyclopedia dramatica, which i would not have found without the CGs and 9mm and guinea pigs of this world *teary thank you for quality websites*
Ummm, I'm sorry then, I do have to protest. Yes, the thread was annoying as crap but really, how many post count threads has the Lounge seen? Thousands?
Infernal said:
Ummm, I'm sorry then, I do have to protest. Yes, the thread was annoying as crap but really, how many post count threads has the Lounge seen? Thousands?

good point.

but you know, before you just posted that in this thread, i had no idea that that's what it was about.

cg, i'm as big a dragon ball fan, arguably bigger considering my tattoos, and yet even i had no clue as to that thread being about your postcount. What the hell kinda chance does that leave others?
in the past there have been groups of bluelighters who go on trips together.. to get fucked up, man!

when they come back they start threads about inside jokes that others are clueless about. they have been allowed to go on for several pages.. even though it may include 20 or less people, people who rarely participate on the board. that excludes everybody else.

why? b/c they're mods :)

that sort of thing has been allowed to go on for as long as i can remember.. but if you're not a part of that group it's not?
wow that was about postcount??

cool. i dig obscurity, i so didn't get that.

that make him the big winner though, doens't it, lefty?
L2R said:
good point.

but you know, before you just posted that in this thread, i had no idea that that's what it was about.

cg, i'm as big a dragon ball fan, arguably bigger considering my tattoos, and yet even i had no clue as to that thread being about your postcount. What the hell kinda chance does that leave others?

well that's over now isn't it?
come back arsey. post more in the lounge!

edit: in response to rc
^^ lol i dunno ... (for CG)

i didn't see the thread but if l2r wasn't so quick to demonize you for posting it and be LIEK OMG TROLL he might've noticed your postcount :)

bygones ;)