Can Tren E cause high eye pressure?


Feb 14, 2019
I just started my second cycle on Tren and already my eyes have been feeling bothered. Is it possible for Tren to raise eye pressure and is there any solutions besides getting off of it?

I just started my second cycle on Tren and already my eyes have been feeling bothered. Is it possible for Tren to raise eye pressure and is there any solutions besides getting off of it?

I'd imagine whole body BP increases can increase intra ocular pressure. Sometimes when my BP is high and I sneeze or cough I see stars
I'd agree with Sero, it's quite likely it does, although it may rebalance after a few weeks by itself. Otherwise, your best bet is to lower doses or use a different compound.
I'd agree with Sero, it's quite likely it does, although it may rebalance after a few weeks by itself. Otherwise, your best bet is to lower doses or use a different compound.

I'd imagine whole body BP increases can increase intra ocular pressure. Sometimes when my BP is high and I sneeze or cough I see stars

Yeah it's pretty scary and I don't think worth the risk. I read a few articles on Google of trenbolone causing temporary blindness and aggravating preexisting glaucoma in those pre-dispositioned to it. Truly unfortunate, I might have to try out Deca and see if I have better luck.
I just started my second cycle on Tren and already my eyes have been feeling bothered. Is it possible for Tren to raise eye pressure and is there any solutions besides getting off of it?


As others have said, increased blood pressure probably plays a role.

But that doesn't sound normal. I'd be inclined to see a Doctor/Optician just to make sure.