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Stimulants Can sudden withdrawal of escitalopram inhibit effect of meth?


May 9, 2022
Hello there :) Years ago I was an IV meth user and then I quit. For the last two years I have been taking escitalopram from doc - 10mg. I tried to withdrawal with lower doses a few times - without success. The feeling of electroshocks and nervousness were unbearable. Now I have half a year off, which I wanted to use meth to help my run my own business with flowers (cause i am florist), but there was a problem. I don't feel any euphoria and all that super nootrop effects, I just have my heart pounding and I feel strange pressures in my head. But cant sleep like on meth, apetite is normally, feel hunger and eat normally. I can take a maximum of 24 hours to be up. It's not cut meth, I've read almost everything paranoidly, even though I know my source is fine. My husband is fine with this meth, too, experiencing euphoria and everything aroud.
Two weeks ago, I abruptly discontinued escitalopram so as not to risk serotonin syndrome. When I have a day without meth, I only feel electroshock but not anxiety or nervousness. When I take meth, the electric shocks disappear, but it doesn't work for me at all, as I remember. It just doesn't satisfy me and I'm fighting not using higher doses of meth again. What should I do? Should I go to the lowest dose of escitalopram and try a lower dose of meth? I don't believe that I have exhausted dopamines, I feel normally a day when I'm not on meth (no depression, anhedonia .... just sleeping more and feel ok)
(Please dont write me about how meth is bad for me, only answer my question) Sorry for my language, in my country dont exisst any drug forum. Thank you :3
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(Please dont write me about how meth is bad for me
We are impartial to drug use here, nobody would tell you this.

SSRIs may reduce the rewarding effects of meth, but shouldn't completely block it like antipsychotic medications can. Escitalopram has a long half life and takes about a week to get out of your system, however it may take several weeks for your brain to completely normalize again.

It's a good call not to use both at once, I recently was hospitalized with serotonin syndrome and it was a truly awful experience with lasting damage to my brain.

I would suggest you allow your brain more time to normalize from the SSRI before using meth again. Time is the answer here. Your brain is trying to balance itself out, so the meth probably just doesn't feel like it should right now.

"Recently, we showed that fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), decreased METH conditioned place preference (CPP), suggesting that serotonin transporter (SERT) inhibition reduces the rewarding effects of METH."
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Yeah, the escitalopram is likely blunting the effects substantially, as it is known to do this, moreso for some than others. And as Negentropic said, it has a long half life and when you've been on it a while, it can take quite some time to get out of your system. That is most likely what's going on, unfortunately.
Sme tu k užívaniu drog nestranní, nikto by vám to nepovedal.

SSRI môžu odstrániť odmeňujúce účinky pervitínu, ale nemali by ho úplne blokovať, ako to dokážu antipsychotické lieky. Escitalopram má dlhý polčas rozpadu a trvá asi týždeň, kým sa dostane z vášho systému, avšak môže trvať niekoľko týždňov, kým sa váš mozog opäť úplne znormalizuje.

Je dobré neužívať oboje naraz, nedávno som bol hospitalizovaný so serotonínovým syndrómom a bol to naozaj hrozný zážitok s trvalým poškodením mozgu.

Navrhoval by som, aby ste pred opakovaným použitím pervitínu nechali vášmu mozgu viac času na normalizáciu z SSRI. Tu je odpoveďou čas. Váš mozog sa snaží dosiahnuť rovnováhu, takže pervitín pravdepodobne práve teraz cítim tak, ako by mal.

"Nedávno sme ukázali, že fluoxetín, inhibítory inhibítory spätného vychytávania serotonínu (SSRI), zníženie preferencií miesta podmieneného METH (CPP), čo spôsobuje, že inhibícia transportu serotonínu (SERT) znižuje odmeňovanie účinkov METH."
Ďakujem za odpoveď, veľmi mi pomohla! Znie to strašidelne, ako sa teraz máš?
Áno, escitalopram pravdepodobne výrazne oslabuje účinky, ako je známe, pre niektorých viac ako pre iných. A ako povedal Negentropic, má dlhý polčas rozpadu a keď ste na ňom chvíľu, môže chvíľu trvať, kým sa dostanete von z vášho systému. To je s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou to, čo sa deje, bohužiaľ.
Thank you for your response. I hope it will be fixed as soon as possible.
Ďakujem za odpoveď, veľmi mi pomohla! Znie to strašidelne, ako sa teraz máš?
Serotonin syndrome was awful. Worse than psychosis. I started feeling it, but kept using the drugs. The very opioid drug I was addicted to started causing me to go into serotonin syndrome. So it ended up lasting for over a week, because I kept taking it trying to avoid withdrawal. Bad decision, made it worse and last longer.

Anyways, it got worse and worse and became so bad I had to go to the hospital, I thought I was dying. It feels like the most agitated and uncomfortable you've ever been combined with extremely weird physical and mental sensations. Goosebumps, pins and needles, an overwhelming need to get up and move around. No calm. Your heart rate 100+ bpm, high blood pressure, dilated pupils, tremors, jerks, hallucinations. Your whole body feels seriously fucked up. Extreme anxiety and physical symptoms. Extremely uncomfortable.
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Serotonin syndrome was awful. Worse than psychosis. I started feeling it, but kept using the drugs. The very opioid drug I was addicted to started causing me to go into serotonin syndrome. So it ended up lasting for over a week, because I kept taking it trying to avoid withdrawal. Bad decision, made it worse and last longer.

Anyways, it got worse and worse and became so bad I had to go to the hospital, I thought I was dying. It feels like the most agitated and uncomfortable you've ever been combined with extremely weird physical and mental sensations. Goosebumps, pins and needles, an overwhelming need to get up and move around. No calm. Your heart rate 100+ bpm, high blood pressure, dilated pupils, tremors, jerks, hallucinations. Your whole body feels seriously fucked up. Extreme anxiety and physical symptoms. Extremely uncomfortable.
omg I experienced this a month ago while I was still taking escitalopram and I had a good dose of meth. I thought I was anxious but I also thought of serotonin syndrome. fortunately it only took about an hour. Is it possible that it would be serotonin syndrome for an hour?

And did you add anything extra that week? How many drugs have you taken at one time and what?

What did doc tell you at the hospital ? Did they prescribe you any medication ?

I'm sorry, for my curiosity, if I'm too curious, just stop me.
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And did you add anything extra that week? How many drugs have you taken at one time and what?
I didn't add anything extra, but what I was using kept getting worse, I took less and less and less but it kept getting worse and worse. When you enter serotonin you have to stop taking every single drug. Everything.

originally it was a combination of ashwagandha, kratom and risperidone (and alcohol/cannbis) that caused it, I wasn't even taking an SSRI

but once it started I kept drinking alcohol and kratom because I'm physically depdendent on them, but it just made it worse and worse

I went to the hospital and then was forced to quit taking everything and went into simultaneous opioid and alcohol withdrawal.... it was probably the worst 4 weeks of my life

I can use these drugs again now, but still feel fucked up and have various long term symptoms of what I went through
Serotonínový syndróm bol hrozný. Horšie ako psychóza. Začal som cítiť, ale stále som v užívaní drog. Práve ten opioid, na ktorom som bol závislý, začal spôsobovať serotonínový syndróm. Takže to nakoniec viac ako týždeň, keďže som to stále bral a snažil som sa nakoniec stiahnuť. Zlé rozhodnutie, rozhodolo sa to a trvalo dlhšie.

Každopádne to bolo horšie a horšie a bolo to také, že som musel ísť do nemocnice, myslel som si, že umieram. Je to ako ten najnepokojnejší a najpríjemnejší pocit, aký mali v kombinácii s mimoriadne zvláštnymi fyzickými a duševnými pocitmi. Naskakuje husia koža, mravenčenie, ohromná potreba vstať a pohybovať sa. Žiadny pokoj. Váš tep 100+ tepov za minútu, vysoký krvný tlak, rozšírené zreničky, tras, trhanie, halucinácie. Celé tvoje telo je vážne posraté. Extrémna úzkosť a fyzické príznaky. Mimoriadne nepohodlné.wow I see there mainly natural drugs but risperidone treated, I assume, something previous that would make psychosis after something?
friend, I do not envy your situation. Wish you a lot of strength, I hope your condition improves and you ll be fine soon.