Mental Health Can Suboxone help depression?


Sep 13, 2018
I no longer take Suboxone for opioid cravings but for treating my major depression. Tried about six other antidepressant meds without success in the past. Is taking Suboxone long-term a viable plan to treat depression? Will my dose eventually increase due to tolerance? Who else here only takes Suboxone for treating depression? Any other ideas of treatment for me? I asked for Ketamine treatment here in Canada but my doc said I’m not a viable candidate for that.
I’d say that’s generally what I take it for these days too, .875mg currently. I mean I’ve been taking it over a decade and still really feel it works for me. Never much need to increase dose unless life gets rough, but even during cancer it only got up to 1.5mg, then I was able to wean back down. Shits been a life saver for me.

Yeah it's supposed to be useful for suicidality and violent manifestations particularly. Its kind of a miracle drug in some ways, but of course not for everyone.
I tried to use it as one once, however after just 4 days it lost effectiveness, so I stopped, thankfully before dependency.

I can't say for sure, but I feel like the above posters just feel worse without it

I recall reading a clinical trial happened that was canceled for similar reasons.
I was on 30mg daily and I've never even been addicted to opiates. Tossed it all in the trash one day and never got a single withdrawal symptom.
30mg/d, are you sure? No way. I didn't get withdrawal from 4mg/d for some months and considered myself lucky, but that's just outright crazy.

I thought bupe to be useless but in retrospection there might indeed have been an absence of negative thought loops etc. but it was by no way a miracle drug like e.g. psychedelics or dissociatives (the latter with strong restrictions) can be when used rightly. Maybe it is for some. It might be more effective when combined with other antidepressants.
Is taking Suboxone long-term a viable plan to treat depression?
In my opinion, no.

This is why.

Mainly- When you take a drug, on the regular, that stimulates the pre-mature release of neurotransmitters into your brain (such as dopamine in this case) you're causing the brain to 'expect' that stimulation every day (or whatever time interval you use). Thus, actually decreasing amount of dopamine you have overall since your brain will be trained to constantly 'wait' for that next stimulation. Your brain actually gets lazy. So, instead of having a nice regular flow of dopamine throughout your day, you have these wacky spikes of dopamine being released, making you have an even more unstable mood.

Unless you're taking Suboxone after Suboxone. Like, literally timing their half-life and then taking the next one when its' half life is over like a perfectionist. You're taking a drug from a completely different class, and trying to apply it to psychiatry, which I'm not saying is a bad thing, just saying why it isn't a long term solution.

Suboxone is way different than ketamine because ketamine infusions are not everyday, and ketamine does not nearly produce the same amount of dopamine suboxone does.

Another point of interest. When you're depressed you are often lonely too right? Well, a lot of heroin (also opiate/opioid) users (including myself at one point) are lonely and depressed. An interesting study was done on mice. Basically, they could choose to do heroin, or press a lever to 'see a friend' and socialize. Surprisingly, 90% of the time they chose to press the lever and socially interact. ( So, one of the best ways we can fight addiction (and depression) is trying to socialize, although it may be hard (I know). So many times I've felt depressed, but when I have forced myself to call a friend, or a friend has forced me to go out (not literally lol), I feel SO much better!

I say this because not all treatments to depression are medications. I say this from experience. I'm on five different medications for my five different mental illnesses, and it's still not enough. I'm finally doing non-drug things such as: attending therapy, support groups, and enjoying hobbies again (which is a sign of non-depression... yay!). A lot of people also exercise and release natural endorphins, I used to horseback ride and man, there was not a better feeling in the world than to jump over a fence or to gallop in a pasture. There really is a "runners high". Just to keep in mind. When medication and some sort of therapy is used, success rates of curing depression are way higher.

Also, the usual treatment to depression, SSRI's prevent the reuptake of serotonin in the brain (basically more serotonin is available to be used in the brain). SSRI's don't work for everybody, and I'm sure they were part of the six you tried, what six medications did you try? Have you been diagnosed with any other mental health disorders? Because with Bipolar, SSRI's make you go hypomanic and to treat depression they usually start you on lamictal (which is usually used to prevent seizures).

Overall, I do not believe using any opioid long-term is good. Sure, have fun here and there if you can handle resisting the temptation of opioids (which is far and few between). But with daily use- Yes, your tolerance will build to a huge amount. Yes, you will get dope sick if you don't use the second you wake up- after you develop a dependency. Which, are not fun side effects at all. Please don't use an opioid to cure your depression long term.

I am all for ketamine infusions, shrooms, acid, molly, etc. when it comes to mental health (on a therapeutic scale); but opiates/opioids? No. Save those for their intended purposes, or if you please, recreationally.
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Sub has very complicated pharmacodynamics. Without a cursory examination, and along with being denoted as an opioid, I could see how people would doubt it's longer-term efficacy. Please start with the mechanism of action as described by Wikipedia. It is a mu partial agonist (and then some). Evidence otherwise does exist.
I was on 30mg daily and I've never even been addicted to opiates. Tossed it all in the trash one day and never got a single withdrawal symptom.
That's a mega huge dose for buprenorphine. Are you sure you were taking that much daily? You started taking 30mg out of the blue without an opioid tolerance (since you say you've never been addicted) and didn't OD?
They wouldn't put you on buprenorphine if you weren't addicted to heroin or had a bad opioid habit.
Not for depression. I don't think in the US it can even be prescribed for anything but opioid replacement therapy.
You would never need that much to get a mood boost if the reason for taking it is depression.
Also 30mg is a strange dosage because usually the pills come in 2mg or 8mg so I would expect that number to be 32mg. I doubt they were prescribing you 15 2mg a day. Too many pills to ingest so they would have given you 4 8mg ones at best. That makes it 32mg daily.
Oh and the no withdrawal is simply too hard to believe. We're talking about a dosage that is really high. Not even a bit of diarrhea? I don't believe it honestly.
I don't know but there are too many things that don't add up in your post. I apologise in advance if you think this is offensive. I think maybe you are remembering wrong or confusing something.
I got denied for ketamine and all the standard antidepressants don’t do jack for me (SSRIs, SNRIs, etc). 8mg Suboxone a day is what I have access to. The only thing making my suicidal ideation decrease was the passage of time and seeing gradual small positive changes in my life and acceptance of certain conditions. Suboxone continues to help me on really bad days and prevents me from choosing to relapse on drugs. I also don’t touch alcohol anymore.
I no longer take Suboxone for opioid cravings but for treating my major depression. Tried about six other antidepressant meds without success in the past. Is taking Suboxone long-term a viable plan to treat depression? Will my dose eventually increase due to tolerance? Who else here only takes Suboxone for treating depression? Any other ideas of treatment for me? I asked for Ketamine treatment here in Canada but my doc said I’m not a viable candidate for that.
I'm exactly like you. I've tried virtually every type of antidepressant available and not a single one of them has been helpful in any way. For me buprenorphine is by far the most effective medication for this purpose. Once you've found out the perfect dose for you there's no need to increase it. For me it's 18mg per day. I quit taking buprenorphine for a year (I was also completely sober the whole time) and came to the conclusion I'm not feeling well without it. So I started taking it again. I'm currently waiting to getting approved for a maintenance program and i will be placed on the once a week buprenorphine injection when it starts. Later if everything goes well i can choose the once a month injection if i want to. At the moment I'm buying Subutex while waiting the maintenance program to start. I'm IVing 6mg/day which i find to be equal to taking 18mg sublingually.
I don't know that it's the healthiest long term solution, but my current cocktail of meds + Suboxone, is working more effectively on my depression than any other combination before. And this is without an SSRI.

I think I will be staying on subs for a long time, and I'm not really ashamed of the fact.
It nukes raging anxiety and greatly tempers depression and suicidality. Physician said it is due to a particular opioid receptor involved (not the one causing a high) and studies are being done on medications to target it because of these benefits.
Personal example: autistic + schizoaffective + next to nothing to live for + very few relationships apart from forced ones and those are filled with contempt due to results of mental illness = but with Suboxone (and a dog) I'm able to smile a bit majority of days.
I nearly died by my own hand before using it, but suicide is unlikely (still possible though) now.
So to answer your question:
1. Yes imho.
2. Not necessarily, Subs on the same dose a decade later still do a similar job. You may choose to step it up a bit though.
3. Me.
4. Depends on your diagnosis. Lexapro works well to supplement the anti-depressant effects.

Proviso: this is all without other drugs or alcohol use. Who knows what will happen if those are added.
Im also considering this (subs for depression)
Ive been totally clean for almost 5 years. Before that i was smoking a heap of pot and taking dexedrine and oxy. Since i got clean I have almost finished a bachelor degree, and i exercise regularly (unless im totally miserably depressed) plus I go to counselling and church every week.

But im still losing the plot on the regular. Sometimes i can go a couple of week without suicidal ideation, sometimes only a few days. Im freaking sick of it. I've never been on an anti-depressant so suboxone might seem like a radical step but at least I know what im dealing with with opiods. SSRI withdrawal sounds potentially worse than opiod withdrawal, especially because tapering opiods+loperamine+clonindine is so effective.
Buprenorphine/naloxone is very complex, such that we still don't know entirely what it hits and what those hits result in. It can be good for suicidality and violence. But it's not like taking a recreational opioid. That is to say, it's not supposed to work as a broad antidepressant/anxiolytic. I hazard to say that it is similar to other opioids, but is still largely itself it's own beast. I can't imagine SSRI withdrawal to be as severe. If it is, it probably means that the depressive episode hasn't remediated. They are generally safer than opioids. Otherwise, there are various antidperessants that could prove superior in your case.
Im also considering this (subs for depression)
Ive been totally clean for almost 5 years. Before that i was smoking a heap of pot and taking dexedrine and oxy. Since i got clean I have almost finished a bachelor degree, and i exercise regularly (unless im totally miserably depressed) plus I go to counselling and church every week.

But im still losing the plot on the regular. Sometimes i can go a couple of week without suicidal ideation, sometimes only a few days. Im freaking sick of it. I've never been on an anti-depressant so suboxone might seem like a radical step but at least I know what im dealing with with opiods. SSRI withdrawal sounds potentially worse than opiod withdrawal, especially because tapering opiods+loperamine+clonindine is so effective.
I would definitely try an antidepressant before going on sub for depression. Have a chat to your doctor about it.
I will get my first buvidal (IM depot buprenorphine once a week) injection tomorrow. I'm excited about it. I only have to go to the clinic once every week. I like the idea that i don't have to take something to not feel sick anymore (kind of... I'm aware i'm still very much on this drug). Though I've been thinking about how i will handle that i will not have my morning suboxone that sort of kick starts the day for me. I guess the time will tell. I do have a chance to switch back to suboxone if i happen to prefer the daily dosing.
I would definitely try an antidepressant before going on sub for depression. Have a chat to your doctor about it.
So ive been entertaining this for the last week or so, and I spoke to some friends who are on anti-depressants. But ive been doing good for a few days now and am reluctant to pull the trigger cos im not miserable anymore.
Part of this is because im concerned about being dependent/ withdrawal down the track. Especially cos I was dependent on pharma for so long (very different drugs tho granted)
But also, im worried that if i feel better 100% of the time, I wont do the serious work of dealing with my soul and my past so that i actually get better. Some people say that anti-depressants 'create space' for them to work on themselves, but I am suspicious of this because it seems like pain is what pushes me to change and to grapple with myself, so if i medicate that away, I and everyone around me will be worse off.

When im miserable and borderline suicidal i would do anything to escape suffering, but on my good days i can see it serves a larger purpose. So im stuck
So ive been entertaining this for the last week or so, and I spoke to some friends who are on anti-depressants. But ive been doing good for a few days now and am reluctant to pull the trigger cos im not miserable anymore.
Part of this is because im concerned about being dependent/ withdrawal down the track. Especially cos I was dependent on pharma for so long (very different drugs tho granted)
But also, im worried that if i feel better 100% of the time, I wont do the serious work of dealing with my soul and my past so that i actually get better. Some people say that anti-depressants 'create space' for them to work on themselves, but I am suspicious of this because it seems like pain is what pushes me to change and to grapple with myself, so if i medicate that away, I and everyone around me will be worse off.

When im miserable and borderline suicidal i would do anything to escape suffering, but on my good days i can see it serves a larger purpose. So im stuck
I definitely see your point of view. It's always your decision whether or not you take antidepressants so it's up to you. My antidepressant medication has literally saved my life, no regrets in taking it. I've been on it for 10 years and might think of weaning off it in a few years time. But for now I am super grateful for it.