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Heroin Can someone give me a taper schedule to get off heroin via suboxone?

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burn out

Nov 11, 2006
I have a half gram a day heroin habit. I have the 8 mg suboxone strips. My doctor told me to take 16 mg every day. Based on what I've read on here, I feel like I can get by with significantly less than that. I'm also going to mention that the last time I got off heroin, I had injectable buprenorphine vials and 0.3 mg via I.M. injection was enough to take care of 85% of my WD symptoms. Back then I didn't have as serious a heroin habit as I do now though.

So anyway, I am just looking for a schedule to follow to get off heroin and get off suboxone too. I would like to be able to go to work during the taper although I do have plenty of sick days, which I plan to use at the end of the taper when I jump off completely. Also, I know this has probably been asked a million times but it would be great if you could include how long I should wait from last dose of heroin before taking my first dose of suboxone.
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if u take h, then wait at least 12 hrs b4 suboxone to avoid precipitated w/d, but it really depends. ppl say to be safe wait until u feel some minor w/d symptoms. are u tapering off suboxone? well, depending on how long u have been on subs would determine how quickly u could physically taper off comfortably. i read some research that stated that ideal is about 2 weeks for a full taper off suboxone. But if u have been on subs for a long time, then u may need to come off much more slowly.
I havent started taking the subs yet. I am currently on heroin. I want to use the subs to come off heroin. So I am going to switch from heroin to subs, than taper off the subs.

I need a schedule though. For instance, how much subs do I start with and then how much do i reduce by?
Wait aslong as you can until taking the subs..like when your in bad WD, it took me awhile to adjust and felt shit for days, I never had a big habit like that though, good luck mate hopefully someone will get you sorted.

EDIT: Less is defo more with bupe/subs but take what you have too so your not craving or crawling
Read the 13+ mega threads and do a search, this has been covered before. BL is not a substitute for a doctor.
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