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Harm Reduction Can I IV prep those shitty purple agb morphine sulfates the same way you can prep those endo oxymorphone g74 pills?


Feb 3, 2008
So as the title says, I have about 20 of there shitty little pills and I’m a fan of compounding. That saidz, the method I used on the pandas we’re pretty simple and I found it off a guide on here… it went a little something like:

Crush pill very fine, even a dremal(sp)?
Put in shot glass and submerge it into 99% iso, after a decent amount of time I (can’t remember for sure) but I’d filter it, throw it on a hot plate and slowly wait for it to COMPLETELY evaporate,z> scrape>add bio static usp or sterile usp water> Filter cotton> filter thru micronfilter ,22um, don’ miss and experience pure bliss?
Man, I wish I had more information for you, but I hate to think about breaking pills down with a drill to inject them. It can't be good, but I have to leave it open, as we're about Harm Reduction. I wish we had something more helpful at this time, but we will see what comes. Expertise from veterans of these pills would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah no neeed for drill these things have a coating and and b grinded down I’m just wondering if this same method would work to prep for iv.. I mean surely 99% iso can break the time release no?
best method is a bit involved but on par with your panda bear work up. The cliff notes:place a few ozs of water in freezer after stirring in pinch of salt. Let sit for 30-60 min but should not freeze. Stuff cotton in barrel of 3-5 cc syringe. Remove coating from MSTabs keeping pills dry as possible, crush pills, backload into cottoN stuffed barrel, leave shaking room, cover hole and shake for 3-5 min, longer is better, no more than 10. Filter thru cotton. Bang. No gel, killer hit, 50 + mg shots require larger than 1cc rig, problems arise with less than 2cc starting water per 2 30s. Experiment to find what proportions work best for you, stay safe.
Interesting. So I have a high tolorance from mmt but I have always wanted to make a cocktai at which includes m

Mundi pharma old school oxycontin
Some high quality H#4
And a tiny bit of midazolam

Aside from the “dangers”
I would like to know if this would be a stupid thing to do? If so, why? Plz dnt say it’s due to the dangers, I do have a benzo tolorance and have don’t alort of dumb shit but I’m planning on tapering down to 50 to 60mg perhaps not dose for a day or too and experience conplete bliss?
I have confirmed with energy control everything is what it is, h#4 at 70% no fent. Perhaps I’ll remove the midazolam if the rush isn’t that amazing and just pop a xan or two or 90mg. I have done this with d’s and h, prettty nice rush I could also throw washed yay.

That said, I have a sitter and narcan nasal spray but feel like I’d know I did too much and just hit the narcan spray but what do u guys think? Also what would your preferred cocktail shot contain?
best method is a bit involved but on par with your panda bear work up. The cliff notes:place a few ozs of water in freezer after stirring in pinch of salt. Let sit for 30-60 min but should not freeze. Stuff cotton in barrel of 3-5 cc syringe. Remove coating from MSTabs keeping pills dry as possible, crush pills, backload into cottoN stuffed barrel, leave shaking room, cover hole and shake for 3-5 min, longer is better, no more than 10. Filter thru cotton. Bang. No gel, killer hit, 50 + mg shots require larger than 1cc rig, problems arise with less than 2cc starting water per 2 30s. Experiment to find what proportions work best for you, stay safe.
I do wonder if evaporating all of it would possibly make pure morphine? And 1cc per 50mg? So this stuff is thick? I kinda was hoping to make a 30day vial ?
As it relates to breakin down/preppin' pharms or street drugs,"treatin'em t'warshin' n'filtrn'n'stuff" having 30 days worth at once was exceedingly rare (excluding bupe, cannabis) tho obviously the dose makes all the difference. I dont partake now but if i did i would find the formulations arent preferable to even the last choice of 4 manufacturers as lil as 10ish yrs ago. The availability/reliability is appalling, prices have more then tripled on MSContin and various Oxycodone formulations from Perc to Oxy IR/Roxi. Back in the day: Gets call from a couple he knows lookin for them pins and needles, i ride to ole boys house with their 60 for 2 Grey Ghost 100's, i throw 20 in and walk away with two, last time i heard of ABG 100 around me in any direction. ... 65$. But I digress.

If you keep the pulverized pill(s) mass dry, get your water cold enough, add a small sprinkle of salt, carefully fill then assemble mixing syringe, diligently shaking the suspension before pushing thru filter. It wont be "thick" at 50mg/1 ml if you have good pills to work with, if its some shitty 15s or 30s requiring more water/other solvents one would expect a lower concentration.

The method works killer for single doses but i have had success dozens of times with making "easier to fly under the radar at home around the family" runs of various pain pills, never micron filtered, never used bacteriostatic water. I never experienced any problems/complications with bacteria, gelling, evaporation, falling out of solution, no cotton fever from this method, when on sub scrip i would break down 2.5 8mg tabs, filter and end up with 1mg/.1ml, 20 days worth. Ive done the same with 3 blue Endo 100mg Morph -> 5cc = 60mg/ml, had the same vial over a long weekend excursion, no sleep, no refrigeration, no problem.

LET ME BE CLEAR, anything relating to risking sepsis/cotton fever by ignoring better judgement. By using inferior water unsuitable to prevent bacterial growth, even to store it in a vial for only a few hrs, is extremely irresponsible and dangerous. If one has the means to procure drugs for 30 days, one can certainly afford bac. water, microns, new vials, ect.
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Interesting. So I have a high tolorance from mmt but I have always wanted to make a cocktai at which includes m

Mundi pharma old school oxycontin
Some high quality H#4
And a tiny bit of midazolam

Aside from the “dangers”
I would like to know if this would be a stupid thing to do? If so, why? Plz dnt say it’s due to the dangers, I do have a benzo tolorance and have don’t alort of dumb shit but I’m planning on tapering down to 50 to 60mg perhaps not dose for a day or too and experience conplete bliss?
I have confirmed with energy control everything is what it is, h#4 at 70% no fent. Perhaps I’ll remove the midazolam if the rush isn’t that amazing and just pop a xan or two or 90mg. I have done this with d’s and h, prettty nice rush I could also throw washed yay.

That said, I have a sitter and narcan nasal spray but feel like I’d know I did too much and just hit the narcan spray but what do u guys think? Also what would your preferred cocktail shot contain?
No offense but are you really that stupid to mix ALL THAT TOGETHER??? You raised your chances of ODing to damn near certainty. My advice…do the H…wait a bit to see if you’re high as you’re wanting then do the hydromorphone. I wouldn’t add the rest, that’s playing with fire.