Can Donnatel/phenobarbital cause lorezepam relapse?


Nov 12, 2011
Hello. I recently went cold turkey from lorezepam. I took 30-40 mg from march 10th to April 20th. Have gone cold turkey since. Yesterday I was at hospital for chest pains they originally threw lorezepam at me for and specifically told them no sedative drugs or benzos. They give me some digestive drug for whatever reason lying to my face about it not being narcotic or sedative. Turns out it had donnatel which has phenobarbital and belladonna crap in it. Lots of annoying stuff. It's now morning after and blood pressure is incredibly low. Like 80/48. Anyone ever have this reaction to the drug this long after? Is it possible I'm going to have rebound withdrawals after the phenobarbital leaves system entirely?
Anything? Any help? Wanting to continue cold turkey from lorezepam that went 23 days until hospital gave me phenobarbital/donnatel without knowledge.