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Can anyone tell me what 1P-LSD is like compared to conventional LSD-25?


Bluelight Crew
Apr 2, 2009
Can BLers please share with me their experiences of 1P-LSD? Did you find the effects to be the same as LSD? Is 1P-LSD equivalent to LSD-25 in terms of dosage? Is the duration shorter on 1P-LSD? Did you have a positive experience?

I am looking at ordering some 1P-LSD as I think I am overdue for a trip. I find one good trip on LSD or mushrooms at a common/strong dose gives me lasting benefits in terms of mood and creativity up to 6 months after dosing. Although they can be fun trips, I tend to trip with a purpose/intention in mind. I think of psychedelics as a powerful tool that can be used to "defrag" my mind in a way and are not to be abused imo. Anyhow, let me know!

it is the closest to lsd afaik among the lysergamides available.
the pellets probably provide the most even dosing but they are 150 mics - half would be close to a tab street acid of the 60's, 70's, 80's

lysergamide tabs are unevenly dosed, but the pellets come from an easier to mix method than blotter doping:i.e. dropping or flowing or dipping the paper.
I personally find Ald-52 to be the absolute closest to LSD personally...but I also appear to be in the minority at Bluelight that vastly prefers 1p to regular acid.
For me, 1p has a much easier come up, it's much "smoother" and has much cooler visuals (in my opinion), it also is much less stimulating than regular LSD. I seem to have the easiest time sleeping after 1p vs any of the other lysergamides including regular LSD.
It's almost identical. Some people report consistently slightly different effects, but some people say there is no difference at all. Certainly I doubt many, if any, could reliably differentiate between the two in a double blind trial.
Honestly man, Ive had a hell of a lot of both, and they are interchangeable to me. as far as potency, I dont know, but I do think all the 1P I had was much more accurately dosed as advertised. Ive had so called 250 mic blotters of LSD that were clearly no more than 100 mics. and 100 mics of 1P always feels like 100 mics of acid to me
1P vs LSD vs ALD-52 vs 1-acetaldehyde LSD

Here are a few comments from Reddit on 1P vs ALD-52 vs LSD, and further below my own experiences and those of Namaste on 1-acetaldehyde LSD (which you can make at home from LSD in one simple step) vs LSD.

ALD is MUCH calmer than 1P in every way. 1P tends to have a shitload of anxiety on the come up and tachycardia for me and my group of friends. Its very visual but also very scary at times. especially at high doses. ALD is the best IMO. I prefer it over the real thing honestly. At high doses it was very tame, had a great visual set, and no anxiety at all. very welcoming in the way it gets you. I would pick ALD all day long, and i could take or leave 1P in all honesty.
I am very fond of ALD-52 as well! For me, the headspace was very much like #25; however, I felt like the former of the two had potential for a really crazy headspace. ALD-52 also had me seeing three different colors that I'd never seen in my life. I saw red-greens, orange-blues, and of course the fucking purple-yellows.
A few more comments from reddit, there are actual "fan clubs" devoted to ALD-52 over there, but keep in mind 1-acetaldehyde LSD has one more hydrogen atom on adduct than ALD-52, so it is even different from that:

* It's practically extinct! ALD52 is my favorite thing over even LSD and the site I used to get it from shut down.
* ALD-52 is probably most similar to LSD relative to the other analogues (of which I have only tried ALD-52). The headspace is markedly psychedelic, it lasts 12 hours and the visuals are prominent enough. They seemed to take on a more flowing characteristic than LSD, to where I'd see objects form within the patterns.

I find it has a more mellow vibe than LSD, I'm more content to sit back and relax whereas 1p is supposedly closer to the electricity of LSD.

For what it's worth, I found the come down of ALD-52 to be better than LSD... it just felt more refreshing, like a warm hug and it tapers off gently whereas LSD is more of a sudden drop off into sobriety, but the actual peak of LSD feels more... alive to me. like my consciousness is oscillating at a super high vibration.
* I find it's also less prone to creating anxiety. Becuase of this, I feel like I can take much higher doses and go much deeper. I took 5 tabs and experienced absolutely no anxiety at all. I don't think I would have been able to to do the same with LSD-25.
* Hmmm. I seem to get much more euphoria from ALD over LSD or 1p. But yes, the anxiety levels are consistently low with this chemical. ALD is an absolute gem.
* Agree. I feel like it's a subtle power, not as forceful as 1p. But there's genuine depth to it.
* I'll be the first to admit it may be placebo, but I also favor ALD-52 for this reason.
* I dosed ALD52 like 100+ times throughout the last 4 or 5 years, in doses between 25ug and 350ug.

While ALD52 is very similar to LSD25, I think I can still see a slight difference. To me the visuals are different, especially the tracers. I can clearly see a difference there.

With 200ug+ of ALD52, when I move my hand it shows some very colorfull spirals and fractals in the tracer /smearing.

While with LSD25 it is just a mirroring effect that shows several of my hands. Not nearly as colorfull, just a non colored shadow (or several) of the real hand.

With ALD52 it's much more colorfull and intense, like painting the air with rainbow colors.

100ug or even 150ug don't really show a difference at all to LSD25, but with 300ug and above (my highest dose was 350ug) the differences are even more intense.

With 350ug I can hardly see reality anymore due to all those colorfull reflections of anything I look at.

I think the higher the dose the clearer the differences.

Overview of 1-acetaldehyde LSD vs LSD: (Instructions on how to make further below in 1 step):

In conclusion, my personal observations, as I have taken acid hundreds of times in the past not only by itself, but in combination with 400g of fresh boiled cactus tea (I grow my own cactus under shade cloth) over 200 times in over 15 years, and Ayahuasca made with Caapi (75g plus) & Hawaiian psychotria (25 to 30g) over 65 times. I keep a trip diary. P.S. It is a shame imho that Hawaiian psychotria is almost extinct, there are zero growers offering it on-line at the moment, unlike the past when it was plentiful. I am glad I stocked up when it was available and still have 1.5kg left.

The same conversion described in this thread also works with the LSH & penniclavine in morning glory seeds, converting them to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & 1-acetaldehyde penniclavine. As described below with supporting references in Notes (a, b & c) the ancient Aztec and Mayans and Priest at Eleusis for 2,000 years straight used this same conversion on LSH from the seeds, and LSH from the ground up claviceps paspali (ancient Greece) growing on the paspalum distichum grass adjacent to Eleusis to serve to hundreds of people at once, it has a low "freak out factor" (like with mescaline), so I can see why hundreds could take this at once.

Researchers showed in 1961 that Claviceps paspali ergot produces high amounts of LSH in culture "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali, Stevens & Hall".

Note (a) 2016 Polish morning glory study found 3x higher amounts of LSH in MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail
fresh black seeds from vine:
likely 5.00 LSH to 5.00 penniclavine ratio
seeds direct from growers: 1.71 LSH to 5.08 penniclavine ratio
seeds off retail racks: 0.54 LSH to 4.75 penniclavine ratio

Note (b) Page 515 "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" Christian Ratsch: "The fresh or dried morning glory seeds normally are added to alcoholic drinks (sugarcane liquor; c. alcohol), tepache (maize beer, chicha), and balche' (Schultes 1941, 37).

Note (c) The sources were clear that the kykeon's other ingredient, mint (menthe pulegium) was fresh mint. Mint appears to have played a symbolic role in Eleusinian myth; being Hades' concubine, Mint was "dismembered by the jealous wife Persephone." See Wasson, "The Road to Eleusis", 111
Note (1): Make sure your sherry wine is cold before you use it, it contains 5 mg acetaldehyde per 15ml or 1/2 shot glass. Acetaldehyde boils off at 68 degrees F, or slightly below room temp, so keep 1/2 shot glass of it in fridge at all times until you consume.

Note (2): There is a less than ten dollar wine preservation canister available that will prevent oxidation of the wine, instead a bottle of sherry wine will last several months instead of just 7 days. This way the natural precious high levels of acetaldehyde in the sherry wine will not oxidize to acetic acid over time. The canister replaces the air that seeps into an open bottle with a balanced mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon to keep wine fresh: just look up "private preserve wine preservation system", less than ten dollars. Seen it at amazon.
Note (3): Menthol is largest ingredient in peppermint extract and causes cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition in the liver, which is involved in the metabolism of exogenous chemicals. This may have a potential effect in preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD. Peppermint extract also contains 2mg water soluble acetaldehyde per 5 drops

LSA (C16 H17 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSA
LSH (C18 H21 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSH
LSD (C20 H25 N3 O) + acetal (C2 H3 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetal LSD (C22 H27 N3 O2) or ALD-52
LSD (C20 H25 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSD (C22 H28 N3 O2)
Note (4) 1992 adducts study: hxxps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC49935/ Page 8441 "Reaction of Indole with Acetaldehyde: A 0.2% solution of indole in equal amounts of water, ethanol, and acetaldehyde formed a product with 60% yield after 1 hour of reaction at ambient temperature. Omitting the ethanol (50% acetaldehyde in water mixture) had no effect. Decreasing the concentration of acetaldehyde to 0.1% increased the reaction rate and percent yield of product." See pic of the researchers's indole + acetaldehyde adduct product formed at bottom of this post ---> ie before (page 8439) and after (page 8441).

The researchers achieved a 100% new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need ph=4 acidified water and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, with a 1.5 hour soak time with stirring.

Note (5) Breakdown of water soluble acetaldehyde & isovaleraldehyde (and their corresponding acids) in peppermint extract: 1mg standard is equivalent to .001ml, 5 drops used in recipe = .25ml, .25ml = 250mg identified compounds, alcohol percent of peppermint extract = 91% alcohol so then 250mg x 0.9% = 23mg leftover of compounds, assuming 9% of this is the acetaldehyde/isovaleraldehyde & their corresponding acids, [see paper "Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of Mentha Species by Brahmi"] then approximately 2mg exists in 5 drops.
Instructions on how to make 1-acetaldehyde LSD:

1) Fill a shot glass up 1/2 way with dry sherry wine. Sherry wine is already at ph=4 which is what study calls for, and contains the acetaldehyde (5mg avg. per 15ml) we need like the study.

2) Drop 3 hits of 100ug acid into shot glass.

3) Put a foil cover on shot glass and let sit in fridge.

4) 1 hour later add 5 drops of Adam's peppermint extract.

5) Swirl the shot glass once per hour, the researchers used a stir mantel in the fridge, and achieved 100% new product creation in 1.5 hour, but since we are not using a stir mantle, swirl once per hour.

6) After 3 hours sitting in fridge, consume, sit back & enjoy the brand new experience of 1-acetaldehyde LSD, or what is similar to ALD-52 with one extra hydrogen at the bottom indole NH group.
Differences between LSD and 1-acetaldehyde LSD (similar to but beyond ALD-52):

1) You know how acid has that sudden drop off then you are back to sobriety? Instead, this lasts longer than acid and has a warm gentle transition back over a longer period. This also ramps up slowly & gentle like cactus in the beginning vs acid which comes on quickly.

2) 1-acetaldehyde LSD is WAY more colorful than acid, similar to mescaline. Out of this world neon colors are prominent the entire trip from beginning to end.

3) 1-acetaldehyde LSD does not have the "visual choppiness" of acid, but is flowing in the visuals.

4) LSD produces tracers with multiples of shadows of the hand, this produces not only tracers, but colored fractals and mosaics inside the tracers.

5) LSD produces "colored specs that flow in front of everything", this produces instead "fine colored rainbow reflections" that surround everything.

6) Music sounds good on acid, but music sounds great on this, like a whole nother world, similar to mescaline.

7) With 1-acetaldehyde LSD, everything was indeed alive and magical. Patterns were forming everywhere, the shifting of textures is magical. I could lose myself so easily as the visuals seemed to drag my focus in without any effort. As a result, ego death was basically spontaneous. Taking this 9 times already, made it feel like the first time I've ever tripped. One of my combo trips with 300ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD in combination with 400g fresh cactus tea was the most infinitely beautiful & powerful trip I have ever experienced in my life.

8] Sometimes LSD causes my mind to wander uncontrollably unless I take my own drive to focus, but with 1-acetaldehyde LSD there is no wandering thoughts, no tenseness or anxiety like with acid, this is deep mentally, a real gem, pure psychedelic bliss.

9) 300ug of 1-aceteldehyde LSD makes 400g of fresh boiled cactus pieces (no core, approximately 400mg mescaline) feel instead like 700mg of mescaline. I think this has to do with the possibility that 1-acetaldehyde LSD shifts the receptorome or radioligand binding of receptors "away from 5-ht2a" and towards the adrenal A2A, A2B, and A2C spectrum instead which is the dominance or habitat of mescaline & dmt & to a lesser extent, psilocin.

10) You can take this more often as it does not have the "extreme tolerance" of normal LSD which mainly works thru the 5-ht2a receptor (see color chart post #1 of old long thread), just like with cactus which you can take more often.

11) It is not a sacrilege to convert LSD to 1-acetaldehyde LSD cause Albert Hofmann also discovered ALD-52 at Sandoz labs. This is different from ALD-52 cause it has one extra hydrogen on the acetaldehyde adduct at the bottom indole NH group nitrogen.

The table from Sandoz suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD-52 produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state. It also has "twice the anti-serotonin or serotonin blocking power" of normal LSD. 5-meo-dmt has the highest sertonin blocking power of any natural entheogen known on the planet, and 1-acetaldehyde LSD being a very strong serotonin blocker, has headspace similarities to 5-meo-dmt, remarkable deep headspace, but with zero anxiety.

12) Before falling to sleep, I saw closed eye colored visions of architecture and gardens like those in Versailles, France.

13) LSD is "analytical" and not as aesthetic, this feels more natural and is extremely aesthetic (beauty enhancing) like with mescaline. It feels primitive and very natural like with mescaline, it does not feel "man-made" at all like with LSD.
Namaste's trip report (see his report at other drug discussion (ODD) section of the Shroomery) with 300ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD made from LSD is given below. He like myself, has had hundreds of experiences with normal LSD over 25 years, and can tell the differences easily between the two. I have also taken normal LSD hundreds of times in the past (over 25 years), and the differences are like night and day.

Namaste's full trip report:

"Thanks for sharing the recipe. I really do believe that there is a conversion into a new substance, that it's acting on different receptors. That was one of the best trips of my life and I dose several times/year.

Blessed be

I think you're on to something here. It was extremely chill. Soft around the edges. When I started coming down, it felt like 10 years of therapy.

I remembered good times, felt compassion. Listened to music I haven't listened to in years. Thought about friends, was at peace in a way that I haven't felt before.

The stars formed into animated constellations. My Bodhi statue began to juggle. I saw the Perseidies meteors not just out of the corner of my eyes but right over my face while lying in a hammock. Saw the entire movement from start to finish. They looked like giant arrows.

Stayed awake all day, went out to visit friends. It was very happy nostalgia. Sometimes larger doses make me totally black out. Not this time, I was awake and aware. No primal fear or paranoia.

I used McCormick brand peppermint, not spearmint, and Holland House brand Sherry. It did feel 'altered', seems to extend the duration too. Felt like I was still peaking seven hours after dropping. Sometimes I get a cracked out, confused feeling, not this time.

Haven't seen neon colors like that since the one and only time I was puddled.

Sunday's are generally filled with dread and depression for the following week. Experienced none of that. Just a long lasting afterglow. Still in a great mood now. I did get a pretty severe headache but I also drink like it's my job, and I am on a SSRI.

Been thinking about Ephesus and Pergamon, not sure if thats subliminal or coincidence. 🤷

Going to wait 3-4 months and repeat.

Give this a go!"
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I know we all seem to post our same 'personality' message in all posts we post.
Normally, we try to consider the topic at hand, and then add to it, with our twist - our interpretations.
Hopefully our ideas are not too twisted for people to enjoy. or just twisted enough.
However, I note that you are using block copy to plaster your eureka message of turning lysergamides into ALD52 at home on every site in every possible sub-forum.

You know that information in context is very valuable, but If you jam the same data into all contexts, it diminishes the worth of the forum.
1 p lsd was kind neutral mood on the come up whereas with lsd i feel strong rushes huge excitment and body buzz really quickly which gives the trip strong positive push that 1p lacks

also all the 1 plsd trips seemed to giev me bad gas and the lsd trips zero body load/no crazy bad farting

overall lsd more joyful even on low doses

the visuals are slightly different
I personally find Ald-52 to be the absolute closest to LSD personally...but I also appear to be in the minority at Bluelight that vastly prefers 1p to regular acid.
For me, 1p has a much easier come up, it's much "smoother" and has much cooler visuals (in my opinion), it also is much less stimulating than regular LSD. I seem to have the easiest time sleeping after 1p vs any of the other lysergamides including regular LSD.
Can't look back but if I compare the LSD blotter and how it influenced me a 1/4 century ago. With how these analogue's 1p and ALD-52 affect me.

Indeed LSD seems stimulating ime compared with the recent addition's. All have been better trip's, eassier and euphoric. And all ended with very good sleeping unlike the Acid in my youth. So weird that I can't help but think age and being 'experienced' played more of a role.

Or maybe setting was the culprit, recent was alone, vs with 3 other adolescent's.
I must admit to being affected by the fact that with 1P, I’m assuming it’s a bit more of a known thing - i.e. we kinda know the dosage, kinda trust that a legit lab made it, etc.
Not that I didn’t trust my connection back in the day, but now it’s overtly from a lab, and they label their paper. Dosages can be, and often are, off from their 100, but itjust feels less sketchy somehow. I do still test 1/8 tab of each new batch with reagents, just for my own reassurance. Then munch away!

So other than how that colors my trips, I find it more body-loady than L-25, and sound gets affected more with 1P for me.
I don’t find 1P any more stimulating than 25, but can sleep at the end because I’m old snd tired, not young and blown away.

Other than tiny sound diffs, it’s the same for me - couldn’t prolly tell them apart blind tested.
When 1P was legal in the UK I would exclusively trip on that. The only difference I could tell was that 1P was more consistent trip to trip than LSD was for me, in terms of 'feel'; it felt cleaner if that makes any sense?; it was much more reliably dosed. From each order one 100ug tab was the same as the next I'd order months later. The only thing I didn't like was the liquid vial of 1P which I got my hands on, very weak trips, much more mellow and soft than the tabs.

All in all I actually miss 1P now. Having returned to LSD since 1P became illegal and impossible to get hold of LSD is my lysergamide of choice and is still beautiful but, I would love some proper 1P.

EDIT: Also I just wanted to add, and I'm not sure if this is just coincidence, but I never ever remember having any kind of 'bad' or difficult trip with 1P. Not once. Everytime was joyous and beautiful, absolute pure love and openness. Then when I came back to LSD four trips in and I had a classic difficult trip. Not that it was bad and maybe I needed that difficult time, but its something I noticed.

As @DrumTripper said sounds are more affected for me on 1P, music distortion much more prevelant.
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1p has more sound distortion than L

less rushes and euphoria

more body load farts

and you can totally have really bad trips on it

actual L when younger (20) i couldn't sleep, then 1p i thought easier to sleep on (30), now i'm even older than both those and i sleep easiest after L (35)

age plays a huge factor in getting tired out more easily
The scientific literature has shown that 1P-LSD has little activity on its own, and effectively is just a prodrug for LSD.

I agree with this conclusion, I don't think i could tell the difference between 1P and LSD.
LSD has a rushier come up lots of euphoric body tingles/shivers like 2cbfly