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California Cops Gun Down Unarmed Meth Dealer

I live in the suburbs...they certainly aren't risking their lives setting up speed traps and handing out tickets for stopping at stop signs too long, or license plate too dim.
I live in the suburbs...they certainly aren't risking their lives setting up speed traps and handing out tickets for stopping at stop signs too long, or license plate too dim.

you agreed to those rules when you got your license. nobody forces you to follow them and if you wish to disregard them that is your perogative if you're willing to pay the price

and if you dont understand the necessity of funding in a capitalist society then i have no reason to continue pursuing my argument.

if i were you id be happy that the only thing cops are interested in in my neighborhood is writing traffic tickets, instead of chasing down robbery, assault, and homicide suspects
I dislike cops. The times I needed them it took a long time for them to show up. The minute I threw a party or drove a little too fast, they were right there to take my money for a ticket.

In Pittsburgh I knew who broke into my house and stole my turntables moniter and pa system. Did they check it out? Nope. I had to go down there with friends and get them back.

If a cop attacks you, why can you not defend yourself? If a cop invades your home unannounced why can you not stand your ground and protect you and yours? We are becoming a police state in which those meant to protect us are actually hurting our society. There are provisions in the bill of rights that are meant to protect us from unreasonable militias, and bloated governments....why are we living under both?

We as citizens need to stand up and start a movement...if those tea partiers can do it for the wrong reasons, we the people living under this oppression can do it for the right reasons. The first thing to go will be the highly militarized police force. Military is meant to fight enemies...are we as citizens the enemy? Secondly, trim away all unnecessary government positions and denote political gifts from lobbyists as bribes. There is no need for corporations to be considered people...we should not need to pay for their follies.
COudlnt agree more with you. If for whatever reason i have to talk to a cop im going to record the shit out of it.
I have lived in both high crime urban areas, as well as low crime suburbs. It is a clash of interests to fund the police force through ticket quotas. There has to be a better way because I can no longer afford arbitrary tickets and the loss of time working that I spent fighting them at the magistrates. I do admit I have not received a ticket in the year and eight months since I left Syracuse.

The other point I make is about the militarization of police forces. It is just plain terrifying. Getting tough on crime has not worked as well as it should. Maybe its time to get smart on crime. No knock entries? Using information from confidential informants that are either receiving financial incentives, or shorter jail sentences iso substitute for real police work.
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you agreed to those rules when you got your license. nobody forces you to follow them and if you wish to disregard them that is your perogative if you're willing to pay the price

and if you dont understand the necessity of funding in a capitalist society then i have no reason to continue pursuing my argument.

Crying about the cops isn't a trend, it's a valid fucking complaint against a system of control and oppression tied into a massive legal-prison industrial complex. You won't have such a hard on for men in uniform once they lock you up for years for that MDMA ( yet strangely you call meth poison, what do you think the MA stands for)

Most people don't agree to the rules of their societies they are forced upon them with no realistic means of going about getting them changed democratically, it is only the police and other government agencies that have a "prerogative" since in the true sense of the word they are the only ones granted one.

If you believe capitalist societies rely on as a functional financial necessity; pecuniary punishments for petty infringements, rather than say from forms of direct and indirect taxation. Then you probably shouldn't be pursuing this line of argument in the first place.

In 88 NWA said FUCK THE POLICE and with all the rights that are getting stripped from us, that mentality needs to make a comeback.

I wish they hadn't. In many social circles now, anybody with a legitimate gripe against the police apparatus gets mocked as a naive wannabe thug because of that song.

Niggaz4Life is a much better album too. Appetite for Destruction is like an anthem to me.

I completely agree old dirty. Not only that but there is documentation of police fabricating stories to tie in with prosecuters cases in order to get convictions. I am scared for my child. It is only getting worse.

We as citizens, the ones meant to be protected, need to get some sort of dialogue started or at least film police whenever we see them.
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glad to see not everyone on here mindlessly follows the trend of crying about the cops

personal biases are so rampart and evident its pathetic

i dont see any of you strapping up to chase murders down, risking your lives on the street
you believe the meth dealer selling poison but not the cop risking his life so you can walk down the street at night? fuck you

cameras will be beneficial but...
to quote one of my favorite movies, you dont judge real time decisions from an armchair

Funny to see the guy who wants to become a cop come out defending cops and accusing other people of personal biases...

If selling "poison" (seriously what the fuck lol) is all it takes to qualify one for death by copper then why don't they go shooting up liquor stores and fast food retailers while they are at it. Put their lives on the line, I admit they do do that but only to the least possible extent to the point it is pussy as fuck and actually endangers members of the public they are sworn to "protect and serve". I couldn't count how many times on Cops and other such reality shows the cops approach someone "suspicious" who has been proven guilty of nothing with guns drawn, they fucking taze people at the slightest possible sign of resistance even when there is six cops on one dude subduing him. These days fucking SWAT teams with military weapons don't even have the balls to execute a no knock raid on a granny flat without the use of flashbang grenades at 4am it seems like. I am positive that quite a few people are killed each year due to shootings, tazings and other abuses of power and weaponry which shouldn't happen, simply due to cops putting their safety before that of the public's, the opposite of what they are sworn to do. I honestly see cops, especially in the US, to have a real stick together and bully everyone else, and protect our own asses often at the expense of others attitude.

I realise that is a generalisation and it cannot be made about all cops but it does seem to me there is a culture that is prevalent amongst police and it is this one. I don't live in the US and my opinion comes from what I have seen of how they are willing to behave INFRONT on tv camera's (imagine how they act without them around!), American's I have spoke to, articles and statistics I have read and the overwhelming picture I am left with is that they are a bunch of adrenaline pumped thugs who are out looking to get the easiest arrests they can in the lowest income and most coloured neighborhoods.

How many murderers and rapists do you think the average cop catches in one year? Compare that to how many lives they fucking ruin and for a majority it is insignificant. I don't like cops, generally speaking, because the fact is, the majority would rather ruin twenty lives a day and make themselves look better on paper than consider the implications that charging people has, even when they are doing a victim less crime like selling or using drugs. They don't want to target rapists or murderers because they know it is hard work and they wont get half as far as they will chasing small time crooks, they might not create the situation but they sure as fuck decide to work it to their advantage rather than do the right thing.

Cops probably do protect and serve in the fucking suburbs when the people from the poor neighborhoods come over to take their TV's and shit, I would wager if you lived in these poor, generally predominantly populated by ethnic people, neighbourhoods you might see this guy as more than some merchant of poison and more as a victim of these fucking bullies.

I agree that cop hating is a bit of a cliche on Bluelight, and cops are definitely necessary in society. However, I don't think you can really blame drug users for resenting the fuck out of cops, after all, they are the willing tools of the oppressor. People say that cops are just doing their job, but this is not North Korea where your job gets picked for you, people have personal choices and coppers exercise this personal choice in their decision to become one, they also exercise personal choice in who they decide to charge with what and who they decide to shoot for what, so I don't see how they are somehow absolved on that basis. I honestly think that cops on the whole hate drug users a lot more baselessly than the other way around.
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