Bye guys...

Mr. Sticky

Oct 24, 1999
...time to take a break.
you have to stay a little bit crazy to keep from going insane
Deep breath mona, deep breath.
Sticky, I have suffered one too many earth shattering losses in my life.
It can't be you now. We were only 'just' getting to know each other too.
Surely this is a horrible, dirty, mean joke.
Like any minute now, you're going to pop back up and say
"HA! I tricked you all! I am here, will always remain here (I believe it was like a cancer in the board)and so you may now all bow to kiss my hairy feet"
Please? Will you? Pleeeeeeeeaaaaase?
Mr Sticky?
"Do The Jesus Thing"
Methyl-head, 14th Jan 200.
...then let's just call it remission...
you have to stay a little bit crazy to keep from going insane
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 14 January 2000).]
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 14 January 2000).]
Mr. Sticky,
Do what you need to do my friend, but know that you make a difference here. When you get that "I'm tired of talking and nobody listens" feeling, go back and look at some of the serious replies you've written - they're beautiful. So... just wanted to say Thank You! And thanks for ALL the laughs!
(If you're just going away for the weekend, I'm gonna look pretty silly, but I wanted to say this anyway, so what the hell.)
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
oh, mr. sticky...
i'll miss your posts. i can always count on you to make me giggle, snort and laugh my ass off. now what to do???
take care, huh?
Hey, we all need to take a break from here once in awhile... take care my friend and we'll be here when you decide to grace us with your wit and humor once again.

Okay, this is really the last post for a while...just wanted to clear a few things up.
Thank you for the kind words, Guru Daddy...they are appreciated. No, I'm not just going for the weekend, but neither do I know when I'll be back. It has absolutely nothing to do with feeling unappreciated or misunderstood. On the contrary, I feel as recognized, appreciated, and loved(?) as anybody on this board. I don't mean to sound conceited, only blessed.
You have all been more than kind and quite supportive of my ocassionally thoughtful, often whimsical, and constantly attention-seeking online persona...which I guess isn't any different than who I really am.
Sometimes in our lives we just realize the path we are on takes us into a forest that is not meant for us, at least not right now. Sometimes we need to stop, to step outside of the path, to recognize and reaffirm what exactly is important to us. Sometimes that part of us can wither and die if neglected for long. Sometimes the choices therein are hard. Sometimes I say 'sometimes' too much.

Thank you my friends. It has been a pleasure to walk with all of you on that path. I'm going to sit here for while and just think and live and be. I'm sure I'll catch up with you again, so be good to each sarcastic to each accepting of each other...I have to go now before I start to cry.
peace be with you,
--Mr. Sticky, fuck that...
"People are a lot like flowers...and it's been a pleasure walking through your garden."
you have to stay a little bit crazy to keep from going insane
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 14 January 2000).]
Shit... now I'm really bummed. Hope to have you back with us soon. If you need to vent or talk, you know where to go.
You can't always get what you want...but if you try somtimes, you just might find, you'll get what you need
Don't go, Mr Sticky!
"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
*snif* But.. but.
No! Yer not allowed to go.
*sigh* Okay. Of course yer allowed to go. But you'll be missed!
~*~ Ashke ~*~
I know your leaving us for taco bell (Crotcho Smell)

I've enjoyed reading all your posts very much. Thank U!
Bliss Bliss...(st) >ate of mind...I'm BLiSSed.!/
"I wANt to kNOw wHAt yOUr fEElINg. ThERe are sOMe thINgs you can't hIDe!
"I wANt to kNOw wHAt yOUr thINkINg. TELl me wHAts on yOUr mINd!"
Your one of the good ones and you "get it".
Come back and play another day and if not,
may you always walk unchaffed.
now I'll feel all the more special when I get to meet ya next weekend... don't worry dear, you'll never go unforgotten... pretty soon there will be threads here about "What's up with Mr. Sticky... anyone heard from him lately"... and then I will be honored to tell everyone that you as usual are doing wonderfully, and I get to see ya every third weekend of the month at:
THE SONIC BOOM PARTIES AT THE POWER COMPANY IN DURHAM (another shameless plug) AND THE FLIERS WERE DONE BY JODY, AND HE'S THE BOMB ! ! and so are the fliers... you silly.. that little man needs to be the sonic boom mascot... he should be on all fliers