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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Bupe Bupe its future.


Dec 23, 2006
I notice buprenorphnie/suboxone has a class action lawsuit againt it for doing horrible dental damage. (which it does if you are reading this and thinking). My question is since these pills make your teeth fall out faster than meth what do those 'in the know' think about what is going to happen to the future of suboxone programs. on the one hand now I need dentu...on the other hand I still need somethin to not shake on the floor all day....
While it’s bad for teeth, i haven’t had many issues once I got my dose much lower and eating properly. I take 1mg a day and don’t eat a ton of sugary foods. The issues only happened when I was 4-6mg and eating like a normal “healthy” American. (Even people considered healthy in this country are way behind, or maybe I’m just judgmental..)

Could you link to articles about this class action suit? Information on this subject seems pretty sparse and mostly seems composed of user reports, from my own lazy searches using the keywords "suboxone" and "dental"

I did find this:

which speculates that perhaps the sublingual administration of Suboxone etc contributes to a pH imbalance in the mouth, thus contributing to dental problems...but also admits that many of the subjects had other factors involved in their dental health like smoking, drinking soda or the use of other psychotropic drugs.
Could you link to articles about this class action suit? Information on this subject seems pretty sparse and mostly seems composed of user reports, from my own lazy searches using the keywords "suboxone" and "dental"

I did find this:

which speculates that perhaps the sublingual administration of Suboxone etc contributes to a pH imbalance in the mouth, thus contributing to dental problems...but also admits that many of the subjects had other factors involved in their dental health like smoking, drinking soda or the use of other psychotropic drugs.
The irony… opioids ( opiates) also caused severe dental loss. The cure & the cause are mostly centered around dry mouth sufferers, so if you are taking either , try and be considerate of your h20 intake along with keeping up with basic dental care .
Anything that causes drymouth CAN cause dental damage if oral hygiene is not a priority. Even weed can. Suboxone does a lot more good than bad I think.

For what it's worth I've been on sub for like 5-6 years now and my teeth are in pretty good shape. A couple chips but nothing serious.
I don't want to think of the hell that would be unleashed if sub was banned. I doubt it would happen.
I don't want to think of the hell that would be unleashed if sub was banned. I doubt it would happen.
Right? In New York you have to sign a waiver that you will not sue your prescribing doc for dental issues / loss. HOWEVER… Look at the hell🔥 that was unleashed when they stop prescribing pain meds. They give no fucks.