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Breaking the 3-month-rule


Dec 8, 2013
Hi people,
I have used MDMA about 5 times so far, spaced approx. 3 months between two rolls.
Now it happent s that I have rolled last weekend, not knowing at the time that next weekend there will be a gigantic party that would constitute the perfect setting to roll again. I am really inclined to do that, but I don't know if it would be right.
Can I break the rule, just once? Will I run into probles like worse comdowns (I never really had a noticable comedown so far), loss of magic, brain damage? Should I use a higher dosage?
On the Internet, you find alot of info on how to space your rolls in general. And I know that rolling EVERY two weeks would not be the best idea, but what would be the effects of doing it once?
No way, don't do this, the whole experience will be terrible trust me


You don't have enough serotonin replenished so not only will the experience be GREATLY diminished from the rolls you are used to, think about squeezing a half squeezed lemon instead of a fresh one to make a cup of lemonade, it just won't go well.

Plus you may experience a bit of brain fog/brain won't feel as sharp afterwards, don't risk it mate plenty of people here have tried to wing it and have had some terrible side effects.

Stay safe though. :)
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The comedown MAY be a little worse. But I would say as long as you've been healthy within those two weeks you have a good chance of having a fun time and still getting away with it. This would certainly be something you wouldn't want to make a habit out of though, especially if you find that it works again two weeks later.
Not everyone is going to have the will power to constantly stick to the 3 month rule all of the time. Just exercise some self control over how often you abuse the rule. It happens to any user at some point, where they didn't wait a full month, or 3 months before indulging again. If it's your first time "slipping" just try not to repeat. If you keep up with the abuse every negative side effect will increase over time.
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No way, don't do this, the whole experience will be terrible trust me


You don't have enough serotonin replenished so not only will the experience be GREATLY diminished from the rolls you are used to, think about squeezing a half squeezed lemon instead of a fresh one to make a cup of lemonade, it just won't go well.

Plus you may experience a bit of brain fog/brain won't feel as sharp afterwards, don't risk it mate plenty of people here have tried to wing it and have had some terrible side effects.

Stay safe though. :)

Just... No. It is possible to roll and experience full effects from just 1 week break, providing you haven't abused the drug in the past and/or have a heavy tolerance. I've experienced it first hand, it can work. That's not to say it's a good idea though, nor do I advocate it. I only say this because I feel like the MDMA-nazis of this forum can really cause more problems than they solve. I remember when I was inexperienced and was still learning from this forum and I decided to take MDMA after only 3 weeks break. I found myself needlessly worrying about if it was going to be the same, whether i'd be ok on the comedown and just generally having stupid irrational fears. This caused me far more anxiety and worry than anything the MDMA did itself. I went up, had a good time and came down just like I would usually. The same happened after only a week's break.

If you have spaced every roll by 3 months then i'd imagine that you are responsible enough to understand and use MDMA properly. So, breaking the rule (which is more of a guideline) once really isn't a big deal. In my experiences, as long you keep dosage reasonable (100-250mg) you should still feel fine the next day and life goes on. In moderate doses, it's more forgiving than this forum makes it out to be. Just be sure to avoid taking higher doses more than once a month for sustained periods. If you do find that taking it within a week provides a diminished experience with a shitty comedown just avoid doing it again.
Just... No. It is possible to roll and experience full effects from just 1 week break, providing you haven't abused the drug in the past and/or have a heavy tolerance. I've experienced it first hand, it can work. That's not to say it's a good idea though, nor do I advocate it. I only say this because I feel like the MDMA-nazis of this forum can really cause more problems than they solve. I remember when I was inexperienced and was still learning from this forum and I decided to take MDMA after only 3 weeks break. I found myself needlessly worrying about if it was going to be the same, whether i'd be ok on the comedown and just generally having stupid irrational fears. This caused me far more anxiety and worry than anything the MDMA did itself. I went up, had a good time and came down just like I would usually. The same happened after only a week's break.

If you have spaced every roll by 3 months then i'd imagine that you are responsible enough to understand and use MDMA properly. So, breaking the rule (which is more of a guideline) once really isn't a big deal. In my experiences, as long you keep dosage reasonable (100-250mg) you should still feel fine the next day and life goes on. In moderate doses, it's more forgiving than this forum makes it out to be. Just be sure to avoid taking higher doses more than once a month for sustained periods. If you do find that taking it within a week provides a diminished experience with a shitty comedown just avoid doing it again.

I agree with you up to a certain extent but think about it this way :

Imagine someone who contemplates to break the 3 month rule once. What this does is it desensitizes him to the MUCH needed disciplinary control over safe drug use. After breaking this barrier too many times at one point he will be telling himself '' Breaking this rule once/twice/three times isn't that bad '' over and over again until he ends up binging. Maintaining disciplinary control over the drug use will avoid abusing it and going down a dark path.

Why not take the necessary time off to enjoy the substance with no repercussions and cognitive impairments?
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I know this has been brought up before but threads like this people already have their mind made up they just want reassurance. Well I say go for it, you can roll consecutive weeks with great effects just don't make a habit of it. The big nono is 2 days in a row, then you might not feel any effects and the comedown is something you gotta experience too know.

From my experience the damage came when i rolled multiple days in a row or high doses, done both a few times so don't do that. You can do the consecutive weekend thing the odd time but if you notice diminished quality of the roll or a worse comedown then give it a stop. For dosing I always had a tolerance and loved to roll hard so I usually start off with 200-250 then top up with a 100 mgs and leaving it there and the comedown isn't too bad with 5htp. Anything over 400 mgs and I really regret taking the last pill the next couple days. You shouldn't need a higher dose, but an extra 25 or 50 mgs won't hurt though.
JWills MDMA Nazis of this forum? Call me paranoid but after that quote I'm thinking a swing just got taken against me lol hope I'm wrong
Hey guys, thx for the answers.
As I said, it is going to be only this one time. I also don't like the sound of this sentence. But I don't think I'm endangering myself to make a habit out of it because I usually don't have access to MDMA. I would have not rolled last week if I knew what was coming next week ;) This is what brought me into this situation...
For the dosage: I never did more than 120mg, normally like 100mg, I weigh 75kg. And this was about qhat I intended for next weekend, if I'm gonna do it that is.

EDIT: Would it be wise to take something like L-Tyrosine during the course of this week? Also taking into account what afterlyfestyle wrote, wouldn't it fill up my Serotonine faster?
Hey guys, thx for the answers.
As I said, it is going to be only this one time. I also don't like the sound of this sentence. But I don't think I'm endangering myself to make a habit out of it because I usually don't have access to MDMA. I would have not rolled last week if I knew what was coming next week ;) This is what brought me into this situation...
For the dosage: I never did more than 120mg, normally like 100mg, I weigh 75kg. And this was about qhat I intended for next weekend, if I'm gonna do it that is.

EDIT: Would it be wise to take something like L-Tyrosine during the course of this week? Also taking into account what afterlyfestyle wrote, wouldn't it fill up my Serotonine faster?

Yes I'd advise taking serotonin and anti oxidants after your first roll and for a month after your second roll.
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Russell, you have posted twice now and that is usually 1 more than many people that come here.

Tbh I'd be lying if I didn't say these dosages you just listed will greatly impact a lot of BLers responses generally to further detail how much of a dick I am

Furthermore (lol) see how everyone else said you should be fine if you do this as a once off, with this dosage in mind I just have a feeling their views are going to be reinforced (ofc but even I will say that is a good dosage considering the circumstances).

But do consider the circumstances. At the risk of sounding like an MDMA nazi is the high really worth it? I'm just saying straight up you are going to have a different time than what you are used to, going from 3 month break to one week break, it can be done many of us have done this, but I just wish I had more people telling me "you should wait one month" because (and sorry to get all fucking reefer madness on everyone) but it really does take one mistake for a problem to occur one way or another with this stuff.

If used safely, MDMA is one of the greatest things ever invented and one day when there is world peace is will be because of this and LSD's lovechild that came to save the world.

This is HR not "lets get cooking"... There's nothing wrong with someone saying "are you sure you wanna do this" because I wish more people did that in my life, but honest OP you may have only done two posts but it sounds like you've got your head screwed on than a lot more visitors do.

Some people just come and go but I was hoping either way you at least got one piece of half decent info and I didn't scare you.

It just sounds like you have a working brain.

Keep it that way for as long as you can.

PS look up L-Tryptophan? Or is tyrosine what you were thinking of?

It's late guys I just hope I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and everything's gonna be 100%.
Hey guys, thx for the answers.
As I said, it is going to be only this one time. I also don't like the sound of this sentence. But I don't think I'm endangering myself to make a habit out of it because I usually don't have access to MDMA. I would have not rolled last week if I knew what was coming next week ;) This is what brought me into this situation...
For the dosage: I never did more than 120mg, normally like 100mg, I weigh 75kg. And this was about qhat I intended for next weekend, if I'm gonna do it that is.

EDIT: Would it be wise to take something like L-Tyrosine during the course of this week? Also taking into account what afterlyfestyle wrote, wouldn't it fill up my Serotonine faster?

if you are going to roll on consecutive weekends it will indeed be prudent to supplement with neurotransmitter precursors like l-tyrosine and 5-htp(the latter is obviously a much higher priority). Supplementing l-tryptophan will be useless because currently the enzyme in your liver that's responsible for metabolizing it further has been deactivated by the MDMA you used last week and hasn't yet been regenerated by your body, hence the skipping of a phase and supplementing straight up 5-HTP(the next metabolic step in the production of serotonin).

Also supplement with antioxidants such as: Vit C, E, A(proper form), Coenzyme Q10 and Alpha-Lipoic Acid(i recommend you purchase the R-ALA formulation which is better absorbed, more efficient as an antioxidant and has a slightly longer half-life than the racemate. Yes, it's marginally more expensive but will go a long way in mitigating damage to your neurons). Although not mandatory, supplementing with EGCG rich in catechins is very recommended as it is at once a potent lipophic antioxidant and a mild mao-b inhibitor.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet and try your best to have a 30-60mins workout every day throughout the week leading to your second roll.
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PS look up L-Tryptophan? Or is tyrosine what you were thinking of?

Tryptophan is most likely what he was thinking about. But Tyrosine could be helpful too. Really the best thing to do in the days leading up to the next experience is eat balanced meals and exercise though.
Okay, I think I'm gonna sleep over all that info ;)
Yeah, I meant Tryptophan. The problem with 5-htp is that it's a prescription drug here, and l-tryptophan is not.
you can order 5-HTP online without a prescription. or do you expect customs in your country will give you trouble with it?
JWills MDMA Nazis of this forum? Call me paranoid but after that quote I'm thinking a swing just got taken against me lol hope I'm wrong

Sorry, I did not mean that to be a stab at you, your posts are good. It's rather the strict rules that 'must' be abided or you will have permanent damage sort of posts. I really don't think they help people out and are too prohibitionist for my liking.
Oh legit big relief haha

Call me weird but idk I always wished that people stressed to me that long-term MDMA usage hits the brain in a completely different way than say marijuana/meth does, (not getting all reefer madness again Hahahaha you know what I mean though?) although yeah it was pointed out but I mean REALLY POINTED OUT or the last few years would be a very different time for me.. ignorance/youth/rookie mistakes but who hasn't made a few in their life :/

I see comedown posts and my only reaction is fuaaarrrkkkkk I know what you are going through, breaks my heart to read some stories because it brings up a lot of memories close to home and I just feel that in my train wreck of a life if I can help others then I feel half decent/can get up in the morning/help others dodge that mistake.

I get what you mean though it does create a bit of a governmenty prohibition ECSTASY ICE CREAM BRAIN SCOOPS vibe but I head out and I just see way too many people that overdo it, seeing the Sunday comedown statuses (As in the ones that aren't usual, these become scripts of last words and I see a lot of mates having to literally become life savers trying to post like we are across all forms of social media I just can't help but think "I want to help you") I'm just getting tired of losing good friends to drugs you know what I mean? I know if they were taught some proper HR and I know one that sure as hell would still be here but he cooked his brain on an MD binge/bend over a few weeks in our last year of school and was never the same afterwards, they'd still be alive today but I guess everyone here on bluelight is here for one reason or another

Sorry for my speech Hahahaha I need to go to sleep, minds been racing all night about other stuff but peace & love guys hope everyone has a great day <3
Oh legit big relief haha

Call me weird but idk I always wished that people stressed to me that long-term MDMA usage hits the brain in a completely different way than say marijuana/meth does, (not getting all reefer madness again Hahahaha you know what I mean though?) although yeah it was pointed out but I mean REALLY POINTED OUT or the last few years would be a very different time for me.. ignorance/youth/rookie mistakes but who hasn't made a few in their life :/

I see comedown posts and my only reaction is fuaaarrrkkkkk I know what you are going through, breaks my heart to read some stories because it brings up a lot of memories close to home and I just feel that in my train wreck of a life if I can help others then I feel half decent/can get up in the morning/help others dodge that mistake.

I get what you mean though it does create a bit of a governmenty prohibition ECSTASY ICE CREAM BRAIN SCOOPS vibe but I head out and I just see way too many people that overdo it, seeing the Sunday comedown statuses (As in the ones that aren't usual, these become scripts of last words and I see a lot of mates having to literally become life savers trying to post like we are across all forms of social media I just can't help but think "I want to help you") I'm just getting tired of losing good friends to drugs you know what I mean? I know if they were taught some proper HR and I know one that sure as hell would still be here but he cooked his brain on an MD binge/bend over a few weeks in our last year of school and was never the same afterwards, they'd still be alive today but I guess everyone here on bluelight is here for one reason or another

Sorry for my speech Hahahaha I need to go to sleep, minds been racing all night about other stuff but peace & love guys hope everyone has a great day <3

Yeah it's cool. I know everyone is looking out for each other round here. It's not really a fair comparison to the OP though. It's clear that they have a strong awareness of the dangers of MDMA and do not plan on suddenly binging on it every weekend. Simply asking whether you can break the 3 month rule is strong enough evidence for me. In reality, i'd be very surprised if the OP took it two weeks in a row and noticed anything different and/or had a bad comedown. The dosages reported are reasonable, their prior usage is well moderated and they look well clued up on what their doing. So it seems a little unfair to me to suggest that they should definitely not do it when it is clearly a special occassion.
I return partially awake with a few hours sleep!!

Russell, me and JWills have been talking and well, we think you are a big boy now and you are old enough for you to decide what you want to do and who you want to go see.

It's really tough and heartbreaking to see a little sparrow fly out of the nest, but, there's a time in every birdys little life where they must fly from the nest :'(

JWills 1950 male voice:
"Now come on dearie"


Hahahah OP good luck with your decision you seem educated and your gonna take care of yourself, always keep safe & the best of luck <3
I return partially awake with a few hours sleep!!

Russell, me and JWills have been talking and well, we think you are a big boy now and you are old enough for you to decide what you want to do and who you want to go see.

It's really tough and heartbreaking to see a little sparrow fly out of the nest, but, there's a time in every birdys little life where they must fly from the nest :'(

JWills 1950 male voice:
"Now come on dearie"


Hahahah OP good luck with your decision you seem educated and your gonna take care of yourself, always keep safe & the best of luck <3

Haha, I like the analogy. Reminds of my mum who still insists on mothering me to bits whenever I'm home, despite living alone for over 3 years now (certainly not complaining though... washing, cooking and cleaning sucks balls).

Russell, we believe in you to stay safe without us.

This thread went weird.