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Brain Zaps One Month After First Roll


Aug 11, 2014
I took my first roll of MDMA 5 weeks ago along with a few lines of coke. I did not feel depressed or depersonalized, but I did get very intense brain zaps, which I'm still suffering from today. I've been taking a steady dose of vitamin C, B12, magnesium, and omega-3 with mixed results (I stopped taking 5HTP because I felt it was making things worse). During the week (Tuesday-Friday), I'll feel like I'm recovering and doing better each day, but the last 3 weeks I've been getting a huge brain shiver on Sunday night. It feels like I'm not making any progress on recovery at all. I've stopped smoking weed, which some have claimed improves your conditions, but I only felt bad afterwards. I'm also about to cut out all drinking and go cold turkey sober from any form of drug, including caffeine. Has anyone else felt such a strong reaction to doing MDMA the first time? Does it have something to do with the coke as well?
Coke is something I come across a lot when reading about people who are suffering from long term comedowns. Cocaine competes agressively with MDMA at receptor sites so it's never wise to combine the two, they don't get along all that well in your body. At the very least the coke will blunt the MDMA effect :)

it depends on what amount you took as ComfortablyNumb already asked, but if you only took a normal dose I would indeed say it's the coke that caused it in combination with the MDMA. MDMA alone is unlikely to produce brain zaps in normal doses, though it is of course not impossible. It will most likely pass in time, just abstain from all drugs for a while as you are doing now
The zaps are Seritonon levels adjusting after being smashed far beyond normal levels....
Shouldn't last long. 1-5 days
Thanks for the replies. I definitely bit off more than I could chew; if I had to estimate, it was around 300mg. However, I'm surprised it has taken this long and not yet recover.

Any advice on best practices for recovery (i.e. things to take and things to avoid)?
^ I'll tell you what if you just forget about the zaps and stop worrying yourself one day you will notice you haven't gotten them in quite some time (most likely sooner than later)
^This, I had really intense DP/DR for a while and literally what got me out of it was just becoming too apathetic to give it any thought and before I knew it, boom, fixed.
Update on the 2.5 month mark... tingling / electric zapping sensations have gone for the most part. Now I routinely feel pressure buildups in different parts of my head. Taking malic acid has helped relieve some of these symptoms but not entirely.