Brain fog 2 years later.


Jul 25, 2011
I was wondering if it was possible to have brain fog 2 years after quitting a 8 year habit of heavy heavy alcohol and benzo use? I am way better than I was but i often feel quite a bit dumber than i used to. I am kind of worried about the possibility of brain damage at this point. Or is it just bad anxiety still.
How's your nutrition? If it were me I'd take a multivitamin every day to make sure I get plenty of vit D and Bs etc and maybe take some extra magnesium at night, make sure sleep schedule is consistent 7.5-9 hours on a regular basis and get some gym Tim on whether its cardio or weight lifting or playing basketball w friends

I think once all that is in order it would be easier to assess whether there was any long term impact from previous abuse
It can take time to recover from those kinds of drugs. The tolerance tends to build more slowly, but the PAWS tend to last longer. Hard to say what it is, but I wouldn't guess that it's always going to be that way. I agree with my fellow mod that ensuring a healthy lifestyle is very important if you want to speed up your recovery. Then, after this is habitual for maybe a few months, see what a provider has to say. We can offer laymen's advice, but we're not doctors here, so we can't really tell what sort of situation you're in as well as a trained professional can.
You may be suffering from paws, as the acute state is well over by now. But I've seen people having symptoms of withdrawal 2 years out still...and around 2.5 they may want to go see your Dr just to rule things out? Otherwise cogfog in the Benzo community even at 2 years out is pretty common

Check out a wealth of info on there
I was wondering if it was possible to have brain fog 2 years after quitting a 8 year habit of heavy heavy alcohol and benzo use? I am way better than I was but i often feel quite a bit dumber than i used to. I am kind of worried about the possibility of brain damage at this point. Or is it just bad anxiety still.
Rob I'm not a Dr, but paws is rare something like 5-10% of people may develop it according to prof Ashton. I still think you're suffering from Benzo withdrawal personally, hopefully the cogfog lifts after 24 months of being Benzo free.
By the way congrats on making it this far 🤗