Bouncers & Pills

Definately been an occurence here, i know way back when the Asylum was Kaos, in the early days of it, the bouncers used to swipe beans from ravers but not turn em in, then they would sell em back to the raver crowds in return, but as far as i know they got busted. But more then likely this is happenin everywhere, in my opinion its a bad thing, just another thing for the fuzz to use to shut a club down.
Choose Love, Choose Laughter, Choose your Friends, Choose Raves, Choose Life...
I was all messed up and someone asked me if i had any pills. I asked my buddy (who deals) to get some for this guy. He didn't want to go outside, so he told me to go. Being the nice guy that I am, I went to the car to get them. The guy only wanted 1 pill, but my buddy had them in a bag of 100. turns out that this guy was a bouncer, and sure enough, as i was getting the bag of 100, another bouncer came up to the car and caught me red handed. They took me in the back room, gave me this long speeech about how lucky I am that they are letting me go, and said they would flush the pills in front of me. Well, I might have been fucked up but i know the difference between 20-30 pills and 100. There was NO WAY that he flushed them all. and then he said because they let me go that if I ever see anyone dealing I should tell them cuz they want to keep things safe. One of the owners kept harping on the fact that he wants to catch all the G dealers cuz it's very gangerous. I later found out that he's a huge G freak and probably just wanted to keep the shit for himself.
Thank God they let me go, but it makes you wonder why?
The Good News: I Have Two Brain Cells Left.
The Bad News: One is Lost, and The Other One Is Looking For It.