• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Boss sucks, issued warning for insubordination under false pretenses, seek advice

You did say you were leaving the company right?

So long as you don't do anything to get fired between now and then, it's possible you could do anything you wish in the workplace (I would keep your references in mind, however.)

IMO, it seems like you are over thinking the situation. You have many ideas/plans worked up, but following one plan omits another from taking place. You know what you want to do, but you don't know if it's what you should do. My advice would be to do what you should do, and that is forgive him (it will feel better than any other course of action, I can guarantee that), and forget it ever happened until the day you leave the company officially, in which case, if your boss hasn't mined enough karma points, you have full freedom to deliver any sort of public complaint about him and the company he represents. And you could do so, very publicly.