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books that changed your life.

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
the Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy by Douglas Adams
Colin Wilson - Outsider
Robert Anton Wilson - Cosmic trigger Pt.1
Liber Aba - Aliester Crowley
A book I read recently - Dalai Lama – The Art of Happiness.

Not so much a self help book, though defiently an amazing book to read. It explains how one can change perspective and by altering a few different parameters in life can live much more contently and happy. It in no way enforces religion on you, though it is based on the belief of Buddhism.

I really enjoyed it! :)


Wise Child - Monica Furlong
Any and all Robin Hobb books

Oh and yes anything written by the dalai lama is amazing, he is such an unbelievibly humble and compassionate person, i wanna marry him :)

lol i have to keep editing this post as i remember such excellent books!

anyways, Kahlil Gibran, i really reccomend EVERYONE in the entire world reads his stuff, esp The Beloved. He is a wonderful philosopher of like umm 1930's i think, and alot like the old romatic poets. hes just brilliant.
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1984 - orwell
journey to the end of the night - louis-ferdinand celine
ishmael - daniel quinn
The Drifters - James Mitchner
what? people actually are going through the same mental dilemmas as i am? what?

Physical Chemistry - McQuarrie
taught me that the world both makes perfect sense and is an absolute miracle. also taught me that differential equations are evil little bastards...
I recently read once were eagle. I think that is the title anyway. Buddhist books r good.
When my father was in prison, I sent him three books, The Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig and A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber.

(I keep an extra copy of the Handbook around so I can give it away.)
I loved The Perks of being a Walflower !

a book that reaLLY changed my life I found it at a coffee shop for a dollar!

''Das Energi'' - paul williams
wow this thread has kind of inspired me to hit the books, lets hope this doesnt fade away. When I was a kid books like the Hardy Boys (my school actually had the old blue hardcover books!), Tom Sawyer, and Robin Hood (not watered down versions either) helped make me a well above average smart kid, thus affecting my life, which I am grateful for. Im pretty sure I was a better reader back in 4th grade though than i am now, i dont read unless i have to because i dont have enough time. but i think im going to start trying to make time for this. Haha and the funny thing is I had a good grasp of Samuel Clemens' writing style in Tom Sawyer back in i thnk maybe first grade, I actually understood the book very well. And here I am a senior in highschool, and we are reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for english class. So I guess I really was way ahead of the average intelligence level back then, and I believe I still am but I think I'm losing my lead. Time to read!
the gay science-nietzsche
tao of physics- fritjof capra
tao te ching
tropic of cancer
naked lunch
season in hell-rimbaud
^^ why would "Mein Kampf" change *your* life? it's a heap of crap and gibberish, out of the ordinary only because of the intensity of the author's fanatism and its impact on the world in the mid-20th century...

really don't understand that..

"war and peace" is a really, really good book...didn't really change my life though
Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - once described to me as "west coast hippie crap". But an important book which helped me form my views when in my early twenties.

Siddharta - helped me regain my perspective a few years later when it was slipping away.