Bluetooth record players

paranoid android

Moderator: TDS
Staff member
Apr 4, 2006
Im thinking of buying a record player but don't want to shell out a fortune for a vintage one. Is the sound that different on a bluetooth one then a vintage one?
As records are an analogue medium, I think you won't get much difference from a modern to a vintage one. My experience is that the speaker or headphones can make more difference than that between two devices of at least good quality. Bluetooth is good for digital stuff because sound doesn't go through unnecessary de-/re-encode cycles. But I'm by no means an audio expert, just a hobby music fan.
If there is a difference, I'm sure it will be negligible. Someone once told me the sound difference between mp3 and CD is similar to the difference between CD and cassette tape. Considering I have tinnitus, I would never be able to tell the difference between any of these mediums. Like plumbus nine said, the bigger difference will likely come from what type of speakers/headphones you are using.