Bluelight Rings! ~ Last night 2 order ~ Total $ tomorrow!


Nov 3, 1999
I am tallying up my total, and will email Keith tonight. Since he ALWAYS responds mad quick, I will most likely have a grand total tomorrow, and start to work on sending out the individual emails telling peeps how much they owe individually and whatnot.. I will go from earliest orders to latest orders. From what I can see already glancing thru th orders, we will have WELL over the required 100 to get the discount price.

Last minute orders can be placed at the following URL:
Last minute cancellations or smart-ass pesters can be placed here:
I will take NO MORE ORDERS AFTER MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT! The link order form thingies will be disabled.
Remember, orders for glowstix of all sizes and colors, flashing bracelets and necklaces and other coolstuff, *please* do not talk to me about these. I will have quite enough trouble keeping ring and mini-glowstix orders straight.
But do feel free to email Keith at [email protected] for all that good stuff, and it'd be cool to thank him for the great prices he's giving us for our bluelight ID rings.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
mines already in...but i haven't heard anything yet =/
but then again...ashke never respons to my e mail in a timely manner anyways... (hee hee)
"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
I know, I know. :/ I am terribly, horribly, awfully bad at responding to email.
But Soulfly, re: the bluelight orders *no one* has gotten a response.. I should have made it more clear that it wouldn't be immediate. I have to get all the orders in, check with Keith that everything's still a go and that he's not gonna be short on this color or that color.. I don't forsee that being a problem, but I don't wanna be too optimistic either -- especially when people's cash is on the line.

~*~ Ashke ~*~