⫸STICKY⫷ Bluelight Research Portal - community feedback


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
We are about to launch our research portal. This thread will be a space where we can discuss the portal, research standards and our pledge to the community. Stay tuned!
Excellent. I found you through the The British Psychological Society by way of an article in this month's magazine, written by Vaughan Bell. I am a first year psychology student and this is an area of research that interests me greatly. I anticipate this to be a go to place for my third year dissertation. I've used psychedelics myself in the past and believe it to be a valid and therapeutic tool. It seems to be enjoying something of a renaissance in psychological circles, this can only be for the betterment of mankind. I hope to contribute towards it someday when I am qualified.

All the best.
Great, davehal. We should be here when you are ready :)
says i don't have permission to access. could it be because of my limited posts?
OK I'll ask our tech person to see what is going on!