Completed Bluelight - Inflexxion survey 2014: An easy way to help keep Bluelight running!


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002

The first of two Inflexxion surveys has been completed. Please help us reach our goal by completing the second survey!

The Inflexxion research organisation makes an annual donation to help keep the Bluelight community running. Bluelight and Inflexxion have worked collaboratively on research surveys for 5 years now. We have published a paper together in the peer-reviewed journal Substance Use and Misuse. We review Inflexxion's surveys internally before their launch, and this time, we helped pilot the response options for one of the important items in the survey. We are proud of our ongoing collaboration with Inflexxion and we look forward to another successful survey in 2014.

But, we can only do that if you are prepared to contribute. While this decision should be entirely your own, Bluelight recommends you take the time to consider participating.

The first Inflexxion survey has been completed, though we still need your help in completing the second survey!

COMPLETE SURVEY 2: Hydrocodone combination products

This survey is:
- open to all of the Bluelight community, including people who just read our content, regardless of your drug use status
- anonymous - no IP addresses collected, no identifying information asked
- 10-20 minutes long
- approved by a university ethics committee

This survey is collecting information from participants on their use, misuse, and abuse of prescription opioids, with a particular focus on hydrocodone combination products.

Please do not use your browser’s ‘back’ and ‘forward’ buttons to move through the survey. Use the ’next’ button at the bottom of the survey page to advance forward in the survey. You will not be able to go back to previous questions.

We welcome comments on any aspects of these survey below. We will ensure that any concerns are brought to the attention of the Inflexxion research team.
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I hit something and it says, page expired. :( Also there's no back button. I think I accidentally chose a drug that I tried when I didn't.
@Pretty_Diamonds Thanks for the feedback. I'll pass it on!
Thanks to everyone who has completed this survey. We would really like to get a few more responses so please check it out if you haven't already done so.
Will Gladly Help Out and find the Topic Very Interesting!

EDIT: Finished.
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Done. Thanks for the reminder Tronica. I know that BRIGHT GREEN BANNER IS UP THERE but somehow I kept ignoring it. I'll mention something in the Recovery forums and try to drum up a little more participation.
Here are some comments from UK-based Bluelighters:

My experience is detailed in post #6, if anyone's interested. :)

We could force our way through it (for the sake of acquiring some spare change for BL), but it would be ethically suspect to do so and wouldn't help the researchers much. They need to make these things more flexible, or risk missing out on the rest of the world's data. :\

Did just first survey as I haven't tried hydrocodone, glad to participate!
Done both surveys
Not using anything at the moment so unsure if it was helpful :)
Second survey was the easiest one. I didn't use prescription opiods ever and survey pointed me right to the finish :D

First survey didn't end so fast but I decided not to complete it because I had no idea what to answer about drugs mentioned in survey. Yeah, I heard about few of them (Oxycodone, Vicodin, etc.) from movies actually ("House M. D.") and not from my or others experience. So when survey asked me 'to sort them by desirability' I closed page because I don't desire them at all and there were no option to skip question or smth. Sorry :)