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Blood Pressure and MDMA


Dec 30, 2014
I've always wanted to roll ( hell, ever since i was 14. 21 now) but recently I started to get hypertension. My blood pressure the last time I went to my doc my numbers were 169 over 111. My question is... Will I ever be able to safely roll?
I don't think it's a good idea buddy. Those levels are kinda scary to be trying to take drugs that effect your
Cardiovascular system
Irresponsible though it may sound, my Bp was regularly over 200/135 for a very long time, during which I took massive amounts of amphetamineand MDMA with no ill effects. I was very lucky I now realise, and nowadays it is under control with pills (Doxies I call them - no unpleasant SFX). I pesume you will be taking measures bring yours down to safe limits (my glass arteries at age 50+ are one thing, to have such high BP at a much younger age is worrying!) Even so, once you have it down to safe, sensible levels, I see no reason not to enjoy the marvels and joys of MDMA, LSD and whatever takes your fancy. Just make sure that any drugs you need to keep your BP under control don't have any adverse reactions or cautions connected with them!

NB Best not to ask for advice from your GP concerning such things, unless you want a long, long, pious and dreary lecture!
Yeah better to err on the safe side of things with drugs. Also once you have your bp under control that's one less thing you need to worry about during your roll. If you've been waiting for 7 years like you say, a little while longer isn't going to make much of a difference I think :D
Thanks for the advice guys! Do any of you know of any alternative ways to get my bp under control? I don't really want to take medication for it (tried propranolol and it just didn' feel right).
If you try Chinese or herbal medicine, make sure that your regular physician knows! People often mix herbal medicines with regular meds that they get from their doctor and don't tell them- this literally kills people, so make sure you're honest with everyone :)

It's possible that one day, once you get your blood pressure managed (ie: ideally, it is regularly under 140 systolic and does not bounce around a lot), it will be safer for you to roll, and may be something that works for you. I wouldn't say that this is a forever thing necessarily. However, spend a while working on your BP first, and once you BP has been much lower and stable for numerous months (more is better, of course, but I'd say at least six months or so), your risk will be much lower. Come back and ask again once you get there, bud! Good luck!
So you have high BP? Has your physician said anything about why this might be?
High BP is often associated with being overweight, smoking, heavy alcohol use, and with older people.
If you don't have a special condition that is causing high BP and you don't want to take medication your option is basically to start leading a healthier lifestyle
Lose weight, eat more fruit and veg, reduce your red meat intake (about quarter of a pound a day max), and try and cut out fatty foods.
The other thing you should do is to start to exercise. Daily moderate exercise (enough to break a sweat for about 20 minutes) and two intense sessions a week is enough.

Drugs to reduce BP are fairly innocuous. The first step is diuretics, when these stop working they will try beta-blockers, afterwards you will progress to ACE inhibitors and then there are still more options.
Blood pressure is affected by things like body size and drinking/smoking, but it's not an exclusive link. I've always had crazy low blood pressure, regardless of body size, and I went to school with someone who had to take meds to lower hers even though she had a pretty average body size (and was a teenager, so not living a boozey cigar chewing lifestyle).

This: "High BP is often associated with being overweight, smoking, heavy alcohol use, and with older people. " is technically an accurate statement, but it's a pretty judgey thing to throw at someone talking about their own body and health conditions on the internet. You've possibly either insulted the OP by implying their health problems are "all their own fault", or (at best) completely 'splained something about their own health that they couldn't possibly NOT know.
I've had high bp for years. Go to doc and start bp meds. Once you get your bp under control you will be alright. Those numbers are very high though. Get your bp right and be glad you found out so young.
I think you got the right answer about not rolling on high blood pressure as yours...but you are still so young.......the healthier you are the better the roll so ive heard.....if you really want to experince it i suggest focusing on your health proplems first and the rest will fall into place....i respect your responibility in asking that very serious question....and i hope you can lower the blood pressure so you can do what you want..
If hypertension runs in the family, like mine, the possibility of it causing problems is there. I'm pretty healthy, though I've been eating junk food as meals as of late, my hr/bp are consistently at normal levels at rest. Exercise is great and it even helps keep your mood and spirits higher.

I'm only one example, but considering the above and the fact that I abused the crap out of mdma, I'm just glad that it didn't bring out the hypertension. I'm also kind of a heavy cig smoker and an insomniac to boot. I'm probably lucky, and/or my efforts at countering the damage I know I do has been working. Either way, I won't be testing my luck again.

However, specifically to the OP, those numbers are pretty sky high. If it's consistently at those levels, medication will eventually be necessary. Exercise and less intake of sodium should do wonders, as well as reducing stress. You will only be able to safely roll once you get your numbers down by a lot.
I wouldn't risk it...MDMA definitely will raise your BP. Last thing you want is a hypertensive crisis and death when you were just looking for a good time.
Have you tried taking magnesium citrate? It comes in powder form which you can just add to water and gulp down. It relaxes muscles and usually is beneficial for lowering BP. Its worth trying out...
I am currently on a prescribed drug called ramipril it lowers/controls blood pressure as mine seemed to be high. I take it daily (10mg per day) I am goin to a festival soon for a few days and wanted to take MDMA, not loads, just 1g over the coarse of a few days, little bits at a time. I have taken it before but that was before I was prescribed ramipril. Would you say it was ok to take?
Have you ever taken 1g of mdma over the course of a few days, little by little? Because this doesn't really work, unless you increase the subsequent doses by a lot. Especially one day right after another.

I have tried this numerous times to no avail, and wasted a lot of material too. The most number days where this might be worth it is two, imo.

Also, can't believe I just noticed this, but if you are unhealthy enough hbp-wise to require medication, then you really should NOT take mdma or any drug which raises your bp/hr. It is straight up dumb to take a high/huge risk of getting a stroke or heart attack for a 6 hour trip. Wow.

Hbp runs in my family and even though they are consistently at normal levels, I am always worried about getting it/hypertension some day. If I actually had it and required medication?? That would make me want to sober indefinitely.
I Am Sure it wont Kill you But But High Blood Pressure are the Few Reason why Some people can Die on MDMA So Better To Be Safe then Sorry at Least get on A Blood-Pressure Medicine that Helps before Rolling that should Reduce the Risks Somewhat one would think But I Am No Doctor lol.
Thanks for your feedback guys. My friends did it last year over the coarse of a few days and had the time of their lives! I am on blood pressure medication. I have taken MDMA a few times before and had no dangerous affect on it and I took some when on this medication but the bp tablets were only 2.5mg! I have not taken it since being on 10mg of this medication! I may well speak to my Doc about it, but will take your advice on board. Cheers
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