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Blatant lies on the BBC

Red ghost

Mar 15, 2014
The BBC are showing a programme about drugs on BBC3 it has so much lies and propaganda.

Will mainstream media ever tell an unbiased view on my love MDMA?
Well, not really, or at least not in the near future. This happens because of several reasons, the main ones being a shitload of misconceptions (acording to media ALL illegal drugs are the tools of satan himself while alcohol and cigarettes are completely ok) and ofc some economical interests ( from the comanies who sell alcohol and tobacco, which are major players and definitely don't want competiton from all sorts of better psychoactives)

But really, people who get their infos from tv documentaries ( i'm talking here about almost any subject, not necesarily drugs) are those who are not meant to understand anyways...for most people drugs are bad no matter what and that is the way it will be
Also since MDMA is highly illegal and demonized, even when media producers seek honest answers...officials will often place a negative spin on the subject. They usually will not even discuss harm reduction methods such as testing kits. Other times full blown lies will be reported as truth by not only government officials but other "professional". An example of that would be what was pointed out in the ABC documentary Ecstasy Rising back in 2004. Then mentioned a study a flawed study that supposedly showed how MDMAs effects on the brains of rats were in fact caused by meth, with the lead scientist of the study claiming that the pharmaceutical company that provided the drug made a mistake. Extremely unlikely since the pharma company tested it multiple times before it shipped. At least ABC called them on it but often times misinformation is accepted as fact if it is propagated by a person with a "title". At which point it is accepted as truth.
It's the government, so it's not much of a surprise. Look at how weed is on schedule 1, even though it clearly does not belong in that category. It subsisted there because of all the lies the government put out and are now backtracking slowly because in this day and [information] age, people know better. The media, which is owned by big businesses and heavily connected with the government, is not much different in that regard.

Besides that, the benefits of a narcotic is just not on the to-do list for them. That's what paints a biased view and gets people to distrust what authority figures say.
Typical media bullshit. Usually BBC is pretty fair and balanced unlike the majority of the US news networks, but they're probably feeling pressure from the government to put out propaganda.
I think rather that it's simply because the safe use message is still not accepted as a possibility in the UK. They should take a leaf out of the Dutch book.
It think it might be a plan to see it first comment later. If you have any kind of source or press release all the better ;)

Will a mainstream media company ever send out an unbiased view about MDMA?

Do you actually mean a condoning view about MDMA? Reading between the lines and hearing the word in your question "my love MDMA" then I think you might.

I think as humans we are all biased slightly. On the basis you love MDMA your bias is there too.

Personally I like to see a "balanced view" in any report (if possible). I think there are some arguments for both pro drug and anti drug depending on specifically what is on the discussion table.

MDMA has its dangers and also its benefits.

Someone suggesting that all drug documentaries are nonsense and shouldn't obtain information from drug documentaries is nonsense in itself.
^ exactly.
Saying MDMA is harmless is just as fallacious as saying it is killing a generation.
That's the thing though. So far, I have yet to see any form of media that wasn't either pro-drug or anti-drug. The majority are anti-drug obviously.

Mdma, yeah, it's potentially dangerous. There's no question about that. But the same could be said of Tylenol.

Weed? Uhh, not so much. To trust what the media and government have said about them in the past ended up being nonsense.

But from everything else I've seen mdma related, the media or government never put out an unbiased view. I guess that would give neither side much credit.
The conclusion I draw from the above observation is to either avoid mass media (bias is all but inevitable, one way or another) or read as widely as you can and make up your own mind.
In the current media climate I wouldn't recommend trusting any source, unless you're looking at academic journals and scholarly reports.
Drugs - like everything - have both their good and bad points....it's life I guess.
I couldn't have said it better. That really is the way to go. It's best to make up our own minds with the most informed decision possible.
Lol yeah I'm biased too:s I suppose there is a chance that I was hurt by the programme and felt attacked.

Still I don't feel they portrayed it well. One mother came on TV to tell how her daughter died from MDMA and when I Googled it they said it was PMA. That's the lie that p*ssed me off to be honest.
It's sad to hear that, but lol @ if the program really flubbed that one up on purpose.

Honestly, at least in the USA, a lot of documentaries are full of agendas and twisted facts. I was made aware a while back about how U.S. History textbooks were written in comparison to other countries. They make other countries seem like the "bad guy" and how the U.S. is sinless and always right. That is just so off, and that's just one example of how the media and government puts out a bunch of bs.

Just...ugh, whatever. Imma go search for this documentary and comment on it when I get back. Now I'm super curious to watch it first so that I can properly judge it. =D
Lawl, I just realized this documentary is from the UK. I'm only 15 min into it, but the tone is muuuuch more straightforward and honest than almost any US drug documentary I've seen.

Still, it bugged me that the doctor said "mdma kills people" like everyone didn't know already. So do many legal drugs, so where are those anti-drug documentaries then? Lawl some more.

I'll edit this after I'm done watching. :)

Edit: Hey, this wasn't that bad. None of the propaganda I was expecting before I watched it, but then again it's not from America. It showed the good and the bad. I liked it. Some of the horror stories on there were extremely rare cases though. Nothing new at all, whether it was from being dehydrated or drinking too much water. The poly drug use case, well, that speaks for itself.
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I was expecting this to be the usual anti-drug propaganda from the bbc but was pleasantly surprised. Like mentioned above some of the negatives were definitely blown out of proportion and that douche bag chef they had on was a total idiot who was just giving the big one for the cameras. There was alot of fair time given to the positive stuff and this surprised me alot, be interesting to see what that was Dr Z gave her near the end.......