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Bladder damage from non chronic ketamine use?


Aug 19, 2013
Hi all, posting here again because I'm very concerned that I have damaged my bladder already from ketamine. From 19-21 I used it only about twice a year, mainly because it's non existent in my area and I'd only use it at music festivals. In the past three months I've used about once a month, maybe a little bit less (like once every 6 weeks), and I am worried I've already wrecked by bladder. I know that sounds kind of silly but here's what happened.

I acquired a gram of ketamine from a trusted online source. It was extracted from ketalar, thus being pharmaceutical grade. I took the whole gram in a span of three days, and figured there would be no issue. The night after, I got up to piss nearly every hour and felt a strange feeling in my bladder, the analogy of it being "scarred" is a good one, as I felt like I had cuts or something. Anyway, I brushed it off as a harmless after effect and didn't worry about it. But lately I've been reading reports that people have experienced similar bladder problems from pharmaceutical grade ketamine.

It has now been a month and I consistently get up to pee at least twice a night; I know that may not sound like much but I used to only get up only once a night and sometimes was able to sleep through the whole night. My bladder feels "sore" or something like I mention and even during the day I pee a lot. Anyway, just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and what you're thoughts are.

Note: I have taken a lot of drugs and have found ketamine to be the most addictive for me personally. I used to find it helpful for my bipolar symptoms but now I just feel kind of strange after taking it. Proceed with caution when using.
The threat is real, my friend. Although it seems, by comparison, that your use is nothing like many of the people who have had UT issues due to K use (let alone MXE, MXP) in terms of volume, but that unusual feeling of having to urinate far too much could very well be due to your Ket use. You may be particularly predisposed, genetically or otherwise, to such negative side effects. But if I were you, I'd give up the K and like compounds. I went on a bender with MXE and did many grams over the course of months and I was convinced that I had done permanent harm to myself, and quit. After a couple of months, the symptoms subsided and now I feel no trace of that UT-related discomfort any longer. So, like I said...just stop using K. If you've ever seen the stories of the people who have had their bladders removed and have to catheterize themselves all day, every day, it's enough to make you realize that nothing is worth that. Often, as you likely know, stopping a particular drug that one falls "in love with" often seems impossible until you start to feel what seem to be real side-effects, kind of like having chest pains when doing coke, etc., etc. So before something really bad happens, drop the K. It just is not worth it.
you may be ultra susceptible and actually paying attention to your body which is good. cut it out for 6 months, see if it resolves if so steer clear.

but seriously your bladder is too good to waste on a ket addiction which is what you could develop into

catheters bags are NOT sexy

cut out ket
Appreciate the post. I unfortunately just experienced ketamine induced psychosis so I have stopped for good. Sucks when a drug that you dupe yourself into thinking helps you takes a turn for the worst.
Just providing another statement from personal experience this is absolutely a real risk of Ketamine use.

I have experienced this multiple times after binge behavior with K (generally takes about 3grams in less than a week to have a flare up for me). It usually begins as you describe as a weird sensation which, if use is continued, evolves into full-on K-pains that are truly agonizing and impossible to remedy except by taking more ketamine. Honestly, when this first happened it was likely the most painful thing I have ever experienced and lasted just as long as it took to develop (about a week of immobilizing pain in the right abdominal area).

That said, it does go away and normal bladder function resumes as long as use is discontinued which can be easier said than done but hopefully this can give you some reassurance. Some basic things than may help are taking low dose aspirin or other NSAID drugs to reduce the inflammation and also to drink a lot of water....Like seriously A LOT OF FCUKING WATER. Ketamine is already extremely dehydrating to metabolize and the high can also make you neglect to do things like drink water. Also this will help flush your bladder and ideally counter any scarring by forcing it to stretch out in order to hold the large volume of liquid.

In all though, if you are experiencing this kind of issue, especially after only a gram, it seems plausible that you are hypersensitive and/or have a biological deficit in your ability to metabolize K. That said, your best option is to just stop using K in the amounts that you have been because believe me when I say that K-pains are worse than getting stabbed and are totally not worth the short-lived high of ketamine. If you don't stop you do risk permanent damage that, in the worst of cases, will require removal of your bladder surgically which is a life-long consequence of something you chose to do as a youngster.

Just be safe and if you keep having the same problem just give up Ketamine all together or you 're going to become a statistic.