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Blackout Stories

for some reason, when i opened this thread, i expected it to be a little bit more light-hearted so i'm going to attempt to give it some levity here.

back in 2009, my 18 year old self felt like binging on some xanax. i took 16mg and promptly blacked out. when i awoke the next morning, i was relieved that i actually made it home and into my bed. anyways, i checked my phone and quickly realized i had lived out quite the adventure.

i split from the friends i popped the pills with and was promptly picked up by a caravan of girls from my high school after i told them that i knew where we could get some weed. there were 7 of us packed into a ford focus, so i imagine i must've felt pretty awesome in that moment. so now we start our harrowing journey to the dealer's house. although he only lived a mile down the road, this apparently took multiple hours because i clearly couldn't have been explaining the directions properly haha. we finally get there and for some reason, even though i had gotten weed of this guy many, many times, i told them it was 10 bucks a gram when it was actually 20. of course, he didn't notice and couldn't get ahold of me for the rest of that night. our driver, was this girl who, for some odd reason, didn't mind driving all of us around while she was sober, ended up paying him the extra 10 bucks early the next morning, of course out of fear lol. i felt pretty bad about that. but yeah, basically we just smoked a blunt and drove around for hours. i apparently was the life of the party and ended up getting involved with one of the girls, even though the relationship blew up shortly thereafter. all-in-all, it was pretty cool and people still bring up the time where i was obliterated on xanax and got picked up by a car full of hot chicks. just wish i could remember it hahaha.
i blacked out in the bath of all places when i plugged 150mg of mxe, i think my sister found me as well, pretty fkd up

really happy i didnt drown or something
My old roommate was coming over for something & I got shitfased the night before. I stopped at the store that morning & got some more booze. I pass out before noon. When I wake up, it's about 8pm, middle of winter, I'm on the front porch without a coat on & am fucking freezing. Go right to bed & sleep. I wake up the next morning, figure oh well, he didn't come by, whatever. Then when I go to the kitchen I see two rigs & a fair shot of heroin still in a spoon. I think, well, I guess he did come by after all; he & the gf musta shot up while I was asleep & for some reason he didn't wake me.


I log into my online banking, noticing there's a charge from the day before for about $70 at the grocery store. Turns out I met him, we each picked up a point of dope from our guy & in the process of doing that, I piss in the parking lot of the local grocery store in broad fucking daylight. We get back to the house & each get off.

Fuck it--I didn't get arrested & had dope for when I woke up.
I had a great day of blacking out a couple months ago. On about .5g of some serious H and a few Xanax (Surgeon General's Warning: Mixing opiates and benzos is a bad idea, if you mix opiates and benzos there is a risk of possible death, throwing up, having a bad time and falling asleep in the mall). Was going on a date and we were going to go to the mall get dinner take in a movie and just generally hang out. Ended up getting "primed" with a few good rails of H and half a bar. Got to the mall feelin good and decided to do the other half of the bar and a few more lines of H. After that the rest of the night pretty much went ........ *wake up* "oh hey sweet I got a new D&D manual! .......... "mmmm the pretzel is delicious" ...nod...nod.... oh hey we're at the theater now you pick the movie I can't focus my eyes anyway ....???... Aparently the movie was about some kids at a vampire school or something I'm 99% sure I was "awake" for the whole thing but basically just stared at the screen not comprehending any of it. Got some coffee went home. I really only remember about 30 mins or so out of a 5 hour adventure.
1 bottle of liquor in I decided it was a good idea to pop 400mics LSZ AND 600mics 1PLSD. I put aside 4 diclazepam pellets (can't remember the dose, but later figured out it was way too much) "for when I can't handle the trip anymore". At some point I must have taken them because the following morning they were gone.
I remember laying down on the living room floor cause it felt nice at that time. From there on all memory is lost untill I wake up, still on the floor, my daughter standing next to me wondering why I'm sleeping on the living room floor.
I have some scribblings that should have been my TR, and as the hours advance, the writing gets worse to the point where there's not a single readable sentence.
If only I knew what the hell happened...
I remember I was really keen on this chick. She went to jail the day after our second date.

So two months later she gets out and we get fucked up and I dunno why I thought ambien was a good ides, I don't but we did some. The last thing I remember was putting my dick in her and putting her in the buck.

So yeah she left me a note "had fun, yo you sleepwalked after we went to sleep, call you after work" and put it next to me on the floor.

I ended up dating her so nbd but yo it was confusing waking up facedown on the floor cuz it went from sex to that in an instant and I don't remember much at all. She had sexy underwear and probably wanted it to be special but it was still just sex, I just don't remember much of it.

Honestly that wasn't the first time I blacked out during sex.

One time I was all fucked up on K and some girl I wad just friends with came by and rode my dick why I was k-holing. That wasn't cool and I asked her to stop but yeah if it had been the other way around and a man did that to a woman it would have been straight up rape. I didn't let her inside and I didn't consent but I threw her a pity fuck a few years back.

I wasn't about to call the cops and do they even make rape kits for dudes?

But yeah when I was younger I drank alot of liquor so there were a few times I didn't remember sex or fell asleep. Those were all with a woman I was sleeping eith already so nbd.
I think I shared this before, but I can't find it in this thread so I'll re-share.

The year was 2012. I was working, volunteering, and taking microbiology at the local university as a continuing education credit. Way too much for my fragile slacker self to ever handle. Earlier in the day I had severely fucked up one of the first labs of the year, on top of quickly falling behind in the class (I've never been the most studious of pupils). What did I need to do? That's right, drink drink and drink some more! I had already escaped a VERY close call with the cops a week or two prior when I was banjo'd to the max and driving around after drinking, trying to roll blunts in public parks. Had to bike everywhere for a while since they impounded my whip. No deterrent to my behavior of course. Anyway, continuing on my ever-present need for self destruction and wanting to forget I ever learned the words petri and dish, I got super duper hammered, burlington bar hopping with my tank of a friend. He's been in rehab for maybe 3 years now. Or he's dead, I don't know anymore. I hope not.

Getting to the end of the story, I got so blackout drunk I managed to do two things that I to-this-day find impressive:

1) I managed to destroy a wall mounted towel rack in my bathroom without waking anyone else in the house. Maybe the towels acted as silencers?
2) I managed to destroy a Nokia 2100. I was SO PISSED not because I broke it, but because I couldn't figure out HOW THE FUCK YOU BREAK ONE OF THOSE. I think if I could have any blackout memory back, it would be HOW DID I BREAK THAT FUCKING PHONE?

Bonus story, once I got blackout drunk while on klonopin and fell down a very long flight of stairs, yet woke up uninjured and of course with no memory of it. presumably due to being so relaxed from the banjos. That one I found really funny, my mother however did not.
Oh yeah edibles.

I passed out at a dss meeting. Still got whatever I went there for but man was some chick mad st me after, kinda forgot about her too.
Ok, so blackout stories. I NEVER had one of these in my life up until a few weeks ago. Not even from all the drinking I did as a late teenager/early 20s drinker. I’ve never been much of a hard drinker or much of a drinker at all, and even when I’ve gotten purely shitfaced, I always remember everything that’s gone down. A few weeks ago, I had an evening of snorting some coke with a friend and to aid with the come down, I took a half of a green “Xanax bar” I use that in quotes because it was definitely NOT a real Xanax bar. I’ve been taking Xanax for years and it has never made me forget things and black out. I took one full bar. I started feeling loopy, stumbling around my apartment. I insisted I was fine to drive and gave my friend a ride home. Pulling out of my own driveway, I crashed my car into this shitty old fence and messed up my whole front bumper area by the tire. 😒🙄 Got my friend home ok, got back home ok, and then whatever the f this bar was, was really kicking in more. I’m stumbling all over, knocking shit off my tables and counter, and for some reason that I absolutely CANNOT explain because this sounds absolutely disgusting… I took the cup of hamburger/bacon fat that sits by my sink, you know after you strain out the fat you have the fat cup… well for some reason, on whatever that drug was, I decided it was necessary for me to take the fat out of that FULL teacup of meat fat and STUFF IT IN MY POCKET and then go pass out in my room. I woke up and the only stuff I could remember is everything I’ve posted here… I don’t exactly remember taking the fat from the cup and putting it in my pocket, but the cup was empty and when I woke up thinking WTF is this smell and wtf is all over my bed etc ? I did some detective work and that’s what I found. Clearly, that pill was some pressed who the eff knows what, and maybe the mix with the coke and just the fact that I took a whole one, and then probably, honestly, another whole one.. just messed me up beyond being able to remember, but I’ve since taken pieces of those “Xans” and I don’t feel the same way as when I take a football or a real legit from the pharmacy xan bar. Wild. Any insights as to what the eff could’ve made me react like that? Either way, I thought it was a pretty weird/funny/messed up story. My insurance is fixing my car thankfully, I’m sure my rates will go up eventually, but for now I got accident forgiveness. Blamed it on ice in my driveway, of course. 🤣😏
Blackout story huh? Well.. I can’t promise you anything because I just relapsed and injected two syringes into each arm of (( not going to mention how high of an amount because I don’t want to be judged and in this case doesn’t matter at the moment )) or maybe it does but ultimately might lead to my demise.

Wow.. just wow. I’m not high but I am not sober or I am sober. All I can say is the meth quality has gone to shit. This new method the cartels are using is garbage, and I’m seriously disappointed at my actions and with myself.. I don’t even know. I have to call someone.

I have to go you guys but real quick.. for my own piece of mind. If I call the suicide hotline does it affect my medical records? Like will they cut me off from certain medications that I absolutely need ?