• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Black tea vs. green tea?

It's the opposite for me AppleCore. I find green tea to be soothing and calming in a way, and have sometimes fallen asleep from drinking a lot of it. But black tea if I drink a lot of it gets me wired. It's not as strong as drip brewed coffee or yerba mate but if I have a low caffeine tolerance and drink a very strong black tea like English or Irish breakfast, or Earl Grey I get pretty wired from it. I also like oolong tea and white tea. I also enjoy rooibos, chamomile, and other herbs too.
Stash makes a decaf chai that's just as good as the regular. I like having it on cold winter nights when I don't want caffeine.
jwallace - stash black chai is my absolute fav tea. the green chai is not bad either :)

I'm not familiar with that flavor. I think the flavors I've tried so far are...Ginger Peach, Mango Passionfruit, Earl Grey, Chai Spice, Licorice Spice, Chamomile, Premium Green and I'm sure a few others but I can't think of any at the moment.

My favorites are the Ginger Peach and the Chai Spice. Chamomile and Licorice Spice are good too. The Licorice Spice flavor is good after a meal, it has a strange acquired taste to it but it's definitely good with some honey and a tiny bit of sugar.
I have been drinking lots of Jasmine tea lately. Evidently, it is green tea which has been scented with jasmine flowers. It is lovely. A splash of cream... just perfection.
Sounds rather nice, the red tea I usually drink has dehydrated blood orange in it, that with the natural taste makes it just perfectly bitter tart. :)
Occasionally, I will brew rooibos in whole milk and drink a cup before bedtime because of the dreams that tryptophan induces. It works well (because rooibos contains no caffeine) and is so yummy!
That sounds yum. I'll have to try it sometime soon, being that I usually have issues sleeping anyway, and if it happens to help it would be a whole lot nicer than my current solution. And at the worst it will just taste good. ;)
I'm a complete caffeine addict, so when I maintain via tea, I slam large volumes. I've found green tea to be a bit of a calmer, nicer buzz, but mate is nice, as the 'alternative' xanthines are a bit 'smoother'.

Gotta be honest, I feel rather silly for never hearing of "Red" tea before. How does it compare to Black and Green? May seem like a silly question but are there any other color-type's of tea, maybe a Blue tea? ;)

I'm a simple one cup of tea in the morning kind of person. Sometimes I barely drink it to be honest, half the time while waiting for it to cool down I usually forget about it and only remember as soon as I take a surprising cold sip of tea.

I usually just put some honey in my tea but lately I've been adding sugar as well for the mornings. I'm gonna try and take that out though, I try to limit my intake of sugar for health reasons. Plus I can't imagine it's very good for my teeth, which I've been trying to take better care of as well.
I think you will be able to acquire a taste for tea without sugar / honey. Personally, black tea (as in black coffee, additive free) is my preference. There's something very beautiful about being able to taste the pure, unadulterated essence of the camellia sinensis leaf (or whatever herb you like to brew).
indeed. i won't even consider putting anything in that mug/pot alongside my loose leaves besides hot water.
I think you will be able to acquire a taste for tea without sugar / honey. Personally, black tea (as in black coffee, additive free) is my preference. There's something very beautiful about being able to taste the pure, unadulterated essence of the camellia sinensis leaf (or whatever herb you like to brew).

There's something very satisfying about just tasting pure tea with nothing added. I used to always sweeten my tea until I was in Japan for a few months, where adding sugar to tea would be sacrilege. It's really interesting how different types of tea are very respected in traditional cultures all over the world whether it's green/black tea, mate, rooibos, tulsi, etc.
Haven't had black tea for years, green tea is my favourite by far
I've not been hitting the teas much lately. Black tea and milk with sugar is nice. Green tea is an aqquired taste, jasmine tea is usually 99%green tea and CUT with jasmine. I get bulk jasmine.

DONT BUY SUPERMARKET BRANDS UNLESS THEY ARE REDUSED TO A STUPID PRICE. If you want quality online or tea specialists are good. Try Chinese supernarkets here I got akilo IIRC of jasmine for £5-£10

Now one brand Dr*something I forget had Green tea (JAPANESSE) and it was an amaazing tea - best ever. There is a big diff in jap+chinese

Go futher and make an ice cold drink, hard to master but you can steep leaves into a pint of almost boiled water, add honey or sugar and maybe"
I am a devotee of yerba mate. I buy it by the kilo from amigofoods.com. I am going to sound like a shill here but they have a huge selection of mate from all countries in South America and it's very reasonably priced. It's definitely an acquired taste but I enjoy it, very earthy. It also gives a much cleaner boost of energy than any other tea I have yet had the pleasure of drinking. Rooibos is my other tea. It's non caffeinated so together we make a good threesome.

guayusa tea

I've never heard of this and it sounds worth investigating. Thanks.