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Dissociatives Big & Dandy Ketamine Thread 4: I was filled with the Holey Spirit

After taking ketamine many times i have not had a single bad experience ,apart from feeling anxious when combining it with cannabis and being sick once from having too much while already very drunk and stoned. It makes me feel detached from worries, not in a state where I might end up dwelling on them and has never caused hallucinations or the "thought loops" that can make weed unpleasant for me sometimes. I have also found it easy to dose correctly (assuming its all I'm taking lol). I've never gone into a k-hole though so all i can comment is some people have told me they loved it, others they hated it.
i LOVE me some k. imo/ime its very fun, and funny. i literally cannot stop giggling after doing some bumps. but after doing enough the hole can get real weird, although i always end up having a great time.
I meant polarizing as in most people have a love/hate relationship with it, not as in it induces bipolar disorder.
^ I know, I just thought it was funny the way those two posts were juxtaposed. :)
I plan on doing K in the near future, how much is too much in a day. What is the ld-50? Would it be safe to go through 250mg in a day, I've heard of it doing weird stuff to your bladder that's why I ask? Sorry for jacking the thread.
Would it be safe to go through 250mg in a day

Yes, you can even go through more than that if you want to.

I've heard of it doing weird stuff to your bladder that's why I ask?

Bladder/kidney problems are only a worry in heavy/long-term abuse, so long as you stay far away from addictsville, and only visit the drug on occasion, there's no worry.
The only problem with K (for me) is that my brain always thinks it'll be awesome to do it when I get drunk. Before I get drunk, I think, "No K tonight, can't handle the hangover," and then I get drunk and inevitably it's, "Hey, taking some K right now would be an awesome idea!" Worst hangovers I've ever had have been from combining k and alcohol, even at low doses of each. Dehydration sickness. It's usually a good time for an hour or two, but nothing useful comes of it, and I usually have almost no memory of the experience.

That's the reason K is best in combo with a serotonergic psychedelic, I can retain the experience much better. One of my most profound and euphoric tripping moments came on a combo of mushrooms and ketamine, while peaking on both, listening to Israel Kamakawiwoʻole's "Somewhere over the Rainbow," and I remember it very much more vividly than anything I've ever done on K alone. It also can lower paranoia while allowing really deep trips because you can take a lower dose of the psychedelic and then "dip" deeper into the rabbit hole with the K, while knowing that if the effects are overwhelming they'll be stabilized within the hour. Really interesting audio distortions from that combination.
I love ketamine. The only issues I have with it so far is the quick tolerance build-up and that slim margin between "recreational party drug" and "not quite k-hole/your hands and arms feel tranquilized/you trance out every 2 seconds"

Accidentally did that at a rave one time. Took a bump, thought I was good to take another one a bit later but it apparently wasn't quite time yet. Spent the next 30 minutes aimlessly wandering the festival grounds while my limbs felt all numb and floaty. It was not at all unpleasant, just not sought after when I had friends I was supposed to be tagging along with. They lost me several times during that half hour lol.
I had a brief fling with K lasting for a few months some years ago. My first experience with it was in a flat full or strangers after a rave while mashed on loads of E's (I usually did 5 in 5 hours) and speed base. After a while, some of them started talking about getting some K and as I had never tried it, I handed over some cash to a guy, I'll call Matt then he and most of the people disappeared to score leaving me with the flat owner and a few fairly young people. Ages went by and I became convinced that they were all sat in some flat doing all my K but when they finally did get back, it turned out that there had been so many people there they didn't even get it out which was a relief.

Anyway, Matt racked up some fat lines and it all gets a bit hazy after that. I think people around me were trying to communicate with me but I'm not sure if they had much luck. I vaguely remember saying to a woman sat opposite me "Hey you've really got to try this, it's really good" to which she replied "but I'm only 15" which was pretty fucked up as she was only a year older than my "little girl" was at the time though I was barely able to comprehend it. The same thing happened another couple of times because I kept forgetting it had happened. I remember I kept looking at the clock at intervals but the time didn't change. My sense of time was shot away. After a few hours everyone piled out leaving me with the flat owner and Matt.

While I was sat pinned to the chair, the other two were up and about and pretty active. At one point I remember staring at Matt's boots and they started to grow bigger while Matt grew smaller till it was just a huge pair of boots with a little man wearing them which looked really funny. Matt left after a while and I wasn't capable of making it to the front door so I stayed till about nine AM when I got kicked out. Some more shit happened but I won't bore you with it. Walking was really difficult as my legs kept giving way but I slowly stumbled home. Crossing the main road in high season was pretty scary.


I holed one other time after that though I was mixing it with hash which made me feel pretty ill and didn't enjoy it one bit. I most enjoyed smoking it (I know it's really bad for you're lungs) because it was the only way I could control the dosage well enough as I really didn't enjoy it once I started to lose control and the duration was really short which suited me just fine. Sprinkling a bit in a spliff with some hash was really nice too. I tried raving on it once (combined with loads of speed) with small doses wrapped in tissue and bombed at regular intervals and had a brilliant time. I crashed a small beach gathering on K after bumping into someone with some to sell around that time and made a total arse of myself. It still makes me cringe thinking about it. I recently picked up the pin and as K IV should have a similar duration to smoking, combined with my digi scales, it should allow me to enjoy it with complete control so I will probably try it that way one day when the time seems right.

Ramble ramble :)

EDIT - One effect of K which I never hear mentioned but would probably of interest to prospective users is how K removes your ability to see in 3D. Your field of vision becomes a 2D image so everything merges together. Objects in the foreground merge with things in the background so you can't tell where one object ends and another one starts creating some interesting hallucinations.
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K is one of the most fun drugs ive ever tried, amazing stuff. MDMA + K is awesome. i wonder what MDMA + K + N,N,DMT would be like
Not sure what it's like with MDMA involved; but my favorite drug combination ever was LSD + Ketamine + DMT + nitrous oxide; just ketamine with DMT is nice too.. Not sure what MDMA would add to such an experience as I have no experience with that but DMT does tend to sort of overpower the other drugs (except the nitrous, and ketamine does leave an influence to the DMT trip).

Ketamine is pretty much the drug I did most, naerly daily for the past year and total experience is over three and a half years; I'm kind of addicted (although right now I dó only use in the weekends) to it, even days I'm not on it I nearly constantly think about it... I've had some of the best experiences on it, boosts to creativity, wonderful k-holes, it's so serene.. my only true addiction. I accepted that though; I wouldn't want a life without it, but I have to keep the usage down or it wíll eventually cost me my bladder, not to mention commonly happening k-cramps if I use daily (tolerance goes up a lot faster then it goes down, although it dóes go down).

I'm going to stop posting about ketamine now, it makes me want it too much and it's only whensday :p
ketamine in the evening, alcohol at night

I searched in the forum and I coudlnt find information on this.

ill try ketamine tomorrow in the evening for the first time (nasal) and most likely will go out at night and get wasted. Is it dangerous???


It's probably best to wait a few hours after you use ketamine. K and alcohol will potentiate each other and you are liable to get a lot more wasted than you "normally" would with ketamine in your system.

Depending on the dose of K you do and the timing, you may find it best to reduce consumption of alcohol. OTOH, If you wait for ~3 hours after doing K (or ~1 hour for very small doses) most of the effects will have work off and you won't have to worry.
as long as you keep the doses of ketamine low and wait an hour or two after you'll be fine. Drink slowly to make sure you don't get too drunk. Personally I find that having a couple drinks and a tiny bump of ketamine is perfect for a night out. They potentiate eachother quite nicely. But there have definitely been times where I was dumb and did too much of both... theres a very fine line you can cross.
Cooking ketamine!

how much miligrams of ketamine would a 20ml bottle of ketamine yield???
Read the label.

Normally ketamine comes as either 50 or 100mg/ml solutions. The label on the bottle will say how strong it is.
there are rumours of ketamine being cut with ephedrine (see e.g. this thread. is there any sense in them? what makes ephedrine a convenient choice as a cutting agent for ketamine? is it perhaps a byproduct of some synthesis? or maybe for some chemical reasons beyond my understanding ketamine plus ephedrine forms nice crystals...?