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Big and Dandy Salvia Scraps

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Salvia is great and all, but I'm posting to warn you that your signature is a VERY BAD IDEA!
Not only is it forbidden to ask for sources and illegal drug connections here, but you are asking for trouble with cops and whoever.
--- G.
Ok, well, sorry for violating the rules and stuff... I'm a changed man now, I swear :)
So, is anybody gonna respond to this topic or not?
I didn't answer the question about combos. I had some realt strange ones mixing Salvia divinorum with 2C-T-7. The report is at erowid. Very strange and powerful. I don't actually recommend anyone do it. That was as close to true insanity I've ever been.
I had an absolutely amazing and life-changing experience this New Year's when I mixed Salvia, Foxy, LSA, and marijuana. The report is somewhere in the trip report forums.
Once a while ago I smoked some 5x extract while tripping on a strong dose of LSD... It was a time in my life when I was pushing limits and I would not recommend it at all..

I was with a small group of friends at a beach house and dropped the acid late in the afternoon... It was a overcast evening and the night was setup for a mild storm.. after the trip progressed and after smoking a few spliffs for some insane reason I though salvia might be interesting.... So we walked down to the beach in complete darkness under a heavy sky and in a continous light rain.. we sat down on some sand dunes and smoked... Myself then one other friend...

I have little recollection of the actual experiance other then the sense that I was absorbing the rain into my body.. The salvia prikles sensation mixing into the rain drops falling onto my body.. The feeling was most unpleasent and I could not "end" the salvia trip in the usual manner..The peak drew out into reality..

According to what they saw, I laughed crazily for a while the suddenly stop looked directly up and made the exact sound of the dregs of water being sucked down a drain..

After this my friend entered his salvia world and promptly screamed and attacked any naked flame in the area grabing candles and lighters, once disposing of them he rain off into the light bushland behind the beach... He didn't come back for a while even after much calling.. When he came back he told us of his fear of the flame and intensely yelled at us and said we had to leave this place and go back to the house.. Other then a few more intense converastions we walked sightly back to the house to deal with the a trip that was spiraling downwards..

"Fear tastes like alluminium foil" -salvia revalation
yes mate there are.

Music. I think that music paves the way for a perfect setting. The high I was on in my mates house with some quality proggy trance playing was amazing. Look out for stuff with an Eastern tip to it. It sounds well good on salvia. It made me feel like a part of the mexicans who have used salvia for years. Obviously I know this isn't true. Its just the psychdelic side of things but it felt good.:)

Hemstock & Jennings Feat. John '00' Fleming - Nazarean
Maurice & Noble feat. Jane Hadley - Faith Delivers (Union Main Room Mix)
Paris & Sharp - Aphrodite (Tarrentalla & Redanka Mix)
Way out west - the fall (bedrock mix)
Godwithin - raincry

Listen to these tracks, they are really good! really underground feel to them, sounds great on salvia!
Ahh, the placebo effect. Some things are altered by what you think may happen. Sometimes it may be because you spend alot of time on doing things other have done to get the same effect - such as reading about people looking at posters of fish and see them swimming, so you spend alot of time while your tripping looking at the fish and seeing them swimming.

Messed Up
That's why i want to see results of research on dmt/salvia on ppl who haven't heard about others experiences to see if they still have simular one, for example entities
ideas like a collective unconscious seems silly considering your dna is set at birth and therefore you cannot transfer your memories to future generations

The theory doesn't necessarily contain 'memories', more like information, instinctual knowledge, archetypes etc.
It's quite plausable that certain information is contained within all humans....
I think salvia comes on so hard and quick, you really have no say on how to aproach your trips no control whatsoever and enp up conrnerd and stuck in a trip you have no clue wtf is real and whats not. Its a wierd reality and not really an interactive drug at all.
Is salvia a true psychedelic drug?

Do you regard Salvia divinorum as a true psychedelic drug? I even find cannabis more psychedelic than salvia, since "effects mostly appear" in a dream-like condition after ingesting salvia. I know this is just playing with words but salvia is a "dreamadelic" drug for me.
I take it you have never had a breakthough experience. Salvia is most definatly "truely" psychadelic for me. Not only did it produce the most intense visuals of my life but it left me with amazing insights that I still have not forgotton today. Compared to shrooms and LSD where I throw away my insights basicly. I realize how foolish they were when I was sober. I have only had one breakthough experience also.

Please elaborate on what you mean by dream-like condition. I didn't feel like I was dreaming at any point during the trip. I knew I was awake. I was sent out of this reality into a scary altered dimension. My whole purpose during the trip was to get back to "my" reality.
Salvia grabbed me by the balls and tossed me into a seething cauldron of psychedelia. I was crawling around on the floor in desperation as the world flooded into my brain at a pace I could not stand. I saw vivid hallucinations and for a time lost the distinction between having my eyes open or closed - it didn't seem to matter much.

So, yeah - I would call it a proper psychedelic - by any definition :)

--- G.
And here I thought this was going to be a discussion of Kappa opioid antagonists.
I separate hallucinogens in these basic catagories and sub-catagories. To me, psychedelics are drugs that induce kaleidoscopic visuals, though the term actually means "mind manifesting." This could put many things into this catagory, but in order for me to organize things into my own mind and describe them to others, I use the term psychedelic as I have described.

True psychedelics:


-Ergot type alkaloids
LSA compounds

-Tryptamines (some have little psychedelic effect)

Psychedelic Amphetamines:


There are more catagories that I could venture but my point is that Salvia does not seem to fit into any of those catagories, nor is it a compound similar to any other known hallucinogen.
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Oh hell yes it's a hallucinogen.
Anyone who says its not has not had a breakthrough.
It has put my most intense shroom trip to shame.
I only smoked salvia once and agree that it is defintiely a hard core hallucinogen. One lousy bong load and I saw and felt my body ripped into particles that started swirling around the room. This was with my eyes open. Scary sh*t. Havent tried it again since.
Now I just do low dosages of shrooms/LSD for visuals effects. Salvia is just too damn strong. Not very recreational.
There are more catagories that I could venture but my point is that Salvia does not seem to fit into any of those catagories, nor is it a compound similar to any other known hallucinogen.

Okay, according to your findings maybe not, but I'm saying salvinorin a is a psychedelic. Salvinorin a is a potent kappa opioid receptor agonist which produces effects which can be considere psychedelic. It does not act on the 5ht2a receptors as most psychedelics you described above, but on a whole different receptor, this does not mean it isn't a psychedelic.
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And here I thought this was going to be a discussion of Kappa opioid antagonists.

I heard somewhere, and now i can't find the god damn link, that the kappa opioid system was shown to be active during near death experiences.

Anyone have any links for this or info? I'll post if i find anything, interesting hm?
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