Best Wishes and Blessings to You All...(please read)


Oct 25, 1999
The following is a copy of a letter I sent to all my mailing lists and NetFriends a few minutes ago...and I'd like to extend it to my family here at Bluelight:
I just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a very joyous and happy holiday season. I'm realizing that with each passing year of my life, Time does not slow down and His lessons become more brutal with age. It is my hope that everyone who reads this will take a few moments to reflect on all the benefits and joys that you already have in your life and give thanks.
In my short 26 years I've already lost my Father to cancer, 2 friends to AIDS, another friend to suicide and worst of all, I lost myself this year. They say that solitude brings out the worst in you, and I'm learning the hard way that it does. I have also learned, however, that we can always
choose to rise above our pain and our sorrow. Due in great part to the Underground and our music, I'm rebuilding the strength necessary to get back on my feet (and this time with pride). The love and support you've all shown me (in one form or another) proves to me that Life's pleasures are most potent in their most minimal states. Please take this email as my personal Thank You note to you all.
So please...the next time you see people kvetching over somebody else's choices or actions(regardless of what), remember that all thing being equal, the majority of people in this world are always trying their personal best to be decent. Also remember, that no matter how much we preach or
pontificate, we can only change our OWN thoughts and behaviors. In the new
millenium, please try to be more forgiving and accepting of those who upset or annoy you. We don't have to be everybody's friend...we just need to respect each other enough to remember that Life is too short to try and get in somebody else's way. We all walk our own paths for a reason. Make the
most out of yours and always give thanks for what you already have in your life despite those things you are still aspiring to achieve.
Many warm and heart-felt hugs to you all.
Love and Blessings,
Jim SeKoch
Boppity, you're showing such humble strength by sending this out to your friends. I wish more of us could realise the truth in your words. One sentence struck me the most:
"remember that all thing being equal, the majority of people in this world are always trying their personal best to be decent."
Tolerance is something I don't have a lot of but your words have reminded me of the importance of such a quality.
I wish you a joyous Christmas and a happy, and safe, New Year.
miss apple (with a tear of two in her eye)
BIG <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>> to Boppity,
that was very inspirational. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Merry Christmas and Best of the New Year to you!
and as always:
Wow Bobbity,
Although I've been rolling for more than a decade, I'm new to BlueLight. I stumbled across it by accident about 2 months ago and I found my self drawn to this wonderful online community that seems so kind, nurturing and tolerant.
I was really touched by your taking the time to share your heartfelt holiday message...I am so happy that despite tragedy and some difficult turns in the road, you continue to perservere and see the good in others. In the end, love is all there is.
Like you, I hit some rough bumps in the road the last few years and went to some very dark places. I came back into the light with the passage of time and alot of love from my friends. At one of the darkest moments, a friend brought me over a CD by LightHouse Family with the song "HIGH" and told me to play it over and over again until the message sunk in. I don't know if you are familiar with it, but I thought I would share the lyrics with you and other BlueLighters. (Forgive my indulgence) It is one of the most uplifting songs I ever heard and it helped me smile when I thought I had forgotten how to do it.

When you're close to tears remember
One will all be over
One day we're going to get so HIGH
Though it's darker than December
What's ahead is a different color
One day we're going to get so HIGH...
At the end of the day remember the way
We stayed so close to the edge
And wondered how we made it through the night
At the end of the day remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
Cause we are gonna be
Forever you and me
We'll always keep it flying high in the sky
Of Love
Don't you think it's time we started
Doing What we've always wanted
One day we're going to get so HIGH...
Cause even the impossible
Seems easy...when we've got each other
One day we're going to get so HIGH...
At the end of the day remember the way
We stayed so close to the edge
And wondered how we made it through the night
At the end of the day remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
Cause we are gonna be
Forever you and me
We'll always keep it flying high in the sky
Of Love.
Keep smiling...keep loving...keep seeing the good in everyone. Nothing is impossible..when we've got each other. Lots of love to you and all the BlueLighters now and in the coming Millenium. - Chris
Sometimes you can see THE LIGHT
In the strangest of places
If you look at it RIGHT

thanks to jim, and everyone else who added to thsi warm post. may everyone's holidays be joyful, happy times to remember.
Hey Miss Apple,
Yeah, HIGH never fails to make me smile ear to ear...i'm glad this song makes you smile too...I'ts the ultimate loving rolling song, i think...
PLUR to you and all who know how to love
Thank you for your wishes
The same to you my friend!
It amazes me how someone's life, someone I don't even know can be so familiar. From these past two decades I have experienced and learned more than I hope others have to in their entire lives. We are not given more than we can deal with but its how we choose to cope that shapes us into who we will become. The things which have been endured are sacred. Pain is a great teacher. It is to be respected. That is from which we grow.
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for what you said! Miss Apple, I love you girl!!!!!! *HUGS*
Pegasus, you brought up a very good point. Pain and loss are important because they always ensure that we will never forget the past and our love for family/friends. I really appreciate what you said! *HUGS*
Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts with me!
Love and Hugs to EVERYONE!
PS - I owe you all some wicked-ass lightshows!

I cant believe you people. You are so great. Boppity, you brought tears to my eyes--for real. I can relate to every word you wrote. Life is a bitch sometimes. But there are so many things that are good in it...its all a circle. Im sitting here trying to explain how i feel but i cant put it in words nearly as good as you did boppity. Love. Love is our saviour. Keep the love and hold it close forever, for when everything falls and we all go down (as we all do at some points), it will save us. You bluelighters are great.
You guys have reminded me why I was drawn to Bluelight to begin with. Wow. I love you all and wish you the best as we approach the new millenium. Big kisses to everyone.