Best way to od on vikes?

Telling you how to kill yourself doesn't fit under HR. I will say that dying from an acetaminophen overdose (the main ingredient in vicodin) is probably one of the worst ways to go. And that's provided you actually die. You very well could survive and end up with severe liver damage.
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Maybe you could write a post here about why you are feeling this way? I'm sure a lot of people in this nice community could offer you some support and help you get through this rough time of your life. I'm curious as to why you feel this way. It's never the right thing to do.

And you will die from acetaminophen overdose far before you will die of hydrocodone. It's never the right choice to die by your own hand. There is nothing more selfish you could ever really do. I'm sure there are people who care a lot about you, even though you might not see it, and you would not only be ending your own life. You'll be devastating a lot of other people who care about you. Everyone has people who care. Just know that these feelings will pass and let me know if you need someone to talk to.
That was the entire question man how to not feel the acetaminophen. Swim says its the most peaceful high. Swim just insnt sure what to mix with it though.

Maybe you could write a post here about why you are feeling this way? I'm sure a lot of people in this nice community could offer you some support and help you get through this rough time of your life. I'm curious as to why you feel this way. It's never the right thing to do.

And you will die from acetaminophen overdose far before you will die of hydrocodone. It's never the right choice to die by your own hand. There is nothing more selfish you could ever really do. I'm sure there are people who care a lot about you, even though you might not see it, and you would not only be ending your own life. You'll be devastating a lot of other people who care about you. Everyone has people who care. Just know that these feelings will pass and let me know if you need someone to talk to.
Telling you how to kill yourself doesn't fit under HR. I will say that dying from an acetaminophen overdose (the main ingredient in vicodin) is probably one of the worst ways to go. And that's provided you actually die. You very well could survive and end up with severe liver damage.

Yeah man i know about acetaminophen. Oding on hydros depends on what else said person takes.
Nobody here is going to help you commit suicide, and Nuttynutskin is correct in that you don't want to overdose on acetaminophen which can do some very devestating and permanent damage. It's also very hard to commit suicide with pills and you are liable to end up surviving and having serious medical problems as a result - in short being in a much worse situation than you are already in.

I can relate to suicidal feelings as insuffered from a terrible addiction and mental health issues for years which resulted in me feeling suicidal for years. However, most things in life are temporary and feelings and situations change so while it feels bad now the possibility is always there that it will get better. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Please create a user account and respond to us. This site is anonymous. What's going on that is making you want to commit suicide?
OP, suicide seems like a great idea sometimes, but you can't take it back and I don't care if you think no one cares. Take a look at the replies you've gotten. I'm replying.
And if you survive your chosen method, expect the hospital staff to compound whatever problems are driving you towards suicide, whether treating you for an OD or liver damage. You'll be labeled an addict in their system and clinicians talk across health care systems. Besides, knowing how liver damage occurs is not that difficult.
You will be given less consideration even for obviously painful injuries because no clinician is willing to lose their license because you tell them they can trust you.
I had a friend who had tried to OD on Vicodin and failed. When his infected sinus burst at 5am of course he called me because he knew he would never be taken seriously. I had to throw doctors' names around just to get him seen. I had to pull a bigger one to get him a CT, which proved it happened and it looked awful. None of the doctors had even heard of it. As we looked at the images of his massive event, in walks some suit with his file and insurance type and says he's too high risk to treat. Too late chump.
Don't do this to yourself. Because despite what you think you're doing it to a lot of people.
^ some good points. I will add that friends and family will also treat you differently, those that continue to associate with you. You would think a suicide attempt would make your loved ones more compassionate but it tends to have the opposite effect. Some will treat you will disdain, some with suspicion, and some will be openly hostile. They will also try to withhold bad news, or sugar coat it to the point you don't have enough information which is horrible should there be an emergency with one of your loved ones. Everyone walks on egg shells not wanting to upset you.

The other issue with a failed attempt is that you're liable to be put in a mental institution temporarily so they can watch and treat you. Depending on how you respond you can be there anywhere from 48 hours to ?. Because you're a danger to yourself you will be forced to be there, you can't check yourself out. You will have to take whatever medications they force on you, and you won't be able to take what you may want to take. You're also liable to be cut off from pain meds if you take them regularly.

I'm not going to tell you that your situation will unequivocally get better, but whatever itngoing on it is temporary and life is always changing. Depression sucks and it's very easy to lose hope - I'm actually dealing with a major depressive episode myself right now. This past week I have had persistent thoughts of death. I hate it. I made an emergency appointment with my GP yesterday and saw him today so I could get a referral to my old shrink because there three therapists that deal with OCD in my area are booked so I'm hoping my old shrink (who knows me and my issues and history) can recommend somebody good. I don't feel like doing any of this, nor do I feel like telling some stranger my troubles but I can't seem to break the cycle myself so this is the only chance I have right now to change these horrible soul crushing feelings. I hate this depression and I hate this situation but I really don't want to die and I don't want to keep feeling this way (I quit smoking and it's triggered a horrible depression). I say all this to show you other ways to handle extreme negative feelings.

Even if your suicidal feelings are situational talking to professionals on your terms can help - nothing is worth ending your life over. This is temporary and will pass. Good luck!