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Opioids Best Things to Help with the Opiitch??


Apr 29, 2018
Out of Cyclizine (Marezine) AND Chlorphenamine (Chlorpheniramine) and I'm itchy as fuuuccckkkk.
I've even tried to reduce my opioid use to help mitigate it.
Diphenhydramine helps some people, as does promethazine, which is prescription. Chlorpheniramine is the only one that helps me, personally.
taking a hot shower stops the itch for me

hot water initially causes additional histamine release, but if you take a long enough shower, it depletes it and you're good for several hours afterwards
Diphenhydramine helps some people, as does promethazine, which is prescription. Chlorpheniramine is the only one that helps me, personally.

Promethazine is available OTC where I live.
Yeah, think I'll have to get some Chlorpheniramine from pharmacy tomorrow. Can't get my Cyclizine script til Wednesday.
I usually just "deal with it", but when it becomes unbearable I smoke a some weed. It doesn't negate the itching, it just makes it more bearable.

I'll have to try that shower thing sometime, @Snafu in the Void , how long do you usually shower for when doing this?
Have you ever itched the itch to resolve the itch?

My favorite thing to do on opiates is scratch the itchy sites as they pop up randomly all over until the effects fade with the itchiness as well. I've enjoyed scratching myself so much sometimes that I've visibly caused scratch marks to appear anywhere the itching attacks the most. If being a junkie is not enhanced by itching yourself like you have fleas when ppl aren't around you, then I'm sure someone on methadone daily also takes something additionally to negate the itch entirely.

The itchiness does not make people comfortable in public once they spot someone scratching all over frantically nearby them. The passive aggressive stares makes it hard to scratch away in public spaces. That was always one downside to being a raging pill junkie. Besides the money you lose after being a junkie for years and years. Normal people not on drugs do not like seeing someone itching themselves too much even more than they hate opiates. The glares make me afraid to itch again until ppl's eyes look elsewhere.