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Opioids Best Things/Meds to Help with Opiitch?


Apr 29, 2018
Sooo friggin' itchy rn.
What would you guys recommend? I have Cyclizine (Marezine) which sometimes helps.
I use benadryl, for allergies and it also helps me not itch( I am on Oxycodone and was on morphine) It helps to a certain point.
yea its benadryl, that is the answer. A histamine release causes the itch so any anti-histamine. I bet it will be benadryl though.
yea its benadryl, that is the answer. A histamine release causes the itch so any anti-histamine. I bet it will be benadryl though.
Buy the generic at the dollar store, if you are American. The drowsiness will eventually wear off. Just don't try using them recreationally, It ain't fun. People on BL have also said don't use them in excess during withdraw.
Yeah, try different ones if the initial drowsiness is an issue. Besides different people react differently to the same meds. Find the right anti histamine and if possible, save money and use generics with the same active ingredients.
good protip, or walmart, bottle of 100 for like 6 bucks. Were essential when tapering benzos and when I was on opiates I would always add a couple benadryl. (unless it was H, at the time it already had a benadryl cut). A couple times I went close to overboard; delerium is no good.

Diphenhydramamine is the chemical name of the active ingredient.

Promethazine is another (much overated) anti histamine.
Promethazine, benadryl and desolaratadine work for my opiate itch. These days i usually take desoloratadine because im afraid of the dementia risk with old antihistamines