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BEST SEX EVER: Was my weed laced or was it just really strong?

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Sep 5, 2016
"Was my weed laced or was it just really strong?"

I know this is a really common question and believe me I've scoured many forums to find out if it really was just strong weed. But no one as far as I can tell has had the same experience. I've pretty much ruled out it being laced with opiates as well.

Anyway, so I've been smoking weed recreationally for around 3 years however not often and it isn't until recently that I would smoke large amounts at one time. I'm thinking either it's just taken its time to kick in or it was laced with something else...? Hoping you guys can help me out...

Here's what happened:
My friends and I were heading to Boomtown festival (which is well known for its drug scene) so naturally we wanted to take some weed with us. Initially I was going to get some off my dealer however one of my guy friends said he had a colleague who would probably give him mates-rates. We asked for 80 pounds worth however the guy could only get 60 at such short notice so (weirdly) he gave it to us for free.

Over the three days at the festival I was the designiated roller and so I probably ended up smoking the most out of all of us. Pretty standard for me, just felt pretty chilled out and happy, nothing particularly dramatic. Then on the morning of last day we seemed to have loads left over and everyone else wasn't at the tent so I rolled 3 strong and fat spliffs while I waited for everyone to come back. Two friends returned, one of which was still monging out from ecstasy pills and ket the night before. We smoked two between the three of us thinking it would chill him out. My sober friend said it was the most stoned he'd ever been (he's a built up guy so doesn't usually feel anything) but put it down to the three-small-toke technique I showed him. The other friend however literally couldn't speak and went all floppy and slow, processing questions and answers seemed impossible and his speech was incredibly slurred. It felt a lot stronger than usual for me but nothing out of the ordinary for bud so we just put his reaction down to the fact he was still high from the night before.

That night however I smoked again before going out with a different group of friends and took another spliff with me. After I smoked it I literally felt like I was tripping out, it was night and yet it felt incredibly light. I only began to experience unusual side effects when we were in the middle of crowd, dancing. I was intensely paranoid that I couldn't hear the beat and that my body wasn't accurately moving in time. I'd be looking ahead of me one minute and the next i felt like I was falling to my left or my right even when I barely moved. I kind of felt like numbed, as if I wasn't really there. And if someone pushed passed me I would jump and feel like they were closer to me than they actually were. Paradoxically, this feeling would just suddenly switch and it would feel like I was really far away. It seemed it kind of messed with your perspective, like, everything kept switching up all the time. I ended up feeling a bit overwhelmed and had to sit down in the middle of the crowd. The effect of the vision switching was almost kind of trippy but it wasn't like I was hallucinating, I don't know, its kind of hard to describe. After a couple of hours though, the feeling of being dazed and slightly not in time with everything around me, seemed to fade and I went back to normal. No come down or anything.

Naturally, because it wasn't that strong an effect (although it was notably different), I didn't think much of it and just put it down to being really high combined with a strong imagination and picking up on everyone else around me being fucked.

While house sitting for my uncle last week, my boyfriend came to stay for 5 days, I mentioned in passing that I had a lot of weed left over from Boomtown and on the last night he asked me if we could smoke it. I said sure and proceeded to roll. It was only once I finished that he came to the decision that he didn't want to anymore which was kind of annoying as I'd wasted my time and potentially my weed, so I asked him if he minded if I still smoked it. He was fine with that so we sat outside undercover watching Narcos on Netflix. I smoked half the spliff and felt pretty chilled, then had a cigarette and finished it off. Very rapidly I began to feel really out of it, couldn't focus on the program as hard as I tried and struggled to answer questions. This seemed pretty normal. It was evening although not quite dark yet I remember imagining that it was morning time in some hot country like Spain and it felt like there were loads of exotic leafy plants around us. I was aware that I was imagining this and yet it felt super bright/warm and very real. My perception started to go and suddenly I had a lurching feeling in my stomach; I felt really anxious, one minute I would be looking at the program and the next I would turn to my boyfriend and the two felt like they were on two completely different planes, like completely disconnected from one another, as if I could only focus and take in one thing at a time and if I switched it would really surprise and shock me. I sat up immediately and said I felt really weird and could we go inside.

We ended up in the kitchen and I was bating out massively, everything was overwhelming and I felt like if I moved a little bit it was really jittery. He went outside to clear up our stuff and lock the door and I sat over the sink feeling sick. I felt terrified and didn't know what to do with myself, started having a bit of a panic and my heart was going really fast and so I tried to calm myself down. I remember desperately asking him to look up how to sober up because I couldn't focus long enough to work my phone and the combination of my moving finger and the screen made me feel like I was moving a thousand times over. I started getting really stressed out and we decided it was best if I lay down. After a painful walk upstairs which seemed like it took forever (my concept of time was hugely warped) and movement (including others as well as my own) freaked me out. Lying down in my room I felt better but couldn't bare his movement or mine so we just sat there for a bit listening to music. In the end we had to turn the music off because I couldn't focus on it and we tried cute animal videos but everything just moved too fast for me. When I sat up to get a drink of water it felt like I was moving a thousand times over, again and again really rapidly, like flashes of movement repeating themselves and almost felt tingly (usually this was overwhelming but sometimes it felt good) so we decided to stay put. He left to get some food and was gone a matter of minutes and while he was gone I felt very absent and disconnected from him - I called out a couple of times desperately wanting him to come back as it felt like hours. I got up while I was waiting for him and looked in the mirror, all colour was drained from my face (almost blueish) and one half of my body felt completely numb. Seeing myself made me feel better because I could see i was barely moving at all compared to what my mindset was telling me.

My boyfriend returned and we proceeded to lay down on my bed. I listened to my breathing and tried to ground myself by taking deep breaths (I think the blue tone in my face and feeling faint was more because I panicked as opposed to a side effect). I kind of felt better after doing this which was good. I had to lay on my back though because on my side I would feel a really intense pain on the upper side where my hip bent into my stomach. I tried to meditate the state of mind out but when I did it seemed to emphasise the feeling or perception 'switching'. I felt everything really intensely and I was acutely aware of pain/feeling I wouldn't normally pay attention to; like warmth, pressure, pain or pleasure. I got my boyfriend to spoon me and at first it felt good and protected and warm and then suddenly my perception switched to feeling crowded and trapped and I had to push him off. If I riggled my toes a little this felt really nice and I started kisses his neck to distract myself from how I was feeling.

I felt like my perception of where he started and he ended warped into one and I felt like I kept getting flashes of what he was feeling - as if that was where my perception was concentrated at that time. Like I wasn't really aware of anything else or maybe more that my surroundings were just blurred and I only could focus on that one thing but it kind of made it feel amazing. Almost like he was melting in my mouth when I was giving him head and the warmth from my his body and my mouth like dissolved into one? Not sure if that makes sense, pretty hard to explain. But the same thing happened when we had sex, L I T E R A L L Y blew my mind. Best sex of my life. I've had sex on MDMA before and this was so much more pleasurable and intense. I started off on top and I remember riding him really slowly (or it felt like it, but I was confused about my perception of time-like when I was dancing in the crowd and wasn't sure if I was moving to the beat) and I kept saying that I felt like warm melted butter and like we were melting into each other. Again, I had the concentrated perception thing where all I could focus on was that one particular feeling which made everything else kind of fall away and intensified the experience.

I'm someone who usually struggles to orgasm and I managed to cum four times and they were all prolonged rather than being something quick. I asked him to go on top so we flipped over and at first it was insanely pleasurable but then out of no where my perception did that thing where it flipped. At first I'd felt like he wasn't that close to me, and yet his body above mine felt safe, protective and loving, especially when I focused on the feeling of penetration. Then when, like a flick of a switch, my perception shifted, I was more aware of his proximity and it felt horrendously close, like a huge weight on top of me that gave me the paranoid feeling of being crushed. Incredibly intrusive - almost felt like I was being raped. I pushed him off - and turned to the wall and even that felt too close and intrusive. When a bit I felt normal and we had sex again which was amazing like before. Afterwards we lay in bed and cuddled a bit and I can recall really clearly looking up at him and thinking it looked like he was smiling down at me in a really loving way (which was kind of unusual for him) and then my perception switched and suddenly he looked really pissed off that I was so fucked and yet his expression didn't change. I stared at him really intently trying to work out how he was feeling but it literally just confused me even further. The other odd thing was that he got up to go shower and I remember thinking he looked literally so much more attractive and God like.

I'd say the most intense bit lasted for 2 hours where it was pretty terrifying and then another two of being able to manage it. Probably hit me pretty hard 5 mins after smoking it? The first time I assumed that it was just really strong weed but the second seemed to suggest to me that our weed might have been laced. The other thing that occurred to me was that at the festival, between the times that it felt like standard weed and when it made me go all weird, I actually lent my grinder to some boys camping near us. Is it possible they ground some other substance in there that there may have been remnants left of or do you think it was just really strong bud?

My friend had a look today and said it looked like normal bud (100% not synthetic), it didn't smell abnormal and there was no traces of anything unusual in the grinder.

If anyone has experienced something similar or knows what it could be I would love to know what this stuff was!
Pretty sure it wasn't an opiate because although I had the warm fuzzy feeling during sex I definitely wasn't chilled out or 'heavy'. Felt more trippy.
there's no way to be able to tell you if your weed was laced. it could be all in your head and usually is for the most part.

we get these questions a lot but their is never a true answer. i'm going to close this because we'd only be speculating.
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